Articles from Cory Booker

I Am Joaquin

Yo soy Joaquín, perdido en un mundo de confusión: I am Joaquín, lost in a world of confusion, caught up in the whirl of a gringo society, confused by the rules, scorned by attitudes, suppressed by manipulation, and destroyed by modern society.
Cory Booker
Take a moment today to read his seminal work, "I Am Joaquín," which helped encapsulate what it means to be Chicano
Articles from Cory Booker

Imagining the nonviolent state

What if nonviolence wasn’t an inhuman standard demanded of the powerless, but an ethic upon which we reimagined the state?
Cory Booker
I believe this is a must read article for those who aspire to a more beloved country and who admire or even ascribe to a philosophy of nonviolence.
Articles from Cory Booker

Opinion | Jonathan Safran Foer: Meat is not essential. Why are we killing for it?

For years we have destroyed our planet for the sake of a protein preference. Now our taste for meat is sending humans to their deaths.
Cory Booker
A powerful and important read.