Long Island iced tea
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Long Island iced tea

Updated: 7 Sep 2020
Long Island iced tea
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A Long Island iced tea is a type of alcoholic mixed drink typically made with vodka, tequila, light rum, triple sec, gin, and a splash of cola, which gives the drink the same amber hue as its namesake. Most variants use equal parts of the main liquors, but include a smaller amount of triple sec (or other orange-flavored liqueur). Close variants often replace the sour mix with lemon juice, replace the cola with diet cola or actual iced tea, or add white crème de menthe. Most variants do not include any tea. The drink has a much higher alcohol concentration (approximately 22 percent) than most highball drinks due to the relatively small amount of mixer.
Interviewer, Journalist
4 years ago
Ever since Action Comics #1, Superman has made a name for himself as the most powerful hero in the DC Universe. The Long Island is the only drink to make a similar impression in the cocktail world, gaining a reputation for its unrelenting power. Like Superman, the drink seems totally approachable, thanks to its topper of good ol’ American Coca-Cola and some type of otherworldly (possibly Kryptonian) sorcery that balances its many types of liquor.