Кулинария от Clark Kent

Ice cream sandwich

An ice cream sandwich is a frozen dessert consisting of ice cream between two biscuits, wafers, or cookies.
Clark Kent
Интервьюер, Журналист
Do you try to eat healthy, or given your natural advantages, do you let yourself pig-out once in a while? I am able to eat a really embarrassingly huge number of ice cream sandwiches.
Кулинария от Clark Kent

Long Island iced tea

A Long Island iced tea is a type of alcoholic mixed drink typically made with vodka, tequila, light rum, triple sec, gin, and a splash of cola, which gives the drink the same amber hue as its namesake. Most variants use equal parts of the main liquors, but include a smaller amount of triple sec (or other orange-flavored liqueur). Close variants often replace the sour mix with lemon juice, replace the cola with diet cola or actual iced tea, or add white crème de menthe. Most variants do not include any tea. The drink has a much higher alcohol concentration (approximately 22 percent) than most highball drinks due to the relatively small amount of mixer.
Clark Kent
Интервьюер, Журналист
Ever since Action Comics #1, Superman has made a name for himself as the most powerful hero in the DC Universe. The Long Island is the only drink to make a similar impression in the cocktail world, gaining a reputation for its unrelenting power. Like Superman, the drink seems totally approachable, thanks to its topper of good ol’ American Coca-Cola and some type of otherworldly (possibly Kryptonian) sorcery that balances its many types of liquor.
Кулинария от Clark Kent

Beef bourguignon

Beef bourguignon or bœuf bourguignon , also called beef Burgundy, and bœuf à la Bourguignonne, is a beef stew braised in red wine, often red Burgundy, and beef stock, generally flavoured with carrots, onions, garlic, and a bouquet garni, and garnished with pearl onions, mushrooms, and bacon. It is a well-known French recipe. The name probably refers to the use of wine, and it is likely not a regional recipe from Burgundy. When made with whole roasts, the meat was often larded.
Clark Kent
Интервьюер, Журналист
One of the clearest examples of a favorite food in comic books? Superman’s love for Beef Bourguignon with ketchup. Really. He’s seen ordering it multiple times (even in the far future of “Kingdom Come”), and Lois even nick-names him B.B.W.K. when she calls him on the phone. Some argue that after Mark Waid’s revisionist “Birthright,” he became vegetarian, but we’re guessing the whole point of DC’s New 52 reboot was to bring Beef Bourguignon back into continuity.
Кулинария от Clark Kent


Га́мбургер — вид сандвича, состоящий из разрезанной пополам булочки и рубленой жареной котлеты. В дополнение к мясу гамбургер может иметь большое количество разнообразных наполнителей, например: кетчуп и майонез, дольку кабачка, листья салата, маринованный огурец, сырой или жареный лук, помидор.
Clark Kent
Интервьюер, Журналист
Everyone knows that Superman gets his amazing superpowers from the radiation emitted by our sun. When something happens to the sun, it’s only a matter of time before something happens to Superman. In Action Comics #454, Superman becomes incredibly tired from using his abilities. It gets so bad that he has to take in thousands of calories at once just to regain his strength.
Кулинария от Clark Kent

Peanut butter and jelly sandwich

A peanut-butter and jelly (or jam) sandwich, or PB&J, includes one or more layers of peanut butter and one or more layers of jelly or jam on bread. Jelly is a fruit based spread, made primarily from fruit juice, while jam contains crushed fruit and fruit pulp. Sometimes the sandwich is eaten open-faced, or with one slice of bread folded over (effectively a "half sandwich"). The sandwich is quite common and popular in North America, especially for children; a 2002 survey showed the average American will have eaten 1,500 of these sandwiches before graduating from high school. Smuckers and other companies manufacture commercial sealed crustless sandwichs made of peanut butter and jelly. There are many variations on the sandwich; for example, honey or sliced fruit can be substituted for the jelly component, e.g. a peanut-butter and banana sandwich. Marshmallow fluff can also be substituted for the jelly, or added for extra flavor; this sandwich is called a "Fluffernutter". The popularity of almond butter has inspired some to transition to "almond butter and jelly" sandwiches; other nut butters are less common. Cream cheese, substituted for the peanut butter, makes a "Cream cheese and jelly" (CC&J) sandwich. Nutella is another possible substitute for one of the spreads. A common problem with the sandwich is that the jelly or jam can make one slice of bread soggy owing to the high water content inherent to the ingredient. This is especially the case when the sandwich is prepared ahead of time as part of a bag lunch. One solution is to create a barrier that protects the bread by taking advantage of the hydrophobic properties of oil present in the peanut butter, often in an emulsified solution. By spreading peanut butter on each slice, the jelly or jam is contained and isolated in the center, and the sandwich can safely be made ahead of time.
Clark Kent
Интервьюер, Журналист
According the DC comics official guide to Superman, Clark enjoys peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, football games, and the smell of Kansas in the springtime. In addition, Clark also enjoys the simplicity of his life as a reporter.