Articles from James Corden

How the psychology of the England football team could change your life

How the psychology of the England football team could change your life
James Corden
Actor, TV Host
A fantastic piece for everyone to read. About failure and success, social media and interaction.
Articles from James Corden

The Book of Jeremy Corbyn

The Book of Jeremy Corbyn
James Corden
Actor, TV Host
This doth make a wonderful read x
Articles from James Corden

15 things I learnt about Islam and British values being a gay boy living opposite a mosque.

No mosque has enough parking and muslim men love to complain about it. I don’t care how young or trendy they are, within seconds they will…
James Corden
Actor, TV Host
Fantastic read.
Articles from James Corden

"I Get Angry at Myself When I Play It Safe": Jim Carrey, Sacha Baron Cohen and The Hollywood Reporter Comedy Actor Roundtable

Ted Danson, Don Cheadle, Henry Winkler and Timothy Simons also open up about why comedy should be dangerous ("I get absolutely terrified — but it becomes addictive"), Hollywood's former drug culture and moving on from indelible roles ("I had no idea how or what to do next").
James Corden
Actor, TV Host
This is completely brilliant. These 5, sensational.
Articles from James Corden

How can you consider 'straight pride' when lesbians like me are being attacked?

James Corden
Actor, TV Host
Please read this piece by @sarahkcomedy it’s worthy of your time and thought x
Articles from James Corden

Vicky Featherstone on the new Royal Court season and a post-MeToo age

There’s something slightly electrifying in the way Vicky Featherstone talks about plays. I’m sitting opposite her in her office at the Royal Court, listening to her describe its year-long new season, announced this morning. As the theatre’s artistic director, insight and conviction are to be expected.
James Corden
Actor, TV Host
This is a brilliant interview. It made me homesick just thinking about the @royalcourt and what it represents and stands for. I’ve had some of the best nights sat in the seats of that theatre x
Articles from James Corden

‘Ellen’ Producer Andy Lassner Speaks Out About Past Addiction Struggles to Inspire Others to Get Sober

In Variety’s Recovery Issue, prominent entertainment figures offer insights on navigating a sober life in Hollywood.
James Corden
Actor, TV Host
This interview with @andylassner is honest, raw and incredibly inspiring.
Articles from James Corden

On the Tube, I saw the father I’d never met – and was happy to find that I had nothing to say to him

Being from a single-parent family is hereditary. In my case, I got it from my father, who left my mother before I was born. Like most hereditary conditions, from time to time, you’ll find yourself discussing it in circumstances you can’t control and in a manner that makes you mildly uncomfortable. In my case, well-meaning people ask what my father does, which leaves me with the unlovely choice between honesty, which makes the questioner feel awkward, and lying, which is hard to keep up for long.
James Corden
Actor, TV Host
This is the best, most honest piece you’ll read today. Brilliant writing
Articles from James Corden

Is everything you think you know about depression wrong?

In this extract from his new book, Johann Hari, who took antidepressants for 14 years, calls for a new approach
James Corden
Actor, TV Host
Brilliant piece by Johann Hari well worth a read.
Articles from James Corden

Skim reading is the new normal. The effect on society is profound | Maryanne Wolf

When the reading brain skims texts, we don’t have time to grasp complexity, to understand another’s feelings or to perceive beauty. We need a new literacy for the digital age writes Maryanne Wolf, author of Reader, Come Home
James Corden
Actor, TV Host
This is a brilliant article about the importance of reading thoroughly and not simply skim reading. A very good and important... well, read x