People from Sam Harris

Adolfo Wildt

Sam Harris
Philosopher, Interviewer, Business Coach
I had never heard of sculptor Adolfo Wildt before I stumbled upon a book of photographs representing his work. He seems to have specialised in creating extremely smooth marble sculptures depicting people in negative states of mind, from smugness to agony. Even his happy faces convey some form of menace. This is how I look when I discover that I’ve run out of coffee, beer, or chocolate. It is also the expression I will be wearing when the machines take over.
Mobile Apps from Sam Harris

Spotify: Listen to new music, podcasts, and songs

With Spotify, you can play millions of songs and podcasts for free. Listen to the songs and podcasts you love and find music from all over the world.
Sam Harris
Philosopher, Interviewer, Business Coach
And if I'm going to listen to music, I often just put on Spotify or something.
Articles from Sam Harris

The Internet Is Overrun With Images of Child Sexual Abuse. What Went Wrong?

Online predators create and share the illegal material, which is increasingly cloaked by technology. Tech companies, the government and the authorities are no match.
Sam Harris
Philosopher, Interviewer, Business Coach
An incredibly grim story (among the many important stories to vanish from the news cycle because we have a lunatic in the White House). Google, FB, Palantir, etc.—please get on the case.
Articles from Sam Harris

My Family’s Life Inside and Outside America’s Racial Categories

My father was raised under Jim Crow. My children could pass for white. Where does that leave me?
Sam Harris
Philosopher, Interviewer, Business Coach
Great piece, Thomas!
Articles from Sam Harris

The Life-Changing Magic of Tripping

Mark Kleiman, the drug-policy scholar who died last week, thought certain hallucinogens should be legalized.
Sam Harris
Philosopher, Interviewer, Business Coach
Great piece. I just need to quibble with one word—“former.”
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3 articles

3 Articles Sam Harris Shared Recently

Sam Harris
Philosopher, Interviewer, Business Coach
Cars from Sam Harris

Model S

Model S is built for speed and endurance, with ludicrous acceleration, unparalleled performance and a sleek aesthetic.
Sam Harris
Philosopher, Interviewer, Business Coach
This electric car is that rare thing – a piece of technology that is both utterly desirable and good for the planet. Elon Musk has built the nicest automobile in history and singlehandedly created a new market for electric cars. When you consider the environmental and geopolitical consequences of our remaining dependent on oil – from rising sea levels to our funding both sides of the “war on terror” – it is amazing to see a solution arising out of brilliant and sexy engineering.
Events from Sam Harris

The Book of Mormon Musical

The Book of Mormon, The first Broadway Musical by Matt Stone and Trey Parker the Creators of South Park. God's favorite musical. God loves Mormons and he wants some more.
Sam Harris
Philosopher, Interviewer, Business Coach
The play that was created by the creators of the South Park, The Book of Mormons. It's been a huge hit in the United Stated, and it is an irreverent take on Mormonism. No one who spends even five minutes thinks about security concerns.