6 Joe Rogan's Favorite Books
me gusta

A Hunter-Gatherer's Guide to the 21st Century
A fantastic book by two amazing and brilliant friends.

One of my best friends, and one of my favorite people on earth, the great and powerful @cameronrhanes wrote a book.

Playing Off the Rail
This is my all time favorite book on the game of pool. It’s brilliantly written by David McCumber, and it came out in 1996 right when my obsession with playing was in full bloom. I’ve read it cover to cover several times.

A Land So Strange
I’m loving this book, “A Land So Strange” about Cabeza De Vaca, a shipwrecked Spaniard who walked across North America in the 1500’s. It’s really fucking great. Many thanks to my friend Hank for the recommendation.

Art of Mindful Living: How to Bring Love
listened to this guy talk about mindfulness while sitting in the sauna at 185 degrees for 25 minutes practicing breathing exercises and the time just flew by. Afterwards I do a freezing cold shower for 10 minutes and it feels fucking amazing.

Anthony Bourdain’s longtime assistant @lauriewoolever wrote a biography about him that’s available now. It’s a fascinating look into one of the most interesting people I’ve ever met.