Хобби от Clark Kent


Скрапбу́кинг, скрэпбу́кинг — вид рукодельного искусства, заключающийся в изготовлении и оформлении семейных или личных фотоальбомов.
Clark Kent
Интервьюер, Журналист
Clark has appropriately nerdy hobbies. He scrapbooks, for heaven’s sakes. He collects his favorite classic TV commercials on DVD. His favorite is the one for the Las Vegas Chamber of Commerce where the old man skips out of the retirement home to meet his grandson in the parking lot (“Hey, Boo-boo.”) and rides off for a weekend of gambling and debauchery.
Хобби от Clark Kent


Acting is an activity in which a story is told by means of its enactment by an actor or actress who adopts a character—in theatre, television, film, radio, or any other medium that makes use of the mimetic mode. Acting involves a broad range of skills, including a well-developed imagination, emotional facility, physical expressivity, vocal projection, clarity of speech, and the ability to interpret drama. Acting also demands an ability to employ dialects, accents, improvisation, observation and emulation, mime, and stage combat. Many actors train at length in specialist programmes or colleges to develop these skills. The vast majority of professional actors have undergone extensive training. Actors and actresses will often have many instructors and teachers for a full range of training involving singing, scene-work, audition techniques, and acting for camera. Most early sources in the West that examine the art of acting (hypokrisis) discuss it as part of rhetoric.
Clark Kent
Интервьюер, Журналист
In the 2004 graphic novel, Superman: Birthright, we are given a more grounded reason for people not realising that Clark Kent is Superman. It is revealed that Clark Kent took acting lessons, and learnt the Meisner technique, in order to better separate the two aspects of his character. The Meiser technique is a popular form of acting that is used by many famous actors (such as Tom Cruise). Unlike Method acting, in which the actor completely takes on the personality of the person they are portraying, the Meisner technique requires outside sources. Using techniques such as sense memory, or repeated phrases, the actor learns how to become the character based on outside reminders of what they should be feeling.