Фильмы от Michelle Williams

Звездные воспоминания

Сэнди Бэйтса любит публика и боготворит критика, его фильмы популярны. Но его последняя работа продюсеров разочаровала: Сэнди устал смешить, у него странные отношения с двумя любовницами, он устал от вездесущих поклонников и жизнь все чаще кажется печальной, а не смешной.
Michelle Williams
She gamely jokes that she’d imagined a scene “more like Coney Island in the winter, or something out of Stardust Memories, with a dilapidated boardwalk and deserted beach.”
Фильмы от Michelle Williams
5 фильмов

Michelle Williams 5 Favorite Marilyn Monroe Performances

During the preparation to her role as Marilyn Monroe, Michelle Williams watched all the movies, read all the books and researched all the tapes with an iconic star. Here is a selection of 5 of Michelle's favorite Marilyn performances.
Michelle Williams
During the preparation to her role as Marilyn Monroe, Michelle Williams watched all the movies, read all the books and researched all the tapes with an iconic star. Here is a selection of 5 of Michelle's favorite Marilyn performances.
Фильмы от Michelle Williams

За бортом

Джоанна Стейтон — властная, заносчивая и несговорчивая жена самоуверенного владельца яхты. Когда их посудина останавливается для ремонта в небольшом городке, сварливая и взбалмошная Джоанна нанимает плотника Дина Проффитта, чтобы тот смастерил ей новый шкафчик. Но вместо платы за работу Дин получает от ворот поворот — ведь Джоанна никогда ничем не бывает довольна.
Michelle Williams
I got my sexual education from movies like 'Splash' or 'Dirty Dancing', but these were, like, the movies that I had to sneak out the house to see. "Overboard"...
Фильмы от Michelle Williams

Грязные танцы

Лето 1963 года. 17-летняя Фрэнсис по прозвищу Бэби, невинная избалованная девушка из обеспеченной семьи, проводит каникулы с родителями в курортном отеле. Она знакомится с Джонни, красивым профессиональным танцором, искушенным в вопросах жизни и любви.Словно околдованная сексуальными ритмами и ничем не сдерживаемыми движениями «грязных танцев» в стиле ритм-энд-блюз, Бэби становится ученицей-партнершей Джонни — и в танцах и в любви.
Michelle Williams
I got my sexual education from movies like 'Splash' or 'Dirty Dancing', but these were, like, the movies that I had to sneak out the house to see. "Overboard"....
Фильмы от Michelle Williams

Хеллоу, Долли!

Нью-Йорк. 1890 год. «Миссис Долли Левай, организует знакомства в атмосфере элегантности и утонченности с целью заключения брака!» Такими словами начинается этот киномюзикл. Простая история о свахе, которая находит всем мужей и жен и не забывает про себя, превращена в феерическое шоу с участием актеров, певцов и танцоров.
Michelle Williams
The last movie that made me laugh out loud...Um..Hello, Dolly! (0:39s)
Фильмы от Michelle Williams

Последний единорог

В далекой волшебной стране в сиреневой роще жил юный прекрасный единорог, знающий секреты магии. Однажды он узнал, что все его сородичи исчезли с лица земли, и он может стать последним единорогом на свете. И тогда единорог покинул свою рощу и отправился в долгое и опасное путешествие, чтобы разыскать и спасти своих сородичей. Много приключении пришлось ему пережить и многих опасных врагов довелось повстречать-свиноподобную ведьму Матушку Фортуну, шайку разбойников капитана Калли, злобного и жадного короля Хэггарда. Но с помощью верных друзей - волшебника-недоучки Шмендрика, девушки Молли и прекрасного принца Лира -единорогу удалось одолеть огромного и страшного Красного Быка и освободить своих собратьев-единорогов.
Michelle Williams
My favorite animated movie is... The Last Unicorn. (0:21s)
Фильмы от Michelle Williams


Любовь внезапна, неожиданна, неизбежна… Она вспыхивает, как пламя, но эту искорку нужно уметь сохранить. Особенно, когда твоя любимая так выделяется из окружающих. У нее чуткая, ранимая душа, небесной красоты глаза, густые светлые волосы, она — идеал, за одним маленьким исключением: она — русалка.Влюбленным предстоит много приключений, много трудностей и преград, и только настоящее чувство позволит им, несмотря на прихоти судьбы, остаться вместе. Ведь ласковое лазурное море скроет их от врагов.
Michelle Williams
First R-rated movie...Is 'Splash' R-rated? - No. - It felt like it was, when I was 12. (0:10s)
Книги от Michelle Williams

After the Quake

For the characters in after the quake, the Kobe earthquake is an echo from a past they buried long ago. Satsuki has spent thirty years hating one man: did her desire for revenge cause the earthquake? Miyake left his family in Kobe to make midnight bonfires on a beach hundreds of miles away. Fourteen-year-old Sala has nightmares that the Earthquake Man is trying to stuff her inside a little box. Katagiri returns home to find a giant frog in his apartment on a mission to save Tokyo from a massive burrowing worm. 'When he gets angry, he causes earthquakes,' says Frog. 'And right now he is very, very angry.** Murakami’s new novel is coming ** COLORLESS TSUKURU TAZAKI AND HIS YEARS OF PILGRIMAGE 'The reason why death had such a hold on Tsukuru Tazaki was clear. One day his four closest friends, the friends he’d known for a long time, announced that they did not want to see him, or talk with him, ever again.'
Michelle Williams
Mmmm, I looove After the Quake. I remember each of those stories so vividly, it’s like I was there”.
Книги от Michelle Williams

Ada or Ardor

Written in mischievous and magically flowing prose, this is Nabokov's 'other' great love story; with some of Lolita's perversity and much more playfulness. Romance follows Ada and Van from their first childhood meeting through eight years of rapture, in a book which is regarded by many to be Nabokov's richest and most ambitious.
Michelle Williams
The novels of Vladimir Nabokov, whose notoriously complex Ada is a favorite. “I think Nabokov once said that genius is finding the invisible link between things,” she tells me. “And that’s how I choose to see life. Everything’s connected, and everything has meaning if you look for it.”
Книги от Michelle Williams

Collected Poems

The definitive collection of poems from Pulitzer Prize winner, MacArthur Fellow, and National Book Award winner Galway Kinnell. "It's the poet's job to figure out what's happening within oneself, to figure out the connection between the self and the world, and to get it down in words that have a certain shape, that have a chance of lasting." --Galway Kinnell This long-awaited volume brings together for the first time the life's work of a major American voice. In a remarkable generation of poets, Galway Kinnell was an acknowledged, true master. From the book-length poem memorializing the grit, beauty, and swarming assertion of immigrant life along a lower Manhattan avenue, to searing poems of human conflict and war, to incandescent reflections on love, family, and the natural world--including "Blackberry Eating," "St. Francis and the Sow," and "After Making Love We Hear Footsteps"--to the unflinchingly introspective poems of his later life, Kinnell's work lastingly shaped the consciousness of his age. Spanning 65 years of intense, inspired creativity, this volume, with its inclusion of previously uncollected poems, is the essential collection for old and new devotees of a "poet of the rarest ability . . . who can flesh out music, raise the spirits, and break the heart." (Boston Globe)
Michelle Williams
When I first met Derek [Cianfrance], the director, I bought him two presents. One was a CD [and the other] a copy of my favorite book of poems by Galway Kinnell. There's a line in one of his poems, "Being forever in the pre-trembling of a house that falls." It's about the atmosphere that you live in when you're a child of divorce. The poem is called "Little Sleep's-Head Sprouting Hair in the Moonlight." Go find it. All my prep work is in there.
Книги от Michelle Williams

The Year of Magical Thinking

Книга о годе после смерти мужа автора Джона Грегори Данна. Год магического мышления, опубликованный Кнопфом в октябре 2005 года, сразу же был признан классической книгой о трауре. Он выиграл Национальную книжную премию 2005 года за научную литературу
Michelle Williams
Joan Didion’s tale of grief after her own husband’s death helped Williams in a profound way. The actress said Didion’s own feelings brought “her comfort as she sorted through her feelings.”
Книги от Michelle Williams


This breathtaking, reverberating survey of human nature finds Kundera still attempting to work out the meaning of life without losing his acute sense of humour. It is one of those great unclassifiable masterpieces that appear once every twenty years or so.'It will make you cleverer, maybe even a better lover. Not many novels can do that.' Nicholas Lezard, GQ
Michelle Williams
To be a celebrity is to negotiate a gulf between private self and public image. “It’s a bit of an isolating problem to have,” Ms. Williams said, and so she was gratified to find that this was among the themes of Milan Kundera’s novel “Immortality,” which she read on the plane to Cannes, though she said she wasn’t sure she agreed with the book’s conclusion, “that the self people perceive is just as real because it exists.”
Книги от Michelle Williams
3 книги

Michelle Williams - 3 Books That Shaped Her

3 Favorite writers that shaped the person Michelle Williams is today.
Michelle Williams
3 Favorite writers that shaped the person Michelle Williams is today.
Книги от Michelle Williams

Poets On Poetry: Nemerov

Michelle Williams
I read this book called “Poets on Poetry” that I found very moving and very relatable to acting.
Книги от Michelle Williams

Just Kids illustrated

Patti's Smith's exquisite prose is generously illustrated in this full-color edition of her classic coming-of-age memoir, Just Kids. New York locations vividly come to life where, as young artists, Patti Smith and Robert Mapplethorpe met and fell in love: a first apartment in Brooklyn, Times Square with John and Yoko's iconic billboard, Max's Kansas City, or the gritty fire escape of the Hotel Chelsea. The extraordinary people who passed through their lives are also pictured: Sam Shepard, Harry Smith, William Burroughs, Allen Ginsberg. Along with never-before-published photographs, drawings, and ephemera, this edition captures a moment in New York when everything was possible. And when two kids seized their destinies as artists and soul mates in this inspired story of love and friendship.
Michelle Williams
I’m reading the Patti Smith book “Just Kids” right now. I’m way into that.
Музыка от Michelle Williams

Stevie Wonder

Michelle Williams
On the A train to Rockaway, we compare iPhone music playlists (on hers: soul, R&B, and her daughter’s current favorite, Stevie Wonder)
Музыка от Michelle Williams

Leonard Cohen

Michelle Williams
Did you listen to any particular music to help you prepare for playing Monroe? - Leonard Cohen.
Музыка от Michelle Williams

Shawn Mendes

Michelle Williams
I also only listen to pop music now. So I can sing a lot of pop songs. Ariana Grande, Ed Sheeran, Shawn Mendes, of course.
Музыка от Michelle Williams

Ed Sheeran

Michelle Williams
I also only listen to pop music now. So I can sing a lot of pop songs. Ariana Grande, Ed Sheeran, Shawn Mendes, of course.
Музыка от Michelle Williams

Ariana Grande

Michelle Williams
I also only listen to pop music now. So I can sing a lot of pop songs. Ariana Grande, Ed Sheeran, Shawn Mendes, of course.
Вещи от Michelle Williams

M&M'S Peanut Chocolate Candy Party Size 42 Ounce (Pack of 1) Bag

Michelle Williams
Favorite candy to eat at the movies? - Peanut M&M's. (0:07s)
Люди от Michelle Williams

Kate Winslet

Kate Winslet
Michelle Williams
Which actors would you most like to work with? — Li Bingyang, HARBIN, CHINA I would love to work with Tilda Swinton. Kate Winslet.
Люди от Michelle Williams

Tilda Swinton

Tilda Swinton
Michelle Williams
Which actors would you most like to work with? — Li Bingyang, HARBIN, CHINA I would love to work with Tilda Swinton.
Люди от Michelle Williams
3 человека

Michelle Williams' 3 Favorite Authors

Michelle Williams loves to dive deeply into the literary world, so she shared 3 of her favorite writers that always keep her interested in their works.
Michelle Williams
Michelle Williams loves to dive deeply into the literary world, so she shared 3 of her favorite writers that always keep her interested in their works.
Люди от Michelle Williams

Barbra Streisand

Barbra Streisand
Michelle Williams
Barbra Streisand is my girl crush. Every.Particular.Movie. It doesn't matter to me.