Literally Show Me a Healthy Person - Darcie Wilder
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Literally Show Me a Healthy Person

Updated: 7 Sep 2020
Darcie Wilder's literally show me a healthy person is a careful confession soaking in saltwater, a size B control top jet black pantyhose dragged over a skinned knee and slipped into unlaced doc martens. Blurring the lines of the written word, literally show me a healthy person is a portrait of a young girl, or woman, or something; grappling with the immediate and seemingly endless urge to document and describe herself and the world around her. Dealing with the aftermath of her mother's death, her father's neglect, and the chaotic unspoken expectations around her, this novel is a beating heart at the intersection of literature, poetry, and the internet. Darcie Wilder elevates and applies direct pressure, but the wound never stops bleeding.
Actress, Model
almost 5 years ago
Last May she was photographed reading Darcie Wilder’s novel literally show me a healthy person (no yacht this time, but there was still a bikini involved — plus, bonus points for reading through tiny sunglasses).