Articles from Mark Ruffalo

'It's a racial justice issue': Black Americans are dying in greater numbers from Covid-19

The coronavirus can infect anybody but African Americans are dying in disproportionate numbers, especially in certain big cities
Mark Ruffalo
"This is a social, economic, and racial justice issue. How one community is treated impacts all communities across the country.”
Articles from Mark Ruffalo

Effortless Environmentalism

Here are some easy ways to live more gently on the earth. The key word here is “easy.”
Mark Ruffalo
It's crucial now more than ever that we should do our part in slowing down climate change. @MargaretRenkl gives some useful tips on being more conscious about the role we play in the climate crisis.
Articles from Mark Ruffalo

Walt Whitman’s Guide to a Thriving Democracy

Walt whitman, who was born 200 years ago this year, is almost certainly the greatest American poet. In many ways, he is also the most enigmatic. Before 1855, the year that Whitman published Leaves of Grass, he had achieved no distinction whatsoever. He had no formal education—no Oxford, no Cambridge, no Harvard or Yale. His life up to his 35th year had been anything but a success. He’d been a teacher, but he was loose and a bit indolent, and he refused to whip his students.
Mark Ruffalo
A good read on Whitman’s song of the gorgeous spirit of democracy. We are each the leaves of grass that cover the land. Each of us important and valuable to the whole. The song of equanimity.