Книги от Tony Stark

Doctor Faustus

In Christopher Marlowe's Doctor Faustus a distinguished scholar turns away from learning and embraces necromancy to satisfy his yearning for knowledge, power and influence. Faustus trades his soul to Lucifer for the secrets of the universe, only to find that satisfaction remains beyond his grasp. His quest for fame and thirst for knowledge eventually results in his damnation. One of the most spectacular and popular plays of the Elizabethan stage, Faustus' fantastical mix of high-minded theology and low-brow slapstick has allured generations of readers and playgoers in the ensuing centuries. Christopher Marlowe's Faustus has been regularly rewritten, adapted, performed, and parodied across the ages, speaking to its tenacious grip upon the public imagination.This fully re-edited, modernised play text is accompanied by incisive commentary notes, while its lively introduction will helpfully guide you through the fume of fact and legend that has accompanied the play across the centuries, from its premiere in the late sixteenth century to its most recent incarnation on stage and film.The New Mermaids plays offer:· Modernized versions of the play text edited to the highest textual standards· Fully annotated student editions with obscure words explained and critical, contextual and staging insight provided on each page· Full introductions analyzing content, themes, author background and stage history
Tony Stark
Предприниматель, Ученый, Супергерой
What do you want first? Your box or your data? - I think I'd like to know how the Iron man tech data flowed. It all moved through Prague that suggests...Yes, Doctor Faustus brokered the whole thing. If anyone knows where to go looking, it will be him. - Doctor Faustus? Good God, there's nothing more dangerous than half an education.
Книги от Tony Stark

Physics of the Impossible

Известный физик Митио Каку исследует кажущиеся сегодня неправдоподобными технологии, явления или приборы с точки зрения возможности их воплощения в будущем. Рассказывая о нашем ближайшем будущем, ученый доступным языком говорит о том, как устроена Вселенная. Что такое большой взрыв и черные дыры, фазеры и антивещество. Из книги "Физика невозможного" вы узнаете, что уже в XXI веке, при нашей жизни, возможно, будут реализованы силовые поля, невидимость, чтение мыслей, связь с внеземными цивилизациями и даже телепортация и межзвездные путешествия.
Tony Stark
Предприниматель, Ученый, Супергерой
Covering the practical side of everything from Force Fields to Robots to Teleportation, this book would be an interesting read for Tony, helping him work on and figure out countless technological advancements.
Книги от Tony Stark

К себе самому

Книга римского императора и философа Марка Аврелия (121–180 гг.) – не просто мысли, обращенные к себе самому, но путь к себе, восхождение к тому идеальному образцу, по которому сотворен каждый человек. Новый перевод и комментарий придают труду знаменитого «философа на троне» дополнительную ценность.
Tony Stark
Предприниматель, Ученый, Супергерой
Meditations by Marcus Aurelius: This Stoic text, written by the great Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius, is a very practical philosophy guide that could form the basis of Tony Stark’s pragmatic behavior.
Книги от Tony Stark

Leonardo da Vinci

Scientist, painter, philosopher, anatomist, astronomer, engineer, inventor, courtier: Leonardo da Vinci is one of the greatest figures of the Renaissance. This book surveys the life and work of a unique genius, from his childhood in Italy to his death in France. More than a biography, it sets his life in the context of the great courts he visited: Medici Florence, ducal Milan, royal France. Written for both younger and adult audiences, it presents a readable discussion of Leonardo's complex art, life, and thought, explores his ground-breaking research in medicine, hydraulics, metal-casting, mechanics, painting techniques, architecture, and the new science of warfare and weaponry, and examines his place in intellectual and art history.
Tony Stark
Предприниматель, Ученый, Супергерой
Considering that he is referred to as the “Da Vinci of Our Time.” - a nickname that he seems to approve of - it is fair to say that there are obvious parallels between RDJ’s Iron Man and the famous renaissance inventor.