Articles from Peter Attia

What Is More Important?

What Is More Important?
Peter Attia
Athlete, Scientist
This was a perfect Daily Dad email to receive today. I read it while glued to my computer this afternoon, where I'd been all weekend desperately working on "important" book revisions. I looked out and saw my family in the pool and thought, WTF am I doing?
Cuisine recommended by Peter Attia
4 cuisine

Peter Attia Diet for Better Health

Here is Peter Attia's food for better health.
Peter Attia
Athlete, Scientist
Here is Peter Attia's food for better health.
Sports recommended by Peter Attia
6 sports

Peter Attia's Workout Routine

Here is Peter Attia's workout recommendations.
Peter Attia
Athlete, Scientist
Here is Peter Attia's workout recommendations.