Movies from Barack Obama
Movies from Barack Obama

American Symphony


Barack Obama

American Symphony, a film from @HGMedia, is directed by the talented Matthew Heineman and follows the journey of @JonBatiste and @SuleikaJaouad. It’s an...
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2022 was shaping up to be a magical year for Jon Batiste: he had just won an Oscar for his SOUL soundtrack; had a fantastic nightly gig as the bandleader for Late Night with Stephen Colbert; and his song “Freedom", from his We Are record, was topping the charts. And Batiste was embarking upon his most ambitious work, an assemblage of regional sounds and deep historical themes scheduled to premiere at Carnegie Hall. But then, he received crushing news: his partner, the writer Suleika Jaouad, had a relapse of her leukemia.
Jon Batiste
Suleika Jaouad
Tony Hardmon
Matthew Heineman
Matthew Heineman
Matthew Heineman
Nina Sing Fialkow
Gene Gallerano
Jon Batiste
Lauren Domino
David Fialkow
Thorsten Thielow
Jim Hession
Steven Farneth
Fernando Villegas
Joedan Okun
Barak Moffitt
Alice Webb
Daniel Seliger
Ryan Lynn
Suleika Jaouad
Mark Robinson
Sammy Dane
104:00 min