Mobile Apps

Arrive - Package Tracker

Naval Ravikant
Entrepreneur, Philosopher
Look out, Amazon! Apple Pay enables one-click buying for all of the Direct to Consumer brands, and Shopify’s Arrive app shows you real-time delivery info.

Google Fi
Simpler pricing and smarter coverage, from Google.

Naval Ravikant
Entrepreneur, Philosopher
Unlike the carriers, they won’t just hand your line over to anyone who asks.
Rivers of cheap data when you’re traveling.
If you’re in San Francisco on an iPhone, then Google Fi is just the T-Mobile network. Which is good to remind us what life was like before phones.

Cloud Baby Monitor
Ultimate two-way video and audio Baby Monitor / Babyphone with Noise and Motion Alerts and Unlimited Range (Wi-Fi, 3G, LTE). Excellent choice for secure home and travel baby monitoring, babysitting, or nanny watching.

Naval Ravikant
Entrepreneur, Philosopher
Throw away the proprietary hardware and use your extra iPad or iPhone. Very convenient when traveling with kids!

Streaks - Simple, Easy to use, Daily Habit Tracker
Want to get those amazing abs? How about losing some weight? Or reaching enlightenment through meditation? You know how you can achieve these things? By exercising everyday. By going to the gym every day. By meditating every single day! Streaks a simple to use habit tracker which tracks when you've completed tasks which builds up your habit.

Naval Ravikant
Entrepreneur, Philosopher
Best tool to build, track and break habits.

Podcast player app for iPhone, iPad, and Apple Watch.

Naval Ravikant
Entrepreneur, Philosopher
No-nonsense, full-featured podcast app.

Headliner - Promote your podcast, radio show or blog with video
Easily create videos to promote your podcast, radio show or blog. Share to Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Linkedin and anywhere video lives

Naval Ravikant
Entrepreneur, Philosopher
Produce short, viral podcast clips that can be embedded inside a single tweet.
Uber Eats: Order Food Delivery
Find Food Options For Your Budget. Order food using the Uber Eats app now. Hungry? Order restaurant food easily with the Uber Eats app.

Naval Ravikant
Entrepreneur, Philosopher
Consistently the fastest of the delivery services in my area.

mobile apps
3 Apps from Naval

Naval Ravikant
Entrepreneur, Philosopher

If you have Android OS 8.0 or 9.0. please download the beta version of WeCroak at:
Find happiness by contemplating your mortality with the WeCroak app. Each day, we’ll send you five invitations at randomized times to stop and think about death. It’s based on a Bhutanese folk saying that to be a happy person one must contemplate death five times daily.
The WeCroak invitations come at random times and at any moment just like death. When they come, you can open the app for a quote about death from a poet, philosopher, or notable thinker.
You are encouraged to take one moment for contemplation, conscious breathing or meditation when WeCroak notifications arrive. We find that a regular practice of contemplating mortality helps spur needed change, accept what we must, let go of things that don’t matter and honor things that do.

Naval Ravikant
Entrepreneur, Philosopher
I had installed this app on iPhone for a while that reminded me 5 times a day that I'm going to die with all kinds of clever quotes and I became desensitized to it like that. (35 m 45 s)