Люди от Spike Lee

Samuel Lind

A humble host and an impressive exposition of culture and art is what you will find in Samuel Lind Studio. The art studio of the well know Puerto Rican artist Samuel Lind is a beautiful experience for those who enjoy the art and are willing to experience culture through art. In the studio, you will be able to meet the artist and know about his way of exploring culture and the way he paints. Furthermore, you will be able to acquire some original prints from Mr. Lind.
Spike Lee
Режиссер, Продюсер
Art By Samuel Lind
Люди от Spike Lee

Darius Clark Monroe

Spike Lee
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Another is Darius Monroe — another one of my students at NYU. His film was on PBS [Monday] night, Evolution of Criminal.
Люди от Spike Lee

Michael Larnell

Spike Lee
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re there any other up-and-coming black directors you want people to know about? There's a young African-American cat named Michael Larnell who did this film called Cronies, which is going to make its world debut in Sundance.
Люди от Spike Lee

Samuel L. Jackson

Spike Lee
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Da Biggest 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜Shout Out To Mr. Samuel L. Jackson,My Morehouse Brother. Deep Respect,Spike-Class Of ‘79
Люди от Spike Lee

Jean-Michel Basquiat

Spike Lee
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Basquiat. Checking Out My Brother’s Exhibition Here In Paris
Люди от Spike Lee

Manny Valerio

Spike Lee
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Appropriate For Today. “DESCEND FROM BED-STUY DO OR DIE” By The Gifted Artists @cal_the_artist And @valerioart.
Люди от Spike Lee

Cal the Artist

Spike Lee
Режиссер, Продюсер
Appropriate For Today. “DESCEND FROM BED-STUY DO OR DIE” By The Gifted Artists @cal_the_artist And @valerioart.