
Philadelphia Freedom

David Baldacci
The song people might be surprised I know all the words to
Philadelphia Freedom. But only because I had to lip synch it for a New Year’s Party while dressed as Elton John complete with glasses, rings and a gold lamé jacket with dollar signs. Everybody said it was the money song of the night. But then again they were all drunk.

It Ain't Easy

David Baldacci
The first album I bought with my own money
Three Dog Night’s It Ain’t Easy. I last saw this album in my parent’s attic thirty years ago. I think by now it’s either been sold on eBay a hundred times or is in a landfill in Richmond, Virginia.

Adele 25

David Baldacci
The last album I listened to
Adele’s 25. This woman is amazing. I saw her do Carpool Karaoke with James Corden and fell in love with her humor. And of course that voice. A truly one-of-a-kind talent.

Paradise By the Dashboard Light

David Baldacci
The song that always makes me feel better
Meat Loaf’s Paradise By the Dashboard Light. If that doesn’t sum up the perils of young love in one song I don’t know what does! I liked it so much I used it in a book once, King & Maxwell. I listened to the song while I was writing the scene.