Movies recommended by Seth Rogen

Seth Rogen VHS Collection

Movies from Seth Rogen

Total Recall

What was in the Rogen household VHS library? My parents were big action movie fans: Die Hard, Total Recall, Lethal Weapon. A lot of Woody Allen movies, like Hannah and Her Sisters and Annie Hall. Those were the movies I watched a ton of...
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Movies from Seth Rogen

Annie Hall

What was in the Rogen household VHS library? My parents were big action movie fans: Die Hard, Total Recall, Lethal Weapon. A lot of Woody Allen movies, like Hannah and Her Sisters and Annie Hall. Those were the movies I watched a ton of...
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Movies from Seth Rogen

Hannah and Her Sisters

What was in the Rogen household VHS library? My parents were big action movie fans: Die Hard, Total Recall, Lethal Weapon. A lot of Woody Allen movies, like Hannah and Her Sisters and Annie Hall. Those were the movies I watched a ton of...
Movies from Seth Rogen

Lethal Weapon

What was in the Rogen household VHS library? My parents were big action movie fans: Die Hard, Total Recall, Lethal Weapon.
Movies from Seth Rogen

Die Hard

What was in the Rogen household VHS library? My parents were big action movie fans: Die Hard, Total Recall, Lethal Weapon.