Фильмы от Tim Ferriss

The Restaurateur

Documentary about the grueling construction of not one but two world class restaurants. In this food-driven documentary, director Roger M. Sherman shadows restaurateur Danny Meyer, the culinary brains behind Eleven Madison Park, Tabla, Union Square Cafe and Gramercy Tavern in an attempt to find out what fuels his business cravings.
Tim Ferriss
Предприниматель, Писатель, Интервьюер
Follow Danny Meyer through the opening of Eleven Madison Park. Be sure to watch the epilogue in the Special Features Section.
Фильмы от Tim Ferriss

Le Cirque: A Table in Heaven

Tim Ferriss
Предприниматель, Писатель, Интервьюер
Before you open that restaurant you’ve always dreamed of, watch this and The Restaurateur. These are the troubles that even the best in the world have, so consider yourself forewarned.
Фильмы от Tim Ferriss

Kings of Pastry

The collar awarded to the winners of the Meilleur Ouvrier de France (Best Craftsman in France) is more than the ultimate recognition for every pastry chef - it is a dream and an obsession. The 3-day competition includes everything from delicate chocolates to precarious six foot sugar sculptures and requires that the chefs have extraordinary skill, nerves of steel and luck. The film follows Jacquy Pfeiffer, founder of The French Pastry School in Chicago, as he returns to France to compete against 15 of France's leading pastry chefs. The filmmakers were given first time/exclusive access to this high-stakes drama of passion, sacrifice, disappointment and joy in the quest to have President Sarkozy declare them one of the best in France.
Tim Ferriss
Предприниматель, Писатель, Интервьюер
Who knew pastry could be a full-contact sport? Just as in Pressure Cooker, you’ll notice that all the coaches are awesomely brutal.
Фильмы от Tim Ferriss

Garlic Is as Good as Ten Mothers

A zesty paean of praise to the greater glories of garlic. This lip-smacking foray into the history, consumption, cultivation and culinary/curative powers of the stinking rose features chef Alice Waters of Chez Panisse, and a flavorful musical soundtrack.
Tim Ferriss
Предприниматель, Писатель, Интервьюер
Les Blank’s incredible (and funny) movie about one ingredient: garlic. Features wonderful vintage footage of Alice Waters and early-era Chez Panisse.
Фильмы от Tim Ferriss

Pressure Cooker

A committed, passionate teacher tries tp make all the difference in the lives of disadvantaged students.
Tim Ferriss
Предприниматель, Писатель, Интервьюер
This is the only real tearjerker, a life-affirming story of a culinary teacher in Philadelphia who trains students to win full scholarships.
Фильмы от Tim Ferriss

A Matter of Taste: Serving Up Paul Liebrandt

Paul Liebrandt is one of the most talented and controversial chefs in the food world and the youngest chef to have received 3 stars from the New York Times. He was 24. NY Times food critic, William Grimes, likened Paul to 'a pianist who seems to have found a couple of dozen extra keys.' Through Paul, the film reveals the creative process, the extreme hard work, long hours, and dedication it takes to be a culinary artist and have success in the cutthroat world of haute cuisine. Exploring the complicated relationships between food critics, chefs, and owners the film delves into the life of a dedicated young chef ahead of his time.
Tim Ferriss
Предприниматель, Писатель, Интервьюер
The perfect introduction to the trials and tribulations of being a chef, even (or, perhaps, especially) a brilliant one.
Фильмы от Tim Ferriss

Jiro Dreams of Sushi

Фильм о владельце ресторанчика в Токио, всю свою жизнь посвятившем приготовлению суши. Джиро Оно 85 лет. Его заведение даже трудно назвать рестораном — это крохотная щель в подземном переходе где-то в Гинзе. Всего десять посадочных мест, просто ряд высоких стульев вдоль стойки. Туалет снаружи. В меню только суши и ничего больше. И три звезды Мишлен. Бронировать стул надо за месяц.
Tim Ferriss
Предприниматель, Писатель, Интервьюер
The most beautifully shot food film I’ve ever seen. During my last trip to Tokyo, I ate at the younger brother’s restaurant, where he was the consummate host.
Фильмы от Tim Ferriss


Взявшись за адаптацию книги журналистки Сьюзен Орлеан «Похититель орхидей», знаменитый сценарист Чарли Кауфман оказывается в душевном и творческом тупике. Странные чувства, овладевшие им, мешают ему работать. Но однажды Чарли решает описать в сценарии всё происходящее с ним. Вскоре автор замечает, что действительность и вымысел начинают переплетаться самым причудливым и неожиданным образом.
Tim Ferriss
Предприниматель, Писатель, Интервьюер
The script is fantastic. All the back story. One of the scenes in Adaptation, because you mentioned it, one of my favorite scenes is in the movie, Nicholas Cage sitting in his apartment at this typewriter, and you hear his internal dialogue.
Фильмы от Tim Ferriss


Леонард Шелби изысканно и дорого одет, ездит на новеньком «Ягуаре», но проживает в дешевых мотелях. Его цель в жизни — найти убийцу жены.Его проблема — редкая форма амнезии, потеря короткой памяти, помня все до убийства, он не помнит, что было пятнадцать минут назад. Его друзья — Тедди и Натали, да и друзья ли они ему. Его спутники — фотоаппарат «Полароид» и татуировки на теле. Главный вопрос — почему наказанных больше, чем виноватых?
Tim Ferriss
Предприниматель, Писатель, Интервьюер
It’s like Memento. Not absurd but it’s confusing to so many people. I love Memento but it’s been kind of disheartening to find that a lot of my favorite movies did very, very poorly at the box office.
Фильмы от Tim Ferriss

The Princess Bride

Добро пожаловать в фантастический мир прекрасных замков, жутких подземелий, бескрайних океанов, лесов и гор. Чтобы спасти свою возлюбленную, прекрасную невесту, отважный герой преодолевает немыслимые препятствия и совершает невероятные подвиги.
Tim Ferriss
Предприниматель, Писатель, Интервьюер
My favorite. It’s so good. I've had this fascination with screen writing, even though I haven’t pulled the trigger on anything but the screenplay that did it was The Princess Bride.
Фильмы от Tim Ferriss

Valley Uprising

In the shady campgrounds of Yosemite valley, climbers carved out a counterculture lifestyle of dumpster-diving and wild parties that clashed with the conservative values of the National Park Service. And up on the walls, generation after generation has pushed the limits of climbing, vying amongst each other for supremacy on Yosemite's cliffs. "Valley Uprising" is the riveting, unforgettable tale of this bold rock climbing tradition in Yosemite National Park: half a century of struggle against the laws of gravity -- and the laws of the land.
Tim Ferriss
Предприниматель, Писатель, Интервьюер
Film that tells the story of explorers and madmen who have been drawn to climb Yosemite's massive cliffs.
Фильмы от Tim Ferriss

Shake the Dust

Stories of break dancers from conflicted "third- world" communities around the globe who, although separated by cultural boundaries and individual struggles, are intrinsically tied to one another through their passion for dance and hip-hop culture.
Tim Ferriss
Предприниматель, Писатель, Интервьюер
Shake the Dust chronicles global influence on breakdancing.
Фильмы от Tim Ferriss

The Greasy Hands Preachers

This documentary film explores the revival of manual work through the passion of motorcycle enthusiasts who have found their way to a happy life. Shot in 16mm in California, Utah, Indonesia, Spain, Scotland and France, we have spent time with mechanics and custom shop founders trying to understand the difference between manual work and intellectual work. The unique satisfaction that result from doing something tangible, the sense of time, the relation between the form and the function, the joy of riding in a beautiful landscape and the community and friendship that motorcycle creates.
Tim Ferriss
Предприниматель, Писатель, Интервьюер
The film explores the revival of manual work through the passion of motorcycle enthusiasts who have found their way to a happy life.
Фильмы от Tim Ferriss

The Lady in Number 6

The Lady In Number 6 is one of the most inspirational and uplifting stories of the year. 109 year old, Alice Herz Sommer, the world's oldest pianist and Holocaust survivor shares her story on how to achieve a long and happy life. She discussed the importance of music, laughter and how to have an optimistic outlook on life.
Tim Ferriss
Предприниматель, Писатель, Интервьюер
Oscar winner "The Lady in Number 6" is one of the most inspirational, uplifting stories of this year.