TOP 10 Bryan Johnson's Favorite Books
The Coddling of the American Mind
"Excited to read this new book by my friends." - Bryan Johnson
Man's Search for Meaning
"His basic point is no matter the conditions we surround ourselves in, we can author our life." - Bryan Johnson
"I loved [this book]. Especially [the] sections on algorithms and focusing on improving human ability for the future of jobs." - Bryan Johnson
A Good Man
"An exceptional father, a good friend, loyal, and he is a mental model of the kind of person I want to be in life." - Bryan Johnson
Thinking, Fast and Slow
"I started reading [this book] and I became increasingly convinced of my own fickleness and inability to actually act rationally in life." - Bryan Johnson
"Chronicles how hard it was for humanity to come up with and hold onto the concept of zero. No zero, no math. No zero, no engineering. No zero, no modern world as we know it..." - Bryan Johnson
Why We Sleep
"Not only did I become convinced that getting high-quality sleep is the best protector and enhancer of health and cognition, but it is also the most underappreciated." - Bryan Johnson
"[The author] open sourced Bridgewater’s methods in [this book] and the results were good evidence that collectives can operate at higher levels when they are open and honest about and can see past their cognitive flaws." - Bryan Johnson