People from Jay-Z

Kanye West

Musician, Entrepreneur
But he’s an extraordinary person. He has these ideas and these things that he wants to do and places he wants to go, and he’s really passionate about them. He’s very sincere.
People from Jay-Z

Cornel West

Musician, Entrepreneur
How did you meet Cornel West? I’ve always been a fan of his. Always been a fan of his words and his speaking. We had a chance to meet a while back and he and his friend Geoffrey Canada, who runs the Harlem Children’s Zone, came to my house a couple of years back and we had one of the most interesting conversations in my dining room
People from Jay-Z

Barack Obama

Musician, Entrepreneur
Jay-Z recently endorsed another man who attained the unattainable – Barack Obama. For black America, he says, Obama represented hope rather than politics.
People from Jay-Z

Martin Luther King Jr.

Musician, Entrepreneur
There are honourable mentions for Malcolm X, Martin Luther King and Mahatma Gandhi. "These are people you can never be. They have a certain glow about them. That for me is what your heroes are – unattainable."
People from Jay-Z

Malcolm X

Musician, Entrepreneur
There are honourable mentions for Malcolm X, Martin Luther King and Mahatma Gandhi. "These are people you can never be. They have a certain glow about them. That for me is what your heroes are – unattainable."
People from Jay-Z

Muhammad Ali

Musician, Entrepreneur
I ask about his heroes and he takes me on a guided tour of the photos in his office. We stop at a magnificent larger-than-life picture of Ali's arm and fist wrapped for work. "I'd say Ali is first; the blend between sport and entertainment, and how he stepped outside that arena, and spoke to a group of people, and gave them hope that they could be somebody. Like he was saying, 'I'm pretty' at a time when black people were told you're ugly and monkeys – he was like, 'I'm beautiful and gorgeous.' He gave us confidence to feel we're gorgeous and beautiful as well."
People from Jay-Z

Warren Buffett

Musician, Entrepreneur
He's very sharp you know and again he just affirmed to me that instincts is really important in business, you know. I didn't go to any proper business school or any read any super manuals like "The Record Business 101" or anything like that. I just pretty much followed my instincts and he just reaffirmed for me that you know your instincts are very important to you.
People from Jay-Z

David Hammons

Musician, Entrepreneur
What other artists do you have in your house? David Hammons, et cetera, et cetera.