TOP 20 Marc Andreessen's Favorite Books - Part 3
The Power of the Powerless
"The definitive work on practical life under totalitarianism." - Marc Andreessen
The Captive Mind
"The definitive work on intellectual life under totalitarianism." - Marc Andreessen
Thinking in Bets
"Compact guide to probabilistic domains like poker, or venture capital." - Marc Andreessen
"One of the craziest books I've ever read; highly recommend." - Marc Andreessen
Born Standing Up
"Nothing about his career was an accident, which I thought was fascinating." - Marc Andreessen
Technological Revolutions and Financial Capital
"Describes a general model for the deployment of new technologies." - Marc Andreessen
Infamous Scribblers
"A great articulation of how the news business actually grew up in the US." - Marc Andreessen
The True Believer
"A brilliant book on the nature of mass movements and collective psychology." - Marc Andreessen
The Tycoons
"On how four great builders of the 19th century built the world we live in today." - Marc Andreessen
Zero to One
"The first book any working or aspiring entrepreneur must read—period." - Marc Andreessen
Only the Paranoid Survive
"One of my favorite topics. And so that is also a very good book [I] recommend." - Marc Andreessen
Public Choice Theory and the Illusion of American Grand Strategy
"A sobering reexamination of how democratic governments actually make decisions." - Marc Andreessen
Becoming Steve Jobs
"In this deeply-researched book, you'll find the most honest portrait of the real Steve Jobs." - Marc Andreessen
Believe in People
"An unrelenting picture of optimism that's a roadmap for solving our country's biggest problems." - Marc Andreessen
Lone Survivor
"The film was fine but the book is unreal; incredibly vivid story of superlative American heroes." - Marc Andreessen
12 Rules for Life
"A bracing disassembly and reconstruction of a theory of individual progress in the modern world." - Marc Andreessen
The Hard Thing About Hard Things
"Let’s just say, we started out relationship with vigorous disagreement, and we’ve continued that to this day." - Marc Andreessen
The Managerial Revolution
2. The Machiavellians, and The Managerial Revolution, by James Burnham -- together, the best explanation for the current structure of our society and politics.
"On perhaps the greatest American builder of all, the builder who brought electricity to us all, Thomas Edison." - Marc Andreessen
Play Nice But Win
"An incredible window into what it’s like to be in a founder’s shoes, and the difficult work of growing a company." - Marc Andreessen