Фильмы от Seth Godin


Робот ВАЛЛ·И из года в год прилежно трудится на опустевшей Земле, очищая нашу планету от гор мусора, которые оставили после себя улетевшие в космос люди. Он и не представляет, что совсем скоро произойдут невероятные события, благодаря которым он встретит друзей, поднимется к звездам и даже сумеет изменить к лучшему своих бывших хозяев, совсем позабывших родную Землю.
Seth Godin
At every turn, Pixar messed up the marketing of their new movie. It has a hard to spell name, no furry characters, not nearly enough dialogue (the first 45 minutes is almost silent), no nasty (but ultimately ridiculous) bad guy, hardly any violence and very little slapstick. Wall-e didn’t get a huge Hollywood PR campaign or even a lot of promotion, it doesn’t feature any hot stars and as far as I can tell, the merchandising options are quite limited. ...And yet, instead, they make a great movie. A movie for the ages. A film, not 90 minutes of commerce.
Фильмы от Seth Godin

Caine's Arcade

Caine Monroy is a 9-year old boy who spent his summer vacation building an elaborate DIY cardboard arcade in his dad’s used auto parts store.
Seth Godin
Maybe you've seen this short film. The first thing that made me smile was how willing Caine was to do his art regardless of how the world responded (it didn't). Caine didn't care. The goal wasn't to be accepted, the goal was to do it right. The second extraordinary thing is easy to miss. Around 3:30, you learn Caine's folk-arithmetic trick of using square roots to validate the PIN numbers on each fun pass. Extraordinary.