Rocket Fuel
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Rocket Fuel

Updated: 7 Sep 2020
Ingredients 2 oz Vodka 1 oz Tequila 1 oz White rum 1 dash Tabasco sauce (optional) Directions Combine the ingredients in a cocktail shaker with ice Shake until chilled Strain into an Old fashioned glass Serve
Entrepreneur, Scientist, Superhero
4 years ago
Tony Stark is just a man until he puts on his Iron Man suit. And just as the billionaire powers up, so too does a Piña Colada when it transforms into Rocket Fuel. The tropical variation born on Fire Island, New York, ups the rum and adds amaretto for sweet, nutty nuance. After adding a straw to the blended drink, the final touch is a tricky maneuver in which you add Bacardi 151 through a speed pour directly into the straw, making a super-boozy treasure at the bottom of the glass. The technical operation should be no issue for an engineering genius like Tony Stark though.