Фильмы от Том Холланд

The Young Ones

Nicky and his friends find that their youth club is in danger of being flattened to make way for a new office block unless they can come up with £1500 to pay the new owner, the ruthless property tycoon Hamilton Black. To help raise the cash, Nicky records a song and his friends broadcast it via a pirate radio station, touting him as "The Mystery Singer" - the plan works and interest in their up and coming show is heightened by this new but unknown heart-throb. But Nicky has an even bigger secret and one that he cannot share, even with his girlfriend Toni... Hamilton Black is his father.
Том Холланд
The only comedy that seems as funny & ground-breaking now as it did when I first watched it.
Фильмы от Том Холланд


Женщина-воин Нару пытается защитить свое племя от одного из первых высокоразвитых Хищников, высадившихся на Земле.
Том Холланд
I finish watching Prey, which is by some miles the most entertaining science fiction film set on the early 18th century Great Plains that I have watched.
Фильмы от Том Холланд


Девятилетний мальчик становится свидетелем зверского убийства: прямо на его глазах в туалете филадельфийского вокзала два человека безжалостно зарезали молодого мужчину. Оказывается, убитый был тайным агентом отдела по борьбе с наркотиками. Теперь мальчик- единственный свидетель, который может помочь детективу Джону Буку найти преступников. Лица убийц навсегда впечатались в детскую память. И мальчик увидел их снова, когда его привезли для дачи показаний в местный полицейский участок — он увидел фото убийц на доске почета полицейского управления. С этой минуты за маленьким свидетелем и его единственным защитником, инспектором Буком, начинается охота.
Том Холланд
I watch Witness for the first time. What an absolutely perfect film!
Фильмы от Том Холланд

The Legend of Princess Olga

Престарелый князь Владимир Красное Солнышко, внук Ольги, умирает в своих покоях. Он вспоминает свою жизнь от отрочества до прихода в Новгород на княжение. Перед зрителем проходит несколько версий жизни Ольги, основанных на воспоминания знавших её людей: монаха Арефы, ключницы Малуши и самого князя Владимира. Версий порой взаимоисключающих, но именно потому дающих противоречивый и сложный образ великой княгини.
Том Холланд
A film I need to see...
Фильмы от Том Холланд

Голос улиц

1987 год. Пятеро молодых и дерзких парней из пригорода Лос-Анджелеса начинают свой стремительный путь к славе… Они станут голосом улиц, и весь мир будет у ног бунтарей из N.W.A.
Том Холланд
Сделайте себе одолжение и посмотрите этот фильм. Он очень крутой.
Фильмы от Том Холланд


В центре сюжета бывший актер, некогда сыгравший роль популярного супергероя Бёрдмэна и теперь возвращающийся к этому образу в новой бродвейской постановке с целью вернуть себе былую славу, блеск и величие.
Том Холланд
Одно слово про фильм "Бёрдмэн" - невероятно!
Фильмы от Том Холланд

Как приручить дракона

Хиккуп Хоррендус Хэддок III, наследник трона королевства викингов, страдает от одной маленькой проблемы: он не герой. В отчаянии отправившись на поиски самого большого и злобного дракона на свете, чтобы убить его и пройти обряд инициации, он находит крошечную беззубую рептилию. Вдвоем они пускаются на поиски приключений, чтобы каждый мог заслужить уважение своего племени.
Том Холланд
Это блестяще! Я тоже теперь хочу себе Беззубика.
Фильмы от Том Холланд

Кунг-фу Панда

Спасение Долины Мира и всех ее обитателей от непобедимого и безжалостного мастера Тай Лунга должно лечь на плечи Воина Дракона, Избранного среди лучших из лучших, коим становится... неуклюжий, ленивый и вечно голодный панда По. Ему предстоит долгий и трудный путь к вершинам мастерства Кунг-фу бок о бок с легендарными воинами: Тигрой, Обезьяной, Богомолом, Гадюкой и Журавлем. По постигнет тайну древнего Свитка и станет Воином Дракона только в том случае, если сможет поверить в себя...
Том Холланд
Только что просмотрел "Кунг-фу Панду" со своим братом Кэдди. Никогда не видел, чтобы он так смеялся.
Фильмы от Том Холланд

Зелёная миля

Пол Эджкомб - начальник блока смертников в тюрьме «Холодная гора», каждый из узников которого однажды проходит «зеленую милю» по пути к месту казни. Пол повидал много заключённых и надзирателей за время работы. Однако гигант Джон Коффи, обвинённый в страшном преступлении, стал одним из самых необычных обитателей блока.
Том Холланд
Только что посмотрел "Зеленую милю". Если вы ещё не посмотрели фильм, разберитесь там уже со своей жизнью и посмотрите. Это невероятный фильм.
Фильмы от Том Холланд


Они были лучшими копами Лос-Анджелеса. Бесстрашные и везучие напарники, они стали друг другу как братья. Но однажды парни залезли в самое логово преступного мира города, по-глупому подставились и сами стали мишенью… Кто успеет первым разрядить обойму?
Том Холланд
Только что посмотрел "Патруль". ОМГ, это безумный фильм. Отличная актёрская игра!
Книги от Том Холланд


A TIMES, GUARDIAN, TELEGRAPH AND WATERSTONES BEST SPORT BOOK OF THE YEAR'Gripping' Roger Alton, Sunday TimesThe inside story of how England transformed the way Test cricket is played.After one win in 17 by the start of the summer of 2022, England needed something new. For 145 years, Test cricket was played mainly in one way: batters laid a foundation before daring to attack – and, even then, only if circumstances were favourable. Bowlers tried to bowl maidens, calculating that they would eventually force an error. But the old ways weren't working.Then came 'Bazball', driven by new head coach in Brendon ('Baz') McCullum and captain Ben Stokes. What followed was one of the most thrilling revolutions in any sport, as a rudderless and ridiculed England Test team became – almost overnight – cricket's most talked-about phenomenon. They embarked on a brand of Test cricket that breathed life into an ailing format, breaking records as they went on to win 11 out 13 Tests before taking on world champions Australia in a dramatic Ashes contest that ended 2–2.Lawrence Booth and Nick Hoult, two of the game's most respected writers, had a ringside seat for all the action. Their book will reveal how Bazball swept the England dressing room and transformed the team's fortunes. Told via a mixture of interviews with the protagonists and insights gathered by the authors during their own close-up reporting, Bazball is an unmissable read. As Rob Key said after he appointed McCullum: 'Buckle up and get ready for the ride.'
Том Холланд
Back to my book…
Книги от Том Холланд

The Wife of Bath

From the award-winning biographer of Chaucer, the story of his most popular and scandalous character, from the Middle Ages to #MeTooEver since her triumphant debut in Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales, the Wife of Bath, arguably the first ordinary and recognisably real woman in English literature, has obsessed readers—from Shakespeare to James Joyce, Voltaire to Pasolini, Dryden to Zadie Smith. Few literary characters have led such colourful lives or matched her influence or capacity for reinvention in poetry, drama, fiction, and film. In The Wife of Bath, Marion Turner tells the fascinating story of where Chaucer’s favourite character came from, how she related to real medieval women, and where her many travels have taken her since the fourteenth century, from Falstaff and Molly Bloom to #MeToo and Black Lives Matter.A sexually active and funny working woman, the Wife of Bath, also known as Alison, talks explicitly about sexual pleasure. She is also a victim of domestic abuse who tells a story of rape and redemption. Formed from misogynist sources, she plays with stereotypes. Turner sets Alison’s fictional story alongside the lives of real medieval women—from a maid who travelled around Europe, abandoned her employer, and forged a new career in Rome to a duchess who married her fourth husband, a teenager, when she was sixty-five. Turner also tells the incredible story of Alison’s post-medieval life, from seventeenth-century ballads and Polish communist pop art to her reclamation by postcolonial Black British women writers.Entertaining and enlightening, funny and provocative, The Wife of Bath is a one-of-a-kind history of a literary and feminist icon who continues to capture the imagination of readers.
Том Холланд
“The idea of the female pilgrim as camouflaged vulva…” From Marion Turner’s splendid book on the Wife of Bath
Книги от Том Холланд

Anything You Can Imagine: Peter Jackson and the Making of Middle-earth

The definitive history of Peter Jackson’s Middle-earth saga, Anything You Can Imagine takes us on a cinematic journey across all six films, featuring brand-new interviews with Peter, his cast & crew. From the early days of daring to dream it could be done, through the highs and lows of making the films, to fan adoration and, finally, Oscar glory. LightsA nine-year-old boy in New Zealand’s Pukerua Bay stays up late and is spellbound by a sixty-year-old vision of a giant ape on an island full of dinosaurs. This is true magic. And the boy knows that he wants to be a magician. CameraFast-forward twenty years and the boy has begun to cast a spell over the film-going audience, conjuring gore-splattered romps with bravura skill that will lead to Academy recognition with an Oscar nomination for Heavenly Creatures. The boy from Pukerua Bay with monsters reflected in his eyes has arrived, and Hollywood comes calling. What would he like to do next? ‘How about a fantasy film, something like The Lord of the Rings...?’ ActionThe greatest work of fantasy in modern literature, and the biggest, with rights ownership so complex it will baffle a wizard. Vast. Complex. Unfilmable. One does not simply walk into Mordor – unless you are Peter Jackson. Anything You Can Imagine tells the full, dramatic story of how Jackson and his trusty fellowship of Kiwi filmmakers dared take on a quest every bit as daunting as Frodo’s, and transformed JRR Tolkien’s epic tale of adventure into cinematic magic, and then did it again with The Hobbit. Enriched with brand-new interviews with Jackson, his fellow filmmakers and many of the films’ stars, Ian Nathan’s mesmerising narrative whisks us to Middle-earth, to gaze over the shoulder of the director as he creates the impossible, the unforgettable, and proves that film-making really is ‘anything you can imagine’.
Том Холланд
Not surprised to learn (from this very enjoyable book) that Peter Jackson owns Mordred’s golden armour from Excalibur
Книги от Том Холланд

Politics on the Edge

A searing insider's account of ten extraordinary years in Parliament from Rory Stewart, former Cabinet minister and co-presenter of breakout hit podcast The Rest Is Politics 'The most exceptional political memoir I've ever read' ALAN JOHNSON 'An instant classic' MARINA HYDE 'At last a politician who can write' SEBASTIAN FAULKS The Sunday Times Political Book of the Year and The Times pick for *The Biggest Books of the Autumn* Over the course of a decade from 2010, Rory Stewart went from being a political outsider to standing for prime minister - before being sacked from a Conservative Party that he had come to barely recognise. Tackling ministerial briefs on flood response and prison violence, engaging with conflict and poverty abroad as a foreign minister, and Brexit as a Cabinet minister, Stewart learned first-hand how profoundly hollow our democracy and government had become. Cronyism, ignorance and sheer incompetence ran rampant. Around him, individual politicians laid the foundations for the political and economic chaos of today. Stewart emerged battered but with a profound affection for his constituency of Penrith and the Border, and a deep direct insight into the era of populism and global conflict. Uncompromising, candid and darkly humorous, Politics On the Edge is his story of the challenges, absurdities and realities of political life and a remarkable portrait of our age. The perfect Christmas gift for anyone who wants to understand our current political climate. **A FINANCIAL TIMES, SUNDAY TIMES, DAILY TELEGRAPH, TIMES, NEW STATESMAN, CHURCH TIMES AND SCOTSMAN BOOK OF THE YEAR 2023** Politics On the Edge was a #1 Sunday Times bestseller from 09.09.23 - 16.9.23.
Том Холланд
“I felt I was glimpsing what it might have been like to dine with Roman senators on their way to becoming marble statues.” @RoryStewartUK, in his new book, on the experience of sharing a platform with John Kerry & Al Gore
Книги от Том Холланд

Twilight of the Godlings

Throughout the recorded history of Britain, belief in earthbound spirits presiding over nature, the home and human destiny has been a feature of successive cultures. From the localised deities of Britannia to the Anglo-Saxons' elves and the fairies of late medieval England, Britain's godlings have populated a shadowy, secretive realm of ritual and belief running parallel to authorised religion. Twilight of the Godlings delves deep into the elusive history of these supernatural beings, tracing their evolution from the pre-Roman Iron Age to the end of the Middle Ages. Arguing that accreted cultural assumptions must be cast aside in order to understand the godlings – including the cherished idea that these folkloric creatures are the decayed remnants of pagan gods and goddesses – this bold, revisionist book traces Britain's 'small gods' to a popular religiosity influenced by classical learning. It offers an exciting new way of grasping the island's most mysterious mythical inhabitants.
Том Холланд
"The name of the goddess Cuda may be linked to the British word for pigeon, and also seems to be the root of 'Cotswolds'." I am enjoying @DrFrancisYoung's new book SO MUCH.
Книги от Том Холланд

The Restless Republic: Britain without a Crown

THE SUNDAY TIMES HISTORY BOOK OF THE YEAR 2022 WINNER OF THE POL ROGER DUFF COOPER PRIZE FOR NON-FICTION SHORTLISTED FOR THE BAILLIE GIFFORD PRIZE Eleven years when Britain had no king. In 1649 Britain was engulfed by revolution. On a raw January afternoon, the Stuart king, Charles I, was executed for treason. Within weeks the English monarchy had been abolished and the ‘useless and dangerous’ House of Lords discarded. The people, it was announced, were now the sovereign force in the land. What this meant, and where it would lead, no one knew. The Restless Republic is the story of the extraordinary decade that followed. It takes as its guides the people who lived through those years. Among them is Anna Trapnel, the daughter of a Deptford shipwright whose visions transfixed the nation. John Bradshaw, the Cheshire lawyer who found himself trying the King. Marchamont Nedham, the irrepressible newspaper man and puppet master of propaganda. Gerrard Winstanley, who strove for a Utopia of common ownership where no one went hungry. William Petty, the precocious scientist whose mapping of Ireland prefaced the dispossession of tens of thousands. And the indomitable Countess of Derby who defended to the last the final Royalist stronghold on the Isle of Man. The Restless Republic ranges from London to Leith, Cornwall to Connacht, from the corridors of power to the common fields and hillsides. Gathering her cast of trembling visionaries and banished royalists, dextrous mandarins and bewildered bystanders, Anna Keay brings to vivid life the most extraordinary and experimental decade in Britain’s history. It is the story of how these tempestuous years set the British Isles on a new course, and of what happened when a conservative people tried revolution.
Том Холланд
Reading AnnaLandmark’s wonderful book on the English Republic, The Restless Republic, I cannot help but smile at her account of “the many misadventures of Mr Prick, the unfortunately named minister of Denham.”
Книги от Том Холланд


An original, authoritative look at the social history of the 20th century, brilliantly retold through the eyes of the household servants.
Том Холланд
I curl up with LucyLethbridge's Servants: A Downstairs View of Twentieth-century Britain. I adored her book on the history of tourism, so am hugely looking forward to it.
Книги от Том Холланд

The Earth Transformed

AN INSTANT #2 SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER'Humanity has transformed the Earth: Frankopan transforms our understanding of history' Financial Times'Vast, learned and timely work' The Sunday Times_______________From the international bestselling author of The Silk Roads comes a major history of how a changing climate has dramatically shaped the development-and demise-of civilisations across time.A 2023 HIGHLIGHT FOR: BBC NEWS * SUNDAY TIMES CULTURE * FINANCIAL TIMES * NEW EUROPEAN * GUARDIAN * NEW STATESMAN * THE TIMES * THE WEEK * WATERSTONES * BLACKWELL'S_______________When we think about history, we rarely pay much attention to the most destructive floods, the worst winters, the most devastating droughts or the ways that ecosystems have changed over time. In The Earth Transformed, Peter Frankopan, one of the world's leading historians, shows that the natural environment is a crucial, if not the defining, factor in global history – and not just of humankind. Volcanic eruptions, solar activities, atmospheric, oceanic and other shifts, as well as anthropogenic behaviour, are fundamental parts of the past and the present. In this magnificent and groundbreaking book, we learn about the origins of our species: about the development of religion and language and their relationships with the environment; about how the desire to centralise agricultural surplus formed the origins of the bureaucratic state; about how growing demands for harvests resulted in the increased shipment of enslaved peoples; about how efforts to understand and manipulate the weather have a long and deep history. All provide lessons of profound importance as we face a precarious future of rapid global warming. Taking us from the Big Bang to the present day and beyond, The Earth Transformed forces us to reckon with humankind's continuing efforts to make sense of the natural world.-----------------------'This is epic, gripping, original history that leaps off the page. I wanted to buy everyone I know a copy' Sathnam Sanghera, author of Empireland'All Historians aiming to tell a narrative face the problem of when exactly to start it. Only Peter Frankopan would go back 2.5 billion years to the Great Oxidation Event' Tom Holland
Том Холланд
No one does global history like peterfrankopan, and his new magnum opus on humanity's relationship to the natural world, The Earth Transformed, is a book that only he could have written.
Книги от Том Холланд

Beyond the Wall

From the ashes of the Second World War to the fall of the Berlin Wall, the definitive history of East Germany In 1990, a country disappeared. When the Iron Curtain fell, East Germany ceased to be. For over forty years, from the ruin of the Second World War to the cusp of a new millennium, the German Democratic Republic presented a radically different Germany than what had come before and what exists today. Socialist solidarity, secret police, central planning, barbed wire: this was a Germany forged on the fault lines of ideology and geopolitics. In Beyond the Wall, acclaimed historian Katja Hoyer sets aside the usual Cold War caricatures of the GDR to offer a kaleidoscopic new vision of this vanished country, revealing the rich political, social, and cultural landscape that existed amid oppression and hardship. Drawing on a vast array of never-before-seen interviews and documents, this is the definitive history of the other Germany, beyond the Wall.
Том Холланд
A wonderful book!
Книги от Том Холланд

The War On Heresy

The war on heresy obsessed medieval Europe in the centuries after the first millennium. R. I. Moore's vivid narrative focuses on the motives and anxieties of those who declared and conducted the war: what were the beliefs and practices they saw as heretical? How might such beliefs have arisen? And why were they such a threat?In western Europe at AD 1000 heresy had barely been heard of. Yet within a few generations accusations had become commonplace and institutions were being set up to identify and suppress beliefs and practices seen as departures from true religion. Popular accounts of events, most notably of the Albigensian Crusade led by Europe against itself, have assumed the threats posed by the heretical movements were only too real. Some scholars by contrast have tried to show that reports of heresy were exaggerated or even fabricated: but if they are correct why was the war on heresy launched at all? And why was it conducted with such pitiless ferocity? To find the answers to these and other questions R. I. Moore returns to the evidence of the time. His investigation forms the basis for an account as profound as it is startlingly original.
Том Холланд
If you want to know more THE WAR ON HERESY, then no better place to start than RIMooreHistory’s book. “Startling, unsettling, and revelatory,” as some bloke said.
Cериалы от Том Холланд

Ancient Apocalypse

Journalist Graham Hancock travels the globe hunting for evidence of mysterious, lost civilizations dating back to the last Ice Age.
Том Холланд
The last documentary I watched that featured the underground cities of Cappadocia was, of course, Ancient Apocalypse
Cериалы от Том Холланд

Once Upon a Time in Iraq

With unique personal archive from civilians and soldiers from both sides of the conflict, this series takes viewers closer to the realities of war and life under Isis than they have ever been before.
Том Холланд
In fact, the best documentary series I’ve watched since, well, Once Upon A Time In Iraq…
Cериалы от Том Холланд

Once Upon a Time in Northern Ireland

Twenty-five years on from a peace agreement being reached, Once Upon a Time in Northern Ireland shares intimate, unheard testimonies from all sides of the conflict.
Том Холланд
I finish watching Once Upon A Time In Northern Ireland - harrowing, brilliantly structured, with an incredible array of interviewees, all of them, across the political & sectarian spectrum, powerfully & often movingly articulate. The best documentary series I’ve watched all year.
Cериалы от Том Холланд

Fresh Meat

A group of six students about to embark on the most exciting period of their lives so far: university!
Том Холланд
Oh wonderful. Fresh Meat, my favourite TV show of last year, is coming back.
Cериалы от Том Холланд

Celebrity Big Brother

Celebrity Big Brother is a British reality television game show in which a number of celebrity contestants live in an isolated house trying to avoid being evicted by the public with the aim of winning a large cash prize being donated to the winner's nominated charity at the end of the run.
Том Холланд
This series of Celebrity Big Brother was the greatest TV show ever. Nothing has topped it - not the Sopranos, not The Blue Planet, nothing. Pretty much every social & cultural issue that has roiled us since was prefigured, anatomised, satirised. Genius.
Cериалы от Том Холланд

Белый лотос

История о дорогом отеле на Гавайях и о событиях, которые происходят в нём в течение одной недели. Пока обеспеченные гости пытаются расслабиться и отдохнуть от всех проблем, сотрудники отеля сталкиваются с пренебрежением и высокомерием, испытывая усталость и выгорание. Вскоре этот райский уголок оказывается втянут в череду интриг.
Том Холланд
I finish The White Lotus, which is the best TV show I’ve watched all year, & the best satire I’ve watched since, oooh, I can’t think when.
Cериалы от Том Холланд

По долгу службы

Стива Арнотта переводят в отдел по борьбе с коррупцией после неудачной антитеррористической операции, которая закончилась гибелью невиновного человека и произошла по вине руководства.
Том Холланд
Watching Season 4 of Line Of Duty, & it is upsettingly close to the bone
Cериалы от Том Холланд

Тед Лассо

Тренер сборной колледжа Канзаса по американскому футболу Тед Лассо не слишком приметный и не особо удачливый мужчина. По странному стечению обстоятельств именно он переезжает в Англию, где ему предлагают роль тренера профессионального футбольного клуба. Проблема заключается в том, что Лассо не очень-то понимает разницу между американским и обычным футболом.
Том Холланд
I finish Season One of Ted Lasso. I loved it. Joyously & heart-warmingly manipulative.
Cериалы от Том Холланд


После падения Берлинской стены бывшая разведчица из Восточной Германии решает выяснить, кто и почему предал её, а после отомстить, используя свои навыки, приобретённые на службе.
Том Холланд
I've watched Kleo - loved it!
Cериалы от Том Холланд

Во все тяжкие

Вся жизнь немолодого школьного учителя химии Уолтера Уайта — это борьба. Его зарплаты не хватает на содержание беременной жены и сына-инвалида, поэтому учитель вынужден подрабатывать на автомойке. Но всё меняется, когда Уолтеру ставят страшный диагноз — неоперабельный рак лёгких.
Том Холланд
"Во все тяжкие" Лучший сериал, который я видел за последние годы.
Музыка от Том Холланд

All Along the Watchtower

Том Холланд
In the same way, I would propose, that All Along The Watchtower is a Jimi Hendrix song
Музыка от Том Холланд

You Never Give Me Your Money — The Beatles

Том Холланд
You Never Give Me Money is the song that always seems to me the most Paul McCartney song ever. ‘You only give me your funny paper’: misery. ‘Step on the gas and wipe that tear away’: joy. That sense of joy is ultimately what he’s always been about.
Музыка от Том Холланд

Locked out of Heaven — Bruno Mars

Том Холланд
Том Холланд и его друг Харрисон Остерфилд ехали в машине под этот трек и напевали его.
Музыка от Том Холланд

Return of the Mack — Mark Morrison

Том Холланд
Том Холланд танцевал и напевал этот трек, когда ехал в машине.
Музыка от Том Холланд

Эд Ширан

Том Холланд
Обожаю этого гения. Шоу было безумным. Возникло желание взять свою гитару.
Музыка от Том Холланд

Ed Sheeran - +

Том Холланд
Уже и забыл, как сильно нравится этот альбом.
Музыка от Том Холланд

Smooth Criminal - 2012 Remaster

Том Холланд
Песня, которая всегда заставляет меня танцевать... "Smooth Criminal" Майкла Джексона.
Вещи от Том Холланд

Marvel - 1000 pcs - Impossible Puzzle - Clementoni

Marvel - 1000 pcs - Impossible Puzzle - Clementoni
Том Холланд
Невероятный паззл? Позволю себе не согласиться. #jigsawwars