Книги от Wolverine

Искусство войны

«Искусство войны» — самый известный древнекитайский трактат, посвящённый военной стратегии и политике и написанный Сунь-Цзы. Состоит из 13 глав. Является основополагающим текстом «школы военной философии», главным в её каноническом Семикнижии.
Master Tactician: Though seemingly brutish, Wolverine is highly intelligent. When Forge monitored Wolverine's vitals during a Danger Room training session, he reported Logan's physical and mental state as "equivalent to an Olympic-level gymnast performing a Gold-medal-winning routine while simultaneously beating four chess computers in his head", which gives something of an idea of the level of sophistication and tactical processing Logan is capable of utilizing while in combat. He remembers Ogun teaching him Sun Tzu's The Art of War.