Books recommended by PewDiePie

Pewdiepie Literature Club: 26 Favorite Books


We collected 26 Favorite Pewdiepie books from his videos with quotes! He reads a lot and engages his audience into reading quality, classic and popular literature with him. Take a look at Pewdiepie's book recommendations!
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Books from PewDiePie


It has nothing to do with weed. Not a single weed reference. I'm just kidding. Obviously. It's actually a really great book
Books from PewDiePie

Crime and Punishment

I really enjoyed it. I would love to read more from Dostoevsky in the future. I'm told that "The Idiot" is even better.
Books from PewDiePie

No Longer Human

Talking about this. It's just such a sad story. It follows a story of Oba and we follow it through some notebooks that he has left behind. I love Japanese literature.
Books from PewDiePie

Sun & steel

Super fascinated by Mishima.
Books from PewDiePie

The old man and the sea

You know about this book, everyone knows about this book. This is the quintessential- 'teacher wants you to read in in school kind of book, which is actually why I picked it as well, because uh- I want- I want you to be part of this.
Books from PewDiePie

Moby Dick

It really covers every single last aspect of whaling -and by every single last aspect of whaling, I mean Every. Single. Aspect.
Books from PewDiePie

Man's Search for Meaning

I suddenly feel better equipped for in case--I know that sounds a bit weird to say, but in case something really bad happens, I feel like from reading this book, I'm better equipped to know how to handle it. That's a bit naive to say, but...
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Books from PewDiePie

Flowers for Algernon

I also read Flowers for Algernon, recommended by Brad, really good.
Books from PewDiePie

The Metamorphosis

Funnily enough though, Franz Kafka explicitly didn't want the cockroach to be on the cover 'cause, once you read the novella, you really understand [that] it's not about the cockroach. The story's about Gregor, who one day wakes up and...
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Books from PewDiePie

The Sailor who Fell from Grace with the Sea

So I uh randomly picked Yukio Mishima's "The Sailor who Fell from Grace with the Sea" and I was so en--what's the right word? Entranced by it?I felt so lost reading this book in the best possible way. And I absolutely loved it!
Books from PewDiePie

The Temple of the Golden Pavilion

I read "The Temple of the Golden Pavilion" and I absolutely L O V E D I T.
Books from PewDiePie

The Sound Of Waves

I also read "The Sound Of Waves".
Books from PewDiePie

The Book of Five Rings

After I read The Book of Five Rings, I feel like such a kid uh-- when it comes to this book *chuckles* I just can't help myself. This is like the coolest book ever.
Books from PewDiePie


I wanted to learn more about Samurai so I read "Bushido: The Soul of Japan". For anyone that wants to learn more about Japanese culture and the history of it, I think Bushido is a great starting point.
Books from PewDiePie

Beyond Good and Evil: Prelude to a Philosophy of the Future

My intentions are (money) and and it's been a really fun mental exercise for me to try and do actually so I'm really glad. Despite this being clearly above my league- reading comprehension. I'm really glad. I still gave it a try and I...
Books from PewDiePie

American Psycho

But I I just I I thought I need to break with something. So, I decided to read American Psycho. Which is a very dark satire comedy and it's about Patrick Bateman, which is this Wall Street worker, who is rich. He is handsome. He's...
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Books from PewDiePie

Kafka on the Shore

Murakami, Kafka På Stranden, Kafka on the shore. I read this in Swedish because I wanted to brush up my Swedish.
Books from PewDiePie


The book takes a long time a long time to really take speed in my opinion. But what it does is an amazing journey that I love taking part of.
Books from PewDiePie

I Am Legend

I wanted to start off with recommending this book called 'I am a Legend '. I think this is a great book if you haven't read anything in a while and don't really know what to get into. It's very light, and it's very gripping from the...
Books from PewDiePie

Brave New World

A lot of people suggested Brave New World by Aldous Huxley, which is very similar to 1984 but they sort of tackled the same issue but completely different perspectives.
Books from PewDiePie

Life 3.0

I'm gonna read Life 3.0 By Max Tegmark. He describes AI and how it, how it may or may not affect us in the future. He is a Swedish genius.
Books from PewDiePie

Children of Time: Children of Time Book 1

I think this is what I wanted to read, this tackles some really interesting topics like AI, time, human evolution, speciesism. How we value other species - it was very interesting.
Books from PewDiePie

The Picture of Dorian Gray

I understand why Marzia loves this book, it has a meaningful story with sort of horror elements to it.
Books from PewDiePie

Nineteen Eighty-Four (1984)

I read 1984 by George Orwell before and it is one of my favorite books that really left an impact on me.