Películas de Joe Rogan

The Machine

Bert Kreischer faces a familial crisis and the arrival of his estranged father when the ghost of his booze-soaked past arrives: a murderous mobster hellbent on kidnapping Bert back to the motherland to atone for his crimes. Together, he and his father must retrace the steps of his younger self in the midst of a war between a sociopathic crime family while they attempt to find common ground.
Joe Rogan
Actor, Entrevistador
and it’s now a major motion picture that’s out in theaters! Go see it!
Películas de Joe Rogan

Los 14 ochomiles: No hay nada imposible

El intrépido escalador nepalí Nimsdai Purja emprende una misión aparentemente imposible: coronar los 14 picos del mundo que superan los 8000 metros en solo siete meses.
Joe Rogan
Actor, Entrevistador
This netflix film “14 Peaks” is incredible, and it was an honor and a pleasure to talk to @nimsdai about it, and his extraordinary life.
Películas de Joe Rogan

Predator: La presa

Ambientada hace 300 años en la Nación Comanche. Naru es una joven guerrera, feroz y altamente hábil, que se crió a la sombra de algunos de los cazadores más legendarios que deambulan por las Grandes Llanuras. Cuando el peligro amenaza su campamento, se dispone a proteger a su gente. La presa a la que acecha y, en última instancia, se enfrenta, resulta ser un depredador alienígena evolucionado con un arsenal técnicamente avanzado, lo que deriva en un enfrentamiento cruel y aterrador entre los dos adversarios.
Joe Rogan
Actor, Entrevistador
The new predator movie “PREY” on hulu is fucking bad ass. Very fun. I highly recommend it.
Películas de Joe Rogan

El triángulo de la tristeza

Tras la Semana de la moda, Carl y Yaya, pareja de modelos e influencers, son invitados a un yate en un crucero de lujo. Mientras que la tripulación brinda todas las atenciones necesarias a los ricos invitados, el capitán se niega a salir de su cabina, a pesar de la llegada inminente de la célebre cena de gala. Los eventos toman un giro inesperado y el equilibrio de poder se invierte cuando se levanta una tormenta que pone en peligro el confort de los pasajeros
Joe Rogan
Actor, Entrevistador
I fucking loved this movie. Very surprising and enjoyable. Didn’t hear anything about it until I watched it, but I enjoyed it a lot.
Películas de Joe Rogan

Greenland: El último refugio

Cuando el mundo es consciente de que el asteroide más grande de la historia va a impactar en la Tierra y aniquilar todo rastro de vida, los gobiernos de todo el mundo realizan un sorteo en el cual los afortunados podrán sobrevivir en refugios secretos. Esta decisión desata un caos a nivel mundial. Muchos tendrán que emprender un peligroso viaje donde se enfrentarán a los más imponentes peligros de la naturaleza, lo que les obligará a encontrar la manera de mantenerse unidos mientras encuentran la forma de sobrevivir.
Joe Rogan
Actor, Entrevistador
watched @greenlandmovie tonight, and it freaked me the fuck out. Maybe it was the 11 months of COVID-19 tension, and I’m sure the last week of Texas freeze probably ramped it up for me as well, but this movie is gonna stay with me for a while. Sort of like how we used to think about pandemics. I think this movie just changed that for me.
Películas de Joe Rogan

I Care a Lot

Marla Grayson (Rosamund Pike) no tiene escrúpulos a la hora de beneficiarse de los demás. Después de haberse aprovechado de docenas de jubilados como tutora legal, ella y su compañera Fran (Eiza González) ven a Jennifer Peterson (Dianne Wiest) como la nueva víctima: una gallina de los huevos de oro a la que pueden desplumar fácilmente. Pero mientras intentan llevar a cabo su plan, Marla y Fran descubren que la señora Peterson no es lo que creían, y que sus actos han entorpecido la labor de un importante criminal (Peter Dinklage).
Joe Rogan
Actor, Entrevistador
Best movie I’ve seen in a long while.
Películas de Joe Rogan

Coming to America

El principe Akeen del africano reino de Zamunda cumple veintiún años. Su futura esposa ya ha sido elegida por el rey y es presentada en la corte. Akeen decide ir a Norteamérica para buscar novia de su gusto. Un barrio marginal de Nueva York será su morada.
Joe Rogan
Actor, Entrevistador
Estamos viendo “ El príncipe de Zamunda” (“Un príncipe en Nueva York”, “Vamos a América”) ahora mismo. No la he visto en mucho tiempo, pero es un clásico. A veces se puede olvidar el talento que tiene Eddie Murphy. El hombre es un intérprete increíble
Películas de Joe Rogan

CT Fletcher: My Magnificent Obsession

The life and career of the power lifter.
Joe Rogan
Actor, Entrevistador
Viendo el increíble documental de @c.t.ali.fletcher "My Magnificent Obsession" en @netflix antes de nuestro pódcast de hoy. Tengo muchas ganas de hablar con él.
Películas recomendado por Joe Rogan
11 películas

11 Mejores Documentales que Recomienda Joe Rogan

Si eres seguidor de Joe Rogan sabrás que disfruta con algunos documentales descarnados, ya que su afán por el conocimiento, la intriga y el tiempo de calidad es insaciable. Hemos seleccionado una lista de 11 documentales que Joe Rogan recomienda. ¡Echa un vistazo!
Joe Rogan
Actor, Entrevistador
Si eres seguidor de Joe Rogan sabrás que disfruta con algunos documentales descarnados, ya que su afán por el conocimiento, la intriga y el tiempo de calidad es insaciable. Hemos seleccionado una lista de 11 documentales que Joe Rogan recomienda. ¡Echa un vistazo!
Películas recomendado por Joe Rogan
15 películas

Películas que le Gustan a Joe Rogan - Lista de 15 Películas

Si no quieres navegar por Netflix durante horas buscando algo que valga la pena ver, aquí tienes una lista de 15 recomendaciones de películas de Joe Rogan. Es una lista definitiva de las películas que Joe Rogan ha elogiado en los últimos años, y estamos de acuerdo con su gusto y criterio cuando se trata del cine. ¡Echa un vistazo a las 15 películas que aprobó Joe Rogan!
Joe Rogan
Actor, Entrevistador
Si no quieres navegar por Netflix durante horas buscando algo que valga la pena ver, aquí tienes una lista de 15 recomendaciones de películas de Joe Rogan. Es una lista definitiva de las películas que Joe Rogan ha elogiado en los últimos años, y estamos de acuerdo con su gusto y criterio cuando se trata del cine. ¡Echa un vistazo a las 15 películas que aprobó Joe Rogan!
Libros de Joe Rogan

Continental Reckoning

In Continental Reckoning renowned historian Elliott West presents a sweeping narrative of the American West and its vital role in the transformation of the nation. In the 1840s, by which time the United States had expanded to the Pacific, what would become the West was home to numerous vibrant Native cultures and vague claims by other nations. Thirty years later it was organized into states and territories and bound into the nation and world by an infrastructure of rails, telegraph wires, and roads and by a racial and ethnic order, with its Indigenous peoples largely dispossessed and confined to reservations. Unprecedented exploration uncovered the West's extraordinary resources, beginning with the discovery of gold in California within days of the United States acquiring the territory following the Mexican-American War. As those resources were developed, often by the most modern methods and through modern corporate enterprise, half of the contiguous United States was physically transformed. Continental Reckoning guides the reader through the rippling, multiplying changes wrought in the western half of the country, arguing that these changes should be given equal billing with the Civil War in this crucial transition of national life. As the West was acquired, integrated into the nation, and made over physically and culturally, the United States shifted onto a course of accelerated economic growth, a racial reordering and redefinition of citizenship, engagement with global revolutions of science and technology, and invigorated involvement with the larger world. The creation of the West and the emergence of modern America were intimately related. Neither can be understood without the other. With masterful prose and a critical eye, West presents a fresh approach to the dawn of the American West, one of the most pivotal periods of American history.
Joe Rogan
Actor, Entrevistador
One of the most interesting podcasts I’ve ever had the pleasure to do. If you’re like me and you’re fascinated with the story of the settlement of the USA and the history of the Native American tribes, this was a good one.
Libros de Joe Rogan

The War of Art

A succinct, engaging, and practical guide for succeeding in any creative sphere, The War of Art is nothing less than Sun-Tzu for the soul. hat keeps so many of us from doing what we long to do? Why is there a naysayer within? How can we avoid the roadblocks of any creative endeavor-be it starting up a dream business venture, writing a novel, or painting a masterpiece? Bestselling novelist Steven Pressfield identif ies the enemy that every one of us must face, outlines a battle plan to conquer this internal foe, then pinpoints just how to achieve the greatest success. The War of Art emphasizes the resolve needed to recognize and overcome the obstacles of ambition and then effectively shows how to reach the highest level of creative discipline. Think of it as tough love . . . for yourself. Whether an artist, writer or business person, this simple, personal, and no-nonsense book will inspire you to seize the potential of your life.
Joe Rogan
Actor, Entrevistador
“The War of Art” is my favorite motivational book. It cuts through the bullshit of procrastination and gives you the tools and the inspiration to get moving and to create.
Libros de Joe Rogan

The Obstacle is the Way

We give up too easily. With a simple change of attitude, what seem like insurmountable obstacles become once-in-a-lifetime opportunities. Ryan Holiday, who dropped out of college at nineteen to serve as an apprentice to bestselling 'modern Machiavelli' Robert Greene and is now a media consultant for billion-dollar brands, draws on the philosophy of the Stoics to guide you in every situation, showing that what blocks our path actually opens one that is new and better.If the competition threatens you, it's time to be fearless, to display your courage. An impossible deadline becomes a chance to show how dedicated you are. And as Ryan discovered as Director of Marketing for American Apparel, if your brand is generating controversy - it's also potentially generating publicity.The Stoic philosophy - that what is in the way, is the way - can be applied to any problem: it's a formula invented more than 2,000 years ago, whose effectiveness has been proven in battles and board rooms ever since. From Barack Obama's ability to overcome obstacles in his election races, to the design of the iPhone, the stoic philosophy has helped its users become world-beaters.
Joe Rogan
Actor, Entrevistador
One of the things that I’ve found that improves my perspective is reading about how other interesting people approach this weirdness, and ryanholiday did a great job of compiling some very powerful and interesting thoughts in his book, “The Obstacle Is The Way.” I feel like it’s one I’m going to go over often. There’s some great stuff in here.
Libros de Joe Rogan

Never Finished

This is not a self-help book. It’s a wake-up call!Can’t Hurt Me, David Goggins’ smash hit memoir, demonstrated how much untapped ability we all have but was merely an introduction to the power of the mind. In this curse-word-free edition of Never Finished, Goggins takes you inside his Mental Lab, where he developed the philosophy, psychology, and strategies that enabled him to learn that what he thought was his limit was only his beginning and that the quest for greatness is unending. The stories and lessons in this raw, revealing, unflinching memoir offer the reader a blueprint they can use to climb from the bottom of the barrel into a whole new stratosphere that once seemed unattainable. Whether you feel off-course in life, are looking to maximize your potential or drain your soul to break through your so-called glass ceiling, this is the only book you will ever need.
Joe Rogan
Actor, Entrevistador
This book will make you inspired to push yourself and improve your life. davidgoggins is one of the most unique and powerful humans I’ve ever had the pleasure of meeting, and his new book is amazing. It’s available now, and the audio book has commentary in between each chapter where they do a podcast on the stories he tells. Go get it.
Libros recomendado por Joe Rogan
6 libros

6 Joe Rogan's Favorite Books

Here is a list of Joe Rogan's favorite books.
Joe Rogan
Actor, Entrevistador
Here is a list of Joe Rogan's favorite books.
Libros de Joe Rogan

Coyote America

The New York Times best-selling account of how coyotes--long the target of an extermination policy--spread to every corner of the United States Finalist for the PEN/E.O. Wilson Literary Science Writing Award"A masterly synthesis of scientific research and personal observation." -Wall Street JournalLegends don't come close to capturing the incredible story of the coyote In the face of centuries of campaigns of annihilation employing gases, helicopters, and engineered epidemics, coyotes didn't just survive, they thrived, expanding across the continent from Alaska to New York. In the war between humans and coyotes, coyotes have won, hands-down. Coyote America is the illuminating five-million-year biography of this extraordinary animal, from its origins to its apotheosis. It is one of the great epics of our time.
Joe Rogan
Actor, Entrevistador
El libro de Dan Flores "Coyote America". Es una gran lectura.
Libros de Joe Rogan


Stephen King's legendary debut, about a teenage outcast and the revenge she enacts on her classmates. Carrie White may be picked on by her classmates, but she has a gift. She can move things with her mind. Doors lock. Candles fall. This is her power and her problem. Then, an act of kindness, as spontaneous as the vicious taunts of her classmates, offers Carrie a chance to be a normal...until an unexpected cruelty turns her gift into a weapon of horror and destruction that no one will ever forget.
Joe Rogan
Actor, Entrevistador
Ni siquiera se acuerda de haberlo escrito, como si hubiera escrito “Carrie” medio desmayado. Tienes que leer ese libro hoy mismo, es uno de los mejores libros de terror de la historia.
Libros de Joe Rogan

Ladies and Gentlemen - Lenny Bruce!!

From the Peter Neil Issacs collection.
Joe Rogan
Actor, Entrevistador
"Ladies and Gentlemen, Lenny Bruce" es lectura obligatoria para los aspirantes a monologuistas. Tengo este libro desde hace 25 años. Es un auténtico clásico.
Libros de Joe Rogan


“One of the most mesmerizing and important books I’ve read in quite some time. Alter brilliantly illuminates the new obsessions that are controlling our lives and offers the tools we need to rescue our businesses, our families, and our sanity.” —Adam Grant, New York Times bestselling author of Originals and Give and TakeWelcome to the age of behavioral addiction—an age in which half of the American population is addicted to at least one behavior. We obsess over our emails, Instagram likes, and Facebook feeds; we binge on TV episodes and YouTube videos; we work longer hours each year; and we spend an average of three hours each day using our smartphones. Half of us would rather suffer a broken bone than a broken phone, and Millennial kids spend so much time in front of screens that they struggle to interact with real, live humans. In this revolutionary book, Adam Alter, a professor of psychology and marketing at NYU, tracks the rise of behavioral addiction, and explains why so many of today's products are irresistible. Though these miraculous products melt the miles that separate people across the globe, their extraordinary and sometimes damaging magnetism is no accident. The companies that design these products tweak them over time until they become almost impossible to resist. By reverse engineering behavioral addiction, Alter explains how we can harness addictive products for the good—to improve how we communicate with each other, spend and save our money, and set boundaries between work and play—and how we can mitigate their most damaging effects on our well-being, and the health and happiness of our children.Adam Alter's previous book, Drunk Tank Pink: And Other Unexpected Forces that Shape How We Think, Feel, and Behave is available in paperback from Penguin.
Joe Rogan
Actor, Entrevistador
Acabo de empezar a leer el libro "Irresistible" de Adam Alter (@adamleealte) y debo confesar que es una lectura aleccionadora. En torno al 40% de nosotros somos adictos a nuestros teléfonos o a hacer cosas en Internet. Sinceramente, creo que es una estimación conservadora y creo que las cifras han subido durante el cierre de COVID-19. Creo que eso tiene mucho que ver con la razón por la que nos peleamos y nos desahogamos uno con el otro todo el rato.
Libros de Joe Rogan


THE NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLERA REVELATORY EXPLORATION OF A SUBJECT UNIVERSALLY KNOWNThere is nothing more essential to our health and wellbeing than breathing: take air in, let it out, repeat 25,000 times a day. Yet, as a species, humans have lost the ability to breathe correctly, with grave consequences. In Breath, journalist James Nestor travels the world to discover the hidden science behind ancient breathing practices to figure out what went wrong and how to fix it.Modern research is showing us that making even slight adjustments can:- jump-start athletic performance- rejuvenate internal organs- halt snoring, allergies, asthma and autoimmune disease, and even straighten scoliotic spinesNone of this should be possible, and yet it is. Drawing on thousands of years of ancient wisdom and cutting-edge studies in pulmonology, psychology, biochemistry and human physiology, Breath turns the conventional wisdom of what we thought we knew about our most basic biological function on its head.You will never breathe the same again._____________________________'Who would have thought something as simple as changing the way we breathe could be so revolutionary for our health, from snoring to allergies to immunity? James Nestor is the perfect guide to the pulmonary world and has written a fascinating book, full of dazzling revelations' Dr Rangan Chatterjee, author of Feel Better in Five'If you want to read a book about the power of the breath, this is it!' -- Patrick McKeown, author of The Oxygen Advantage'I would have thought that breathing was pretty simple and well understood. Then I read this book. Now I know it's a hugely complex and wondrous process which we need to understand much better. Fascinating and provocative stuff' -- Daniel M. Davis, author of The Beautiful Cure
Joe Rogan
Actor, Entrevistador
Este libro es impresionante. @mrjamesnestor es el invitado en el pódcast de hoy, así que antes de hablar con él escuché este audiolibro. La mayoría de la gente no tiene ni idea de cómo hacer ejercicios de respiración y lo beneficiosos que son. Aprendí mucho de su libro y luego aún más del pódcast.
Series de Joe Rogan

Chimp Empire

A vast community of chimpanzees thrives in a forest in Uganda, navigating complex social politics, family dynamics and dangerous territory disputes.
Joe Rogan
Actor, Entrevistador
“Chimp Empire” on @netflix is an insanely good documentary.
Series de Joe Rogan

La lista final

El comandante James Reece quiere venganza, mientras investiga las misteriosas fuerzas que hay tras la muerte de todo su pelotón. Ya lejos de la estructura jerárquica del ejército, Reece aplica las lecciones que aprendió durante casi dos décadas de guerra para cazar a los responsables.
Joe Rogan
Actor, Entrevistador
I just watched the first episode and it’s really good.
Series de Joe Rogan

La casa del Dragón

Basada en el libro 'Fuego y Sangre' de George R.R. Martin. La serie se centra en la casa Targaryen, trescientos años antes de los eventos vistos en 'Juego de Tronos'.
Joe Rogan
Actor, Entrevistador
I just watched episode one of @houseofthedragonhbo and it is THE SHIT. Feels just like old school Game Of Thrones, which was one of my favorite shows ever. I hope this show runs for 10 years.
Series de Joe Rogan

Ancient Apocalypse

El periodista Graham Hancock viaja por el mundo buscando pruebas de la existencia de misteriosas civilizaciones perdidas que se remontan a la última Edad de Hielo.
Joe Rogan
Actor, Entrevistador
Graham Hancock’s new netflix series is amazing, and it’s available now!
Series de Joe Rogan


A regularly scheduled, live, year-round program featuring some of the biggest WWE Superstars.
Joe Rogan
Actor, Entrevistador
These @wwe documentaries on A&E right now are really well done. Maybe I’m really high, but I think I now am beginning to truly understand pro wrestling.
Series de Joe Rogan


Loki, el impredecible villano Loki (Hiddleston) regresa como el Dios del engaño en una nueva serie tras los acontecimientos de Avengers
Joe Rogan
Actor, Entrevistador
Very unique, and really entertaining.
Series de Joe Rogan

Jim Gaffigan: The Pale Tourist

In The Pale Tourist, Gaffigan boldly goes where no stand-up comedian has gone before: everywhere. The two hour-long specials were filmed as part of Gaffigan's The Pale Tourist worldwide tour, in which he traveled the world--in each country meeting people, eating the food, and learning a bit about the history. He would then transform those experiences into a stand-up set of all-new material and perform it for locals and expatriates, before heading on to another destination and doing it all over again.
Joe Rogan
Actor, Entrevistador
En estos tiempos de locura, es agradable ver que algunos de los mejores cómicos siguen publicando nuevos especiales. Como fan de los monólogos, ¡es reconfortante verlo! @jimgaffigan es uno de los mejores cómicos vivos, ¡por favor vayan a ver esto!
Series de Joe Rogan

Real Time with Bill Maher

Each week Bill Maher surrounds himself with a panel of guests which include politicians, actors, comedians, musicians and the like to discuss what's going on in the world.
Joe Rogan
Actor, Entrevistador
BRAVO, @billmaher
Series de Joe Rogan

The Midnight Gospel

Un locutor espacial atraviesa mundos delirantes en su simulador del universo y ahonda en preguntas existenciales sobre la vida, la muerte y todo lo que encierran.
Joe Rogan
Actor, Entrevistador
¡Alégrate! ¡La nueva serie de mi colega @duncantrussell llega a @netflix!
Series de Joe Rogan


Más de 30 años después de que Carl Sagan buscase los límites del universo y del hombre a través de la ciencia, COSMOS: UNA ODISEA EN EL ESPACIO-TIEMPO propone un nuevo viaje hacia las estrellas. Presentado por el prestigioso astrofísico Neil deGrasse Tyson, esta continuación explora cómo descubrimos las leyes de la naturaleza y encontramos nuestro lugar en el tiempo y el espacio.
Joe Rogan
Actor, Entrevistador
Viendo @COSMOSonTV con @neiltyson y de hecho es una cosa alucinante. ¡Tan feliz de que este programa esté en la televisión!
Canciones de Joe Rogan

Kate McCannon — Colter Wall

Joe Rogan
Actor, Entrevistador
Es un chico legítimo. Tiene 25 años, es de Canadá, pero canta como si tuviera 55 y como si fuera de Nashville. He estado disfrutando de su música toda la mañana.
Canciones de Joe Rogan

Cold Blooded — Rick James

Joe Rogan
Actor, Entrevistador
A veces, la canción correcta aparece en el momento adecuado.
Canciones de Joe Rogan

Mind Games - Remastered 2010 — John Lennon

Joe Rogan
Actor, Entrevistador
Encendí un porro, hice 2 horas en el @floatlab, puse esta canción y todo se ha normalizado.
Canciones de Joe Rogan

Don't Owe You a Thang — Gary Clark Jr.

Joe Rogan
Actor, Entrevistador
No escuches esto cuando la policía está detrás, porque vas a acelerar. "Porque no nos vamos a casar, no te voy a comprar ningún anillo con diamante..." @garyclarkjr #therealshit
Canciones de Joe Rogan

Going Down - Remastered — Freddie King

Joe Rogan
Actor, Entrevistador
Canciones de Joe Rogan

Full Clip — Gang Starr

Joe Rogan
Actor, Entrevistador
¡Recibiendo ese empujón extra de @gangstarr para mi entrenamiento de hoy!
Canciones recomendado por Joe Rogan
22 canciones

Lista de Reproducción de Joe Rogan - 22 Canciones y Álbumes Favoritos

La lista de reproducción más amplia de Joe Rogan. Incluye los álbumes, grupos, canciones y artistas favoritos de Joe. ¡Disfruta de la música favorita de Joe Rogan!
Joe Rogan
Actor, Entrevistador
La lista de reproducción más amplia de Joe Rogan. Incluye los álbumes, grupos, canciones y artistas favoritos de Joe. ¡Disfruta de la música favorita de Joe Rogan!
Canciones de Joe Rogan

Bill Withers

Joe Rogan
Actor, Entrevistador
Tómate este tiempo durante la cuarentena para volver a familiarizarte con la brillantez de Bill Withers. Hemos perdido a otro grande.
Canciones de Joe Rogan

We Trying to Stay Alive

Joe Rogan
Actor, Entrevistador
Una joya de la vieja escuela que atraviesa el gimnasio.
Canciones de Joe Rogan

Hang Fire

Joe Rogan
Actor, Entrevistador
"En el dulce y viejo país de donde vengo nadie trabaja nunca, nunca se hace nada, solo se prende el fuego..." @therollingstones
Productos recomendado por Joe Rogan
2 productos

2 Barbacoas Favoritos de Joe Rogan

2 Barbacoas que Joe Rogan utiliza para ese increíble alce ahumado que tanto le gusta. También hace barbacoa regular, briskets, jamón y la famosa carne al punto en sus barbacoas.
Joe Rogan
Actor, Entrevistador
2 Barbacoas que Joe Rogan utiliza para ese increíble alce ahumado que tanto le gusta. También hace barbacoa regular, briskets, jamón y la famosa carne al punto en sus barbacoas.
Productos recomendado por Joe Rogan
4 productos

BBQ Condimentos y Especias para la Carne que recomienda Joe Rogan

¡5 increíbles especias que Joe Rogan utiliza para cocinar su alce!
Joe Rogan
Actor, Entrevistador
¡5 increíbles especias que Joe Rogan utiliza para cocinar su alce!
Productos de Joe Rogan

Black Rifle Coffee Company Liberty Roast Medium Roast Whole Bean Coffee - 12oz Bag

Joe Rogan
Actor, Entrevistador
Un aplauso para @thebowrack por el botín y para @blackriflecoffee por el delicioso “Liberty Roast”.
Productos de Joe Rogan

lack Rifle Coffee Company Ground Coffee 12oz Bag (Freedom Fuel)

Joe Rogan
Actor, Entrevistador
No puedo resistir. #merica @blackriflecoffee
Productos de Joe Rogan


Joe Rogan
Actor, Entrevistador
Gracias al gran Trevor Whittman de @onxlabs por estos guantes personalizados tan guays. Sin duda, estos son los guantes mejor diseñados y cosidos que he usado nunca. ¡Trevor ha ido más allá y ha creado el mejor equipo humanamente posible, también la calidad es innegable!
Productos de Joe Rogan


Joe Rogan
Actor, Entrevistador
Es increíble todo lo bueno que puedes sacar de una pesa rusa de 24 kilos y una lata de mango @killcliff
Productos de Joe Rogan

Theragun G3PRO Percussive Therapy Device

Joe Rogan
Actor, Entrevistador
¡Un aplauso a @theragun por enviarme esta pistola de masaje personalizada¡ Esta cosa es increíble. Golpea los putos nudos y los músculos tensos y tiene una calidad de construcción excelente. ¡Gracias!
Productos de Joe Rogan

Metal Art By Shane Martin - The Chimp

Joe Rogan
Actor, Entrevistador
¡Gracias a @shane_against_the_machine por esta nueva incorporación al estudio del pódcast! ¡Este increíble cráneo de chimpancé está hecho de platillos!
Productos de Joe Rogan

SBK Ranger Elk Edition

Joe Rogan
Actor, Entrevistador
Un saludo para @shaybutlerknives por este hermoso cuchillo con el mango hecho de cuerno del alce. ¡Gracias!
Productos de Joe Rogan

Rogue Echo Bike

This belt-driven, overbuilt unit provides a rock solid foundation producing a smooth, consistent ride, while a high-contrast, battery-powered LCD console allows athletes to track intervals, distance, calories burned, heart rate, and more. Get yours today!
Joe Rogan
Actor, Entrevistador
Sesión de resistencia del lunes por la mañana con la gloriosamente tortuosa Echo Bike de @roguefitness. Me encanta esta cosa para los intervalos Tabata. 20 segundos de sprint seguidos por 10 segundos de descanso. ¡Es una gran manera de empezar la rutina!