Фильмы от Tom Hiddleston

Beasts of the Southern Wild

Шестилетняя Хашпаппи живет с отцом Винком в общине на краю мира. Они проводят свои дни, плавая в поисках рыбы в некоем подобии лодки, сделанной из остова пикапа. И пусть Винк суровый отец, зато его дочь будет подготовлена к выживанию в одиночку, когда его не станет. Однажды Винка скашивает непонятная болезнь, а природа сходит с ума: тают ледники, поднимается вода, появляется армия доисторических животных. Здоровье Винка все хуже, и Хашпаппи решает отправится на поиски своей матери…
Tom Hiddleston
I had to sit in the cinema for about 10 minutes after Beasts of the Southern Wild.
Фильмы от Tom Hiddleston


Нил МакКоли — преступник. Один из лучших, если можно так сказать о преступнике, в Лос-Анджелесе, а быть может, и во всей Америке. И работать с ним вместе почитают за честь супер-профессионалы криминального мира. Но против него выступает Винсент Ханна. Детектив. Один из лучших в Лос-Анджелесе, а быть может, и во всей Америке. У Винсента и Нила очень много общего. Вероятно, общего у них даже больше, чем отличий. Однако они все же стоят по разные стороны закона. Две сильнейшие команды сошлись друг против друга. Только речь идет не о спортивном состязании, а о схватке не на жизнь, а на смерть…
Tom Hiddleston
'Heat'. Michael Mann film. Every time I watch it, it gets better and better.
Фильмы от Tom Hiddleston

The Diving Bell and the Butterfly

Жан-Доминик Боби, редактор журнала Elle France, в 1995 году в возрасте 43 лет перенес инсульт, в результате которого он был полностью парализован. Подмигивая оставшимся не парализованным левым глазом, когда сидящий рядом человек называл нужную букву, Жан-Доминик рассказал все о своем внутреннем мире, начиная с психологической пытки из-за того, что ты заперт внутри собственного тела, и заканчивая воображаемыми историями о мирах, которые он посещал лишь в своих мечтах.
Tom Hiddleston
It was first a piece of literature written by Jean-Dominique Bauby, who was the former French editor of Elle. And he suffers a kind of physical stroke, which paralyzes his entire body and the only muscle he can move is his left eyelid. And he essentially blinked a 120 page book. I thought how can you make a film about a man who is locked inside his own body and blinking? And Julian Schnabel achieved the impossible.
Фильмы от Tom Hiddleston


В конце двадцатого века оказывается, что в Нью — Йорке живут не только обычные граждане, но и… привидения. Многомиллионное население не может противостоять натиску сверхъестественного.В конце концов на пути бесчисленных монстров не остается никого — кроме троих ученых — парапсихологов, которым известно все о потустороннем мире, правда только в теории. И теперь им придется оставить пыльные кабинеты и применить свои знания на практике…
Tom Hiddleston
The original movie was one of my favourite films when I was growing up.
Фильмы от Tom Hiddleston

Iron Man 3

Когда мир Старка рушится на его глазах по вине неизвестных противников, Тони жаждет найти виновных и свести с ними счеты. Оказавшись в безвыходной ситуации, Старк может рассчитывать только на себя и свою изобретательность, чтобы защитить тех, кто ему дорог. Это становится настоящим испытанием для героя, которому придется не только сражаться с коварным врагом, но и разобраться в себе, чтобы найти ответ на вопрос, который давно его тревожит: что важнее — человек или костюм?
Tom Hiddleston
By the way, IRON MAN 3 is outstandingly outstanding. See, laugh, cheer.
Фильмы от Tom Hiddleston

Much Ado About Nothing

В фильме рассказывается о двух влюбленных парах, совершенно не похожих друг на друга. С одной стороны — Бенедикт и Беатриче, которые изначально не слишком-то ладили, с другой — граф Клаудио, взаимно влюбленный в красавицу Геро. Коварный дон Хуан решает расстроить свадьбу последних и обманом заставляет всех поверить, что Геро изменяет своему жениху, после чего и начинаются форменные шекспировские страсти.
Tom Hiddleston
By the way, Joss Whedon's MUCH ADO ABOUT NOTHING is a box of pure, unalloyed delight. See, and be happy.
Фильмы от Tom Hiddleston

Blade Runner

Фильм по роману Филипа К. Дика "Мечтают ли андроиды об электроовцах?". Работа полицейского Рика Декарда - устранять андроидов-репликантов, которые почти не отличаются от людей и только с помощью специальных тестов можно выявить принципиальные отличия. Такая работа опасна и тяжела морально, но такова доля полицейского в 21-ом веке... P.S. Фильм, конечно, не передаёт всей атмосферы книги и многие ключевые моменты отсутствует или присутствуют в упрощённом виде, но от этого фильм не становится менее интересным.
Tom Hiddleston
As a cinephile, what's your favourite 70s sci-fi/dystopian/disaster movie? (Star Wars doesn't count.) - Blade Runner. (That’s cheating, I know. 1982.) I still haven’t seen Logan’s Run.
Фильмы от Tom Hiddleston

Mary Poppins

Семейство Бенкс озабоченно поисками няни для своих детей. И как это бывает только в сказке, она появилась прямо из воздуха, прекрасная, ни на кого не похожая. Как раз такая, какую мечтали бы иметь в своем доме всякие любящие родители. У неё не просто цветущий вид. Она непросто лучше всех умеет готовить, ходить по магазинам, одеваться, танцевать и воспитывать детей. Это всё лишь элементы, лишь составляющие. Нет, тут нечто большее — она именно совершенна, именно лишена недостатков, ибо она — сказочная. Как же не влюбиться в такую…
Tom Hiddleston
Favourite disney movie, apart from The Jungle Book. - Mary Poppins
Фильмы от Tom Hiddleston

Doctor Strange

Страшная автокатастрофа поставила крест на карьере успешного нейрохирурга Доктора Стрэнджа. Отчаявшись, он отправляется в путешествие в поисках исцеления и открывает в себе невероятные способности к трансформации пространства и времени. Теперь он — связующее звено между параллельными измерениями, а его миссия — защищать жителей Земли и противодействовать Злу, какое бы обличие оно ни принимало.
Tom Hiddleston
I think Doctor Strange is one of if not the best, very great Marvel movie that they have made. It completely kind of broke the mold and reinvented the wheel.
Фильмы от Tom Hiddleston


2057 год. Солнце погибает, и человечество встает перед лицом вымирания. Последняя надежда планеты Земля связана с «Икаром 2» — космическим кораблем, экипаж которого состоит из восьми мужчин и женщин во главе с капитаном Канедой. Их миссия — доставить ядерный заряд, с помощью которого предполагается повторно воспламенить гаснущее Солнце.Во время своего путешествия, находясь далеко в космическом безмолвии, в отсутствии какого-либо радиоконтакта с Землей, экипаж слышит слабые позывные сигналы с космического корабля «Икар 1», который пропал, выполняя семь лет назад ту же самую миссию, что и «Икар 2». Ужасная катастрофа ввергает миссию в очень опасную и рискованную ситуацию, и скоро команда обнаруживает, что вынуждена бороться не только за свои собственные жизни и душевное равновесие, но и за будущее всех нас…
Tom Hiddleston
The movie "Sunshine" by Danny Boyle, which is about a group of scientists who go into space to reboot the Sun. Cillian Murphy, Chris Evans, Michelle Yeoh it is a great film.
Книги от Tom Hiddleston

The Night Manager

Now an AMC miniseries • The acclaimed novel from the #1 New York Times bestselling author of A Legacy of Spies and Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy John le Carré, the legendary author of sophisticated spy thrillers, is at the top of his game in this classic novel of a world in chaos. With the Cold War over, a new era of espionage has begun. In the power vacuum left by the Soviet Union, arms dealers and drug smugglers have risen to immense influence and wealth. The sinister master of them all is Richard Onslow Roper, the charming, ruthless Englishman whose operation seems untouchable. Slipping into this maze of peril is Jonathan Pine, a former British soldier who’s currently the night manager of a posh hotel in Zurich. Having learned to hate and fear Roper more than any man on earth, Pine is willing to do whatever it takes to help the agents at Whitehall bring him down—and personal vengeance is only part of the reason why. Praise for The Night Manager “A splendidly exciting, finely told story . . . masterly in its conception.”—The New York Times Book Review “Intrigue of the highest order.”—Chicago Sun-Times “Richly detailed and rigorously researched . . . Le Carré’s gift for building tension through character has never been better realized.”—People “Grimly fascinating, often nerve-wracking, and impossible to put down.”—Boston Herald
Tom Hiddleston
Now an AMC miniseries • The acclaimed novel from the #1 New York Times bestselling author of A Legacy of Spies and Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy John le Carré, the legendary author of sophisticated spy thrillers, is at the top of his game in this classic novel of a world in chaos. With the Cold War over, a new era of espionage has begun. In the power vacuum left by the Soviet Union, arms dealers and drug smugglers have risen to immense influence and wealth. The sinister master of them all is Richard Onslow Roper, the charming, ruthless Englishman whose operation seems untouchable. Slipping into this maze of peril is Jonathan Pine, a former British soldier who’s currently the night manager of a posh hotel in Zurich. Having learned to hate and fear Roper more than any man on earth, Pine is willing to do whatever it takes to help the agents at Whitehall bring him down—and personal vengeance is only part of the reason why. Praise for The Night Manager “A splendidly exciting, finely told story . . . masterly in its conception.”—The New York Times Book Review “Intrigue of the highest order.”—Chicago Sun-Times “Richly detailed and rigorously researched . . . Le Carré’s gift for building tension through character has never been better realized.”—People “Grimly fascinating, often nerve-wracking, and impossible to put down.”—Boston Herald
Книги от Tom Hiddleston

Life's That Way

A remarkable memoir that shows the capacity of the human heart to heal after the challenge of having to say goodbye. Even the hardest lessons contain great gifts. Jim Beaver and his wife Cecily Adams appeared to have it all-following years of fertility treatments, they were finally parents and they were building their dream home and successful Hollywood careers. Life was good. But then their daughter, Maddie, was diagnosed as autistic. Weeks later, Cecily, a non-smoker, was diagnosed with Stage IV lung cancer. Sadly, after 14 years of marriage, Jim became a widower and a single dad. Faced with overwhelming grief, Jim reached out to family and friends by writing a nightly email-a habit he established when Cecily was first diagnosed. Initially a cathartic exercise for Jim, the prose became an unforgettable journey for his readers. Life's That Way is a compilation of those profound, compelling emails.
Tom Hiddleston
A remarkable memoir that shows the capacity of the human heart to heal after the challenge of having to say goodbye. Even the hardest lessons contain great gifts. Jim Beaver and his wife Cecily Adams appeared to have it all-following years of fertility treatments, they were finally parents and they were building their dream home and successful Hollywood careers. Life was good. But then their daughter, Maddie, was diagnosed as autistic. Weeks later, Cecily, a non-smoker, was diagnosed with Stage IV lung cancer. Sadly, after 14 years of marriage, Jim became a widower and a single dad. Faced with overwhelming grief, Jim reached out to family and friends by writing a nightly email-a habit he established when Cecily was first diagnosed. Initially a cathartic exercise for Jim, the prose became an unforgettable journey for his readers. Life's That Way is a compilation of those profound, compelling emails.
Книги от Tom Hiddleston

The Prose Edda

The Prose Edda is the most renowned of all works of Scandinavian literature and our most extensive source for Norse mythology. Written in Iceland a century after the close of the Viking Age, it tells ancient stories of the Norse creation epic and recounts the battles that follow as gods, giants, dwarves and elves struggle for survival. It also preserves the oral memory of heroes, warrior kings and queens. In clear prose interspersed with powerful verse, the Edda provides unparalleled insight into the gods' tragic realization that the future holds one final cataclysmic battle, Ragnarok, when the world will be destroyed. These tales from the pagan era have proved to be among the most influential of all myths and legends, inspiring modern works as diverse as Wagner's Ring Cycle and Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings.
Tom Hiddleston
The Prose Edda is the most renowned of all works of Scandinavian literature and our most extensive source for Norse mythology. Written in Iceland a century after the close of the Viking Age, it tells ancient stories of the Norse creation epic and recounts the battles that follow as gods, giants, dwarves and elves struggle for survival. It also preserves the oral memory of heroes, warrior kings and queens. In clear prose interspersed with powerful verse, the Edda provides unparalleled insight into the gods' tragic realization that the future holds one final cataclysmic battle, Ragnarok, when the world will be destroyed. These tales from the pagan era have proved to be among the most influential of all myths and legends, inspiring modern works as diverse as Wagner's Ring Cycle and Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings.
Книги от Tom Hiddleston

Victoria Cross Heroes

Foreword by Lance-Sergeant Johnson Beharry VC THE VICTORIA CROSS is Britain and the Commonwealth's most prestigious gallantry medal for courage in the face of the enemy. It has been bestowed upon 1,355 heroic individuals from all walks of life since its creation during the Crimean War. Lord Ashcroft, who has been fascinated with bravery since he was a young boy, now owns 200 VCs, by far the largest collection of its kind in the world. Following on from the bestselling Victoria Cross Heroes, first published in 2006 to mark the 150th anniversary of the award, Victoria Cross Heroes: Volume II gives extraordinary accounts of the bravery behind the newest additions to Lord Ashcroft's VC collection - those decorations purchased in the last decade. With nearly sixty action-packed stories of courageous soldiers, sailors and airmen from a range of global conflicts including the Indian Mutiny of 1857-58, the Second Anglo-Boer War of 1899-1902 and the First and Second World Wars, this book is a powerful testament to the strength of the human spirit and a worthy tribute to the servicemen who earned the Victoria Cross. Their inspirational deeds of valour and self-sacrifice should be championed and never forgotten.
Tom Hiddleston
Foreword by Lance-Sergeant Johnson Beharry VC THE VICTORIA CROSS is Britain and the Commonwealth's most prestigious gallantry medal for courage in the face of the enemy. It has been bestowed upon 1,355 heroic individuals from all walks of life since its creation during the Crimean War. Lord Ashcroft, who has been fascinated with bravery since he was a young boy, now owns 200 VCs, by far the largest collection of its kind in the world. Following on from the bestselling Victoria Cross Heroes, first published in 2006 to mark the 150th anniversary of the award, Victoria Cross Heroes: Volume II gives extraordinary accounts of the bravery behind the newest additions to Lord Ashcroft's VC collection - those decorations purchased in the last decade. With nearly sixty action-packed stories of courageous soldiers, sailors and airmen from a range of global conflicts including the Indian Mutiny of 1857-58, the Second Anglo-Boer War of 1899-1902 and the First and Second World Wars, this book is a powerful testament to the strength of the human spirit and a worthy tribute to the servicemen who earned the Victoria Cross. Their inspirational deeds of valour and self-sacrifice should be championed and never forgotten.
Книги от Tom Hiddleston

The Second World War

The Classic One-Volume Abridgment of Winston Churchill's landmark history of World War II. At once a personal account and a magisterial history, The Second World War remains Churchill's literary masterpiece.
Tom Hiddleston
The Classic One-Volume Abridgment of Winston Churchill's landmark history of World War II. At once a personal account and a magisterial history, The Second World War remains Churchill's literary masterpiece.
Книги от Tom Hiddleston

The Poetic Edda

"The poems of the Poetic Edda have waited a long time for a Modern English translation that would do them justice. Here it is at last (Odin be praised!) and well worth the wait. These amazing texts from a 13th-century Icelandic manuscript are of huge historical, mythological and literary importance, containing the lion's share of information that survives today about the gods and heroes of pre-Christian Scandinavians, their unique vision of the beginning and end of the world, etc. Jackson Crawford's modern versions of these poems are authoritative and fluent and often very gripping. With their individual headnotes and complementary general introduction, they supply today's readers with most of what they need to know in order to understand and appreciate the beliefs, motivations, and values of the Vikings." --Dick Ringler, Professor Emeritus of English and Scandinavian Studies at the University of Wisconsin–Madison
Tom Hiddleston
"The poems of the Poetic Edda have waited a long time for a Modern English translation that would do them justice. Here it is at last (Odin be praised!) and well worth the wait. These amazing texts from a 13th-century Icelandic manuscript are of huge historical, mythological and literary importance, containing the lion's share of information that survives today about the gods and heroes of pre-Christian Scandinavians, their unique vision of the beginning and end of the world, etc. Jackson Crawford's modern versions of these poems are authoritative and fluent and often very gripping. With their individual headnotes and complementary general introduction, they supply today's readers with most of what they need to know in order to understand and appreciate the beliefs, motivations, and values of the Vikings." --Dick Ringler, Professor Emeritus of English and Scandinavian Studies at the University of Wisconsin–Madison
Книги от Tom Hiddleston
10 книг

10 Tom Hiddleston Books

10 books recommended by Tom Hiddleston. Tom reads not only scripts. but lots of different classic literature as well. We've selected his favorite book picks. Enjoy!
Tom Hiddleston
10 books recommended by Tom Hiddleston. Tom reads not only scripts. but lots of different classic literature as well. We've selected his favorite book picks. Enjoy!
Книги от Tom Hiddleston
15 книг

15 Tom Hiddleston Books

15 Tom Hiddleston favorite books. Tom Hiddleston is really into British culture, which can be seen from his broad experience at the theater and numerous narrated audiobooks. He loves books and reads a lot. We've picked 15 Tom Hiddleston recommended books, take a look!
Tom Hiddleston
15 Tom Hiddleston favorite books. Tom Hiddleston is really into British culture, which can be seen from his broad experience at the theater and numerous narrated audiobooks. He loves books and reads a lot. We've picked 15 Tom Hiddleston recommended books, take a look!
Книги от Tom Hiddleston

The Patrick Melrose Novels

Filmed for Sky Atlantic, starring Benedict Cumberbatch, The Patrick Melrose Novels is the complete collection of Edward St Aubyn's award-winning novels of childhood trauma and aristocratic decadence. This Picador Classics edition features an introduction by author Zadie Smith.Patrick slid back down in his chair and sprawled in front of the view. He noticed how his tears cooled as they ran down his cheeks. Washed eyes and a tired and empty feeling. Was that what other people meant by peaceful?Collected here together in a single volume are the complete Patrick Melrose Novels by Edward St Aubyn, Never Mind, Bad News, Some Hope, Mother's Milk, and At Last. Acclaimed for their searing wit and their deep humanity, this magnificent cycle of novels – in which Patrick Melrose battles to survive the savageries of his childhood and lead a self-determined life – is one of the major achievements in English fiction.
Tom Hiddleston
I am currently re-reading the Patrick Melrose novels by Edward St Aubyn. They are very painful, very honest and very funny.
Книги от Tom Hiddleston

Scripts People Live

A “stimulating and thought-provoking” guide to help you make productive and autonomous choices toward rewriting your life (Los Angeles Times). We choose a “life script” at an early age. But you can change its course. Whether born into wealth or poverty, into nurturing families or damaged abusers, fostered by strict parents or careless and undisciplined ones, each individual still has a spiritual core that exists independent of the environment and is equally crucial to his or her destiny. Countering the fundamental principle of psychiatry which asserts that emotional and mental distress comes from within, Claude Steiner believes that people are innately healthy but develop a pattern early in life based upon negative or positive influences of those around them. Those influences can rule every detail of our lives until our death. Thus children decide, however unconsciously, whether they will be happy or depressed, winners or failures, strong or dependent, caring or cruel, and having decided, they spend the rest of their lives making that decision come true. For those who choose to live by their negative script, the consequences can be disastrous unless they make a conscious decision to change. In Scripts We Live, Steiner tackles the puzzle of human fate. He reveals what determines our life scripts, and how each person’s combination of spirit and circumstance contributes to the final path that life takes. And he offers hopeful advice and practical analysis so that we all can rewrite for ourselves more meaningful and fulfilling lives.
Tom Hiddleston
What books are in Laing's library? Now you’re testing me. I can’t remember. Scripts People Live by Claude Steiner.
Музыка от Tom Hiddleston

Lost in Music - 1995 Remaster — Sister Sledge

Tom Hiddleston
Happy New Year, everybody! Song of the Day is "Lost In Music" by Sister Sledge. I have rediscovered it over night and it has blown my mind.
Музыка от Tom Hiddleston

Start a War — The National

Tom Hiddleston
Song of the Day: "Start a War", by The National.
Музыка от Tom Hiddleston

Good Vibrations — Marky Mark And The Funky Bunch, Loleatta Holloway

Tom Hiddleston
Song of the Day: "Good Vibrations", by Marky Mark & The Funky Bunch. Because I just heard it on the radio and it's awesome and hilarious.
Музыка от Tom Hiddleston

Gimme Shelter

Tom Hiddleston
If you could pick a song right now to recommend, what would it be? - Gimme Shelter by The Rolling Stones. I listened to it on the way in.
Музыка от Tom Hiddleston

The Bathtub

Tom Hiddleston
Still hopelessly addicted to the music of @Dan_romer & @lostbayouramble. Song of the Day: "The Bathtub".
Музыка от Tom Hiddleston
3 песни

3 Musical Inspirations

Tom Hiddleston
Музыка от Tom Hiddleston

Creedence Clearwater Revival

Tom Hiddleston
I also listen to loads of music from the 70s, which is music I love anyway. The Rolling Stones, Creedence Clearwater Revival.
Музыка от Tom Hiddleston

The Rolling Stones

Tom Hiddleston
I also listen to loads of music from the 70s, which is music I love anyway. The Rolling Stones, Creedence Clearwater Revival. MostlyThe Stones. Every day I had the stones on in the trailer.
Музыка от Tom Hiddleston

Ed Sheeran

Tom Hiddleston
His new album is fantastic.
Музыка от Tom Hiddleston


Tom Hiddleston
Blue sky. Evening. June. Finally. Song of the Day: "Starships", by Nicki Minaj. It makes you run faster. #summer
Вещи от Tom Hiddleston

Mcvities Dark Chocolate Digestives 300g Pack of 4

Tom Hiddleston
What are the kinds of homie comforts have you missed? - Dark Chocolate Digestives
Подкасты от Tom Hiddleston

Soundtracking with Edith Bowman

In a unique weekly podcast, Edith Bowman sits down with a variety of film directors, actors, producers and composers to talk about the music that inspired them and how they use music in their films, from their current release to key moments in their career. The music chosen by our guests is woven into the interview and used alongside clips from their films.
Tom Hiddleston
@edibow 's new podcast #Soundtracking - about my favourite thing, film music - is absolutely great