Фильмы от Tony Stark

A Christmas Story

Индиана, 1940 год. Девятилетний Ральфи мечтает об идеальном рождественском подарке — настоящей двухсотзарядной пневматической винтовке Красного Наездника. Ворчливый папаша и заботливая мамочка, естественно, против, полагая, что их драгоценный сынуля может себя покалечить! И тогда Ральфи решает обратиться за помощью к самому Санта-Клаусу.
Tony Stark
Предприниматель, Ученый, Супергерой
When Stark is signing an autograph for two kids, he points out that one of them looks like Ralphie Parker from the 1983 film, A Christmas Story. The actor that played Ralphie, Peter Billingsley, also produced Iron Man and Iron Man 2.
Фильмы от Tony Stark

На гребне волны

Таинственная банда серфингистов, среди белого дня, совершает ограбления банков. Полиция и ФБР поражены профессиональностью и скоростью проведения преступлений. Следствие ведет молодой и претенциозный агент ФБР, который, рискуя жизнью, внедряется в банду и раскрывает это дело, но неожиданно для самого себя он осознает, что вернуться к нормальной жизни он уже не сможет.
Tony Stark
Предприниматель, Ученый, Супергерой
“No hard feelings, Point Break” – Avengers: Assemble. Tony Stark might be the king of pop culture nicknames and this one is pretty damn apt for the surfer-looking Asgardian God of Thunder. So good, in fact, that Thor: Ragnarok references the reference by making it Thor’s password to access the Quinjet. Damn you, Stark.
Фильмы от Tony Stark

Большой Лебовски

Лос-Анджелес, 1991 год, война в Персидском заливе. Главный герой по прозвищу «Чувак» считает себя совершенно счастливым человеком. Его жизнь составляют игра в боулинг и выпивка. Но внезапно его счастье нарушается, гангстеры по ошибке принимают его за миллионера-однофамильца, требуют деньги, о которых он ничего не подозревает, и, ко всему прочему, похищают жену миллионера, будучи уверенными, что «муж» выплатит за неё любую сумму.
Tony Stark
Предприниматель, Ученый, Супергерой
The Iron Man image surfaced on the Marvel Studios subreddit and shows a shipping manifest that proved Jeff Bridges’ Obadiah Stane had been dealing arms under the table. The unsubtle reference to Jeff Bridges’ The Big Lebowski comes from the name of the vessel transporting the missiles: the MSC Lebowski. It’s a brilliantly sneaky reference to The Big Lebowski in a brief moment from Robert Downey Jr.’s Iron Man.
Фильмы от Tony Stark

Мир Дикого Запада

Западный Мир — это один из трех гигантских тематических парков, построенных на остатках американской природы. Есть еще Римский мир и Мир средних веков. За 1000 долларов в день туристы могут развлекаться в меру своих потребностей и аппетитов. Роботов, населяющих эти парки развлечений, можно насиловать, убивать, любить, расстреливать, рубить мечом. С ними можно даже подружиться. Они никогда не дают сдачи и не испытывают эмоций. Но вдруг в отлаженном механизме аттракциона что-то разлаживается. Компьютерная неполадка распространяется как чума. Роботы начинают восстание…
Tony Stark
Предприниматель, Ученый, Супергерой
Another movie zinger from Tony Stark, who references Westworld, the 1973 movie starring Yul Brynner as a killer cyborg. In Iron Man 3, the Extremis-enhanced villain, Eric Savin, looks a lot like Brynner’s Gunslinger and is just as deadly – as it turns out, though, he’s no match for the Mark XLII.
Книги от Tony Stark

Doctor Faustus

In Christopher Marlowe's Doctor Faustus a distinguished scholar turns away from learning and embraces necromancy to satisfy his yearning for knowledge, power and influence. Faustus trades his soul to Lucifer for the secrets of the universe, only to find that satisfaction remains beyond his grasp. His quest for fame and thirst for knowledge eventually results in his damnation. One of the most spectacular and popular plays of the Elizabethan stage, Faustus' fantastical mix of high-minded theology and low-brow slapstick has allured generations of readers and playgoers in the ensuing centuries. Christopher Marlowe's Faustus has been regularly rewritten, adapted, performed, and parodied across the ages, speaking to its tenacious grip upon the public imagination.This fully re-edited, modernised play text is accompanied by incisive commentary notes, while its lively introduction will helpfully guide you through the fume of fact and legend that has accompanied the play across the centuries, from its premiere in the late sixteenth century to its most recent incarnation on stage and film.The New Mermaids plays offer:· Modernized versions of the play text edited to the highest textual standards· Fully annotated student editions with obscure words explained and critical, contextual and staging insight provided on each page· Full introductions analyzing content, themes, author background and stage history
Tony Stark
Предприниматель, Ученый, Супергерой
What do you want first? Your box or your data? - I think I'd like to know how the Iron man tech data flowed. It all moved through Prague that suggests...Yes, Doctor Faustus brokered the whole thing. If anyone knows where to go looking, it will be him. - Doctor Faustus? Good God, there's nothing more dangerous than half an education.
Книги от Tony Stark

Physics of the Impossible

Известный физик Митио Каку исследует кажущиеся сегодня неправдоподобными технологии, явления или приборы с точки зрения возможности их воплощения в будущем. Рассказывая о нашем ближайшем будущем, ученый доступным языком говорит о том, как устроена Вселенная. Что такое большой взрыв и черные дыры, фазеры и антивещество. Из книги "Физика невозможного" вы узнаете, что уже в XXI веке, при нашей жизни, возможно, будут реализованы силовые поля, невидимость, чтение мыслей, связь с внеземными цивилизациями и даже телепортация и межзвездные путешествия.
Tony Stark
Предприниматель, Ученый, Супергерой
Covering the practical side of everything from Force Fields to Robots to Teleportation, this book would be an interesting read for Tony, helping him work on and figure out countless technological advancements.
Книги от Tony Stark

К себе самому

Книга римского императора и философа Марка Аврелия (121–180 гг.) – не просто мысли, обращенные к себе самому, но путь к себе, восхождение к тому идеальному образцу, по которому сотворен каждый человек. Новый перевод и комментарий придают труду знаменитого «философа на троне» дополнительную ценность.
Tony Stark
Предприниматель, Ученый, Супергерой
Meditations by Marcus Aurelius: This Stoic text, written by the great Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius, is a very practical philosophy guide that could form the basis of Tony Stark’s pragmatic behavior.
Книги от Tony Stark

Leonardo da Vinci

Scientist, painter, philosopher, anatomist, astronomer, engineer, inventor, courtier: Leonardo da Vinci is one of the greatest figures of the Renaissance. This book surveys the life and work of a unique genius, from his childhood in Italy to his death in France. More than a biography, it sets his life in the context of the great courts he visited: Medici Florence, ducal Milan, royal France. Written for both younger and adult audiences, it presents a readable discussion of Leonardo's complex art, life, and thought, explores his ground-breaking research in medicine, hydraulics, metal-casting, mechanics, painting techniques, architecture, and the new science of warfare and weaponry, and examines his place in intellectual and art history.
Tony Stark
Предприниматель, Ученый, Супергерой
Considering that he is referred to as the “Da Vinci of Our Time.” - a nickname that he seems to approve of - it is fair to say that there are obvious parallels between RDJ’s Iron Man and the famous renaissance inventor.
Cериалы от Tony Stark

Аббатство Даунтон

1912 год. Англия. Наследник титула графа Грэнтэма, живущего с семьей в своем родовом имении Даунтон, погибает на «Титанике». Семья ожидает, что теперь, когда наследников мужского пола не осталось, владения и капитал семьи после смерти графа перейдут к его старшей дочери. Но граф, отдавший всю свою жизнь своему поместью, отказывается отстаивать права юной Мэри, считая, что все, включая немалый капитал его жены, должно отойти к наследнику его графского титула, безвестному дальнему родственнику…
Tony Stark
Предприниматель, Ученый, Супергерой
The "Downton Abbey" snippets -- described as the "hip-touch scene in the garage" and the "'you're too scared to admit it but you are in love with me' scene" by a Crawley-tracking Tumblr blog called Here I Am -- appear on a TV being watched by Tony Stark confidante Happy Hogan (Jon Favreau). The cameo, as it were, is no random act of randomness, nor is it merely a comic bit -- even if ex-boxer Happy's devotion to the proper PBS period drama does play funny.
Cериалы от Tony Stark

Губка Боб Квадратные Штаны

Население подводного городка Бикини Боттом составляют разные морские обитатели. Среди них — лучший друг Спанч Боба, морская звезда по имени Патрик, раздражительный надменный кальмар Сквидвард и белка по имени Сэнди, которая тоже живёт под водой, используя гидрокостюм. Спанч Боб работает поваром в закусочной «Красти Краб», которая управляется старым скрягой мистером Крабсом.
Tony Stark
Предприниматель, Ученый, Супергерой
Get lost, Squidward Another brilliant bit of name-calling from Tony Stark, this time against Ebony Maw, who looks a lot like the grumpy-looking Spongebob Squarepants cartoon character. This might be one of the most quotable lines of the movie and makes us chuckle every time.
Музыка от Tony Stark


Tony Stark
Предприниматель, Ученый, Супергерой
The DJ at Tony's birthday party is DJ AM (Adam Goldstein) who died after principal photography had wrapped, making this his last film project.
Музыка от Tony Stark

Iron Man

Tony Stark
Предприниматель, Ученый, Супергерой
Album by Ramin Djawadi, OST to Iron Man (2008).
Музыка от Tony Stark
7 песен

Songs used in Iron Man (2008)

Tony Stark
Предприниматель, Ученый, Супергерой
Музыка от Tony Stark

For Whom The Bell Tolls (Remastered)

Tony Stark
Предприниматель, Ученый, Супергерой
In the comic series Iron Man: Hypervelocity, Tony makes many references to an extensive playlist "heavily skewed" to '80s metal. If you don't have Metallica in that playlist, who even are you? This is a good track that perhaps compliments ACDC's Hell's Bell's featured as a prominent in the franchise.
Вещи от Tony Stark

Glenfiddich 1937 Rare Collection Single Malt Whisky

Tony Stark
Предприниматель, Ученый, Супергерой
Throughout the Iron Man franchise Stark is often seen with a drink in hand. While he's known to indulge in the odd martini and bottle of sake, Stark is usually seen consuming champagne or scotch. Considering his eccentric taste I imagine he'd have a collection of rare liquor in his house, probably sipping on something like a Glenfiddich 1937 "Rare Collection" (worth an estimated $167,000) or a Macallan 63 Year In Lalique (worth an estimated $641,000). Alternating between a bottle of scotch and a bottle of champagne per month, Stark's alcohol bill could put most people in a house with change to spare.
Вещи от Tony Stark

Hundred Acre Ark Vineyard Cabernet Sauvignon

Hundred Acre Ark Vineyard Cabernet Sauvignon
Tony Stark
Предприниматель, Ученый, Супергерой
In Iron Man 3, a lonely Tony sits in his cellar, surrounded by incredibly expensive bottles of wine. He sips on a glass of Hundred Acre Ark Vineyard Cabernet Sauvignon. Not only is this bottle extremely costly, but also hard to acquire. You need to add your name on the company’s waiting list, and hope to get your hands on the bottle. Of course if you’re Tony Stark, nothing is ever unobtainable.
Вещи от Tony Stark

1:1 Iron Man Arc Reactor MK1,DIY USB Finished Product,Vibration Sensing,LED Light,USB Interface,No Assembly Required,no Remote Control Required,Toys Gift(with Display Case)

Content: MK1 consists of five parts: chassis, display box, LED, bracket, and data cable. Extra thick sponge protection, no need to assemble display box.. Material: reactor material: polymer benzene + alloy; support material: stainless steel; base material: ABS; display frame color: as shown; display box material: acrylic plexiglass.. Display frame size: 15 * 15 * 19 cm (6 * 6 * 7.48 inches); reactor diameter (including bracket): about 12cm (4.72 inches); reactor height (including bracket base): about 14cm (5.51 inches) ); LED and other diameter is about 8cm (3.15 inches).. Installation steps: Put the LED light into the display rack, put the black wire on the LED light into the bracket, and connect it with the USB data cable; put the display box, the assembly is completed, and a perfect surprise presents in front of you . The new LED light is illuminated by vibration induction. The blue light turns on when you tap it. It turns into a breathing light mode twice and turns off the light three times.. It's the best for your boyfriend or your child! Your satisfaction is our greatest happiness. Our products are 100% quality guaranteed. If you have any questions about the products you purchased, please contact us in time and we will try our best to help you solve them.
Tony Stark
Предприниматель, Ученый, Супергерой
Fans will recognize the Arc Reactor as the one Tony Stark created to help keep himself alive and power his suit of armor in the first Iron Man film.
Вещи от Tony Stark

Avengers Marvel Legends Series Endgame Power Gauntlet Articulated Electronic Fist

Avengers: Endgame premium roleplay item: The intricately detailed design of this electronically articulated power gauntlet is inspired by the Avengers: Endgame movie, Part of the Marvel Cinematic universe.. Pulsating Infinity stone glow light effect: This electronic fist appears to teem with tremendous power. When activated, the power gauntlet's 6 Infinity stones pulsate with glowing light.. Avengers: Endgame movie-inspired sound effects: pushing the Infinity stone At The center of the Power gauntlet activates sound effects inspired by the Avengers: Endgame movie.. Fist-lock display mode: the gauntlet highly articulated fingers can be locked in a clenched fist position, allowing the item to be displayed in an appropriately powerful pose.. Look for other Marvel Legends series premium roleplay items: fans of the Marvel Cinematic universe franchise can look for other premium movie-inspired Marvel Legends series roleplay items. (Each sold separately. Subject to availability.)
Tony Stark
Предприниматель, Ученый, Супергерой
Though Tony is wearing the Iron Man suit while wielding the Gauntlet, he is still the first human to be able to withstand its power and to use it without being killed.
Вещи от Tony Stark

Laphroaig 1998 - 17 Year Old - Single Malts of Scotland Scotch Whisky

This 1998 vintage Laphroaig was bottled by Speciality Drinks Ltd as part of the Single Malts of Scotland series. Distilled on 17 June and aged in an ex-bourbon barrel for 17 years
Tony Stark
Предприниматель, Ученый, Супергерой
There's the Scotch again from earlier, served from the coolest cooler ever. All you have to do to score one free is buy $500,000,000 worth of missiles. Close inspection reveals the bottle just might be Laphroaig 17yr single malt… the only identifiable not-wine brand in the series. "Gimme a Scotch. I'm starving." Iron Man and Ron Burgundy should really kick it sometime.
Вещи от Tony Stark

Jukebox 1946 Wurlitzer 1015 Bubbler

Tony Stark
Предприниматель, Ученый, Супергерой
This is Tony’s new workspace, a marked difference to the cave he was previously trapped in. This place is clean, smooth, refined with the jukebox in the back and the extremely advanced holographic technology to aid in the production of whatever Tony is tinkering on.
Вещи от Tony Stark

Brotherhood Purol Pep Pure Oil Company Motor Oil Gasoline Insignia Emblem Seal Vintage Gas Signs Reproduction Car Company Vintage Style Metal Signs Round Metal Tin Aluminum Sign Garage Home Decor

Antique vintage looking sign; Size 11.75 inch round tin like sign. SCROLL THROUGH OUR VARIATIONS FOR MORE!. Nostalgic in appearance with one pre-drilled hole at the top for easy mounting. Beautiful aluminum wall decor with high quality printing that has a rustic appearance. Round wall art with smooth edges that looks fantastic in garages or dens. Satisfaction guarantee or your money back; made in the USA
Tony Stark
Предприниматель, Ученый, Супергерой
Vintage decor sign from the wall of Tony's working garage, where he develops Mark II.