Музыка от Seth Godin

Bob Dylan

Seth Godin
Can you invent a thing for which no one will ever invent a better version of it? Certainly, Dylan has done that for dozens of his songs.
Музыка от Seth Godin

Bo Diddley

Seth Godin
In 1955, Bo Diddley released his first record. It became a #1 bestseller. The name of the track? “Bo Diddley.” It was a song about a singer and his work. That’s what it sounds like when you own it. When you sign your work. If you’re going to step up and create, it helps to own what you just did. You’re not simply another in a long line.
Музыка от Seth Godin

‎The Silver Beats

Seth Godin
I'm listening to an obscure CD of the Silver Beats, a group of four Japanese lads who play note for note renditions of Beatles songs. They don't speak a word of English. And yet they sing beautifully.
Музыка от Seth Godin

Patricia Barber

Seth Godin
Some people say Patricia Barber is a sellout because she’s a popular jazz musician as opposed to a starving jazz musician. But the people in the crowd don’t think that. I think selling out is largely about expectation, about being transparent and telling the truth to your audience.
Музыка от Seth Godin
3 песни

3 Musicians Seth Godin Likes

Ideas that spread, win. If you speak up about an idea or an artist you care about, the word spreads, the world changes.
Seth Godin
Ideas that spread, win. If you speak up about an idea or an artist you care about, the word spreads, the world changes.
Музыка от Seth Godin

Keller Williams

Seth Godin
I listen to a lot of Keller Williams, who is a friend and brilliant musician
Музыка от Seth Godin

Charlie Parker

Seth Godin
It’s been on there for a long time and before that, there was a Charlie Parker record on repeat.
Музыка от Seth Godin

Muddy Waters

Seth Godin
I am sitting is a completely American-made analog stereo with a record player, a ModWright amplifier, two small monitor speakers made in California, which are connected by this funky wire, and on the record player is a 45RPM LP of Muddy Waters.