Статьи от Richard Dawkins

The Righteous and the Woke – Why Evangelicals and Social Justice Warriors Trigger Me in the Same Way

I was Born Again until nearly the end of graduate school, a sincere Evangelical who went to church on Sunday and Wednesday with my family and to Thursday Bible study on my own. I dialed for convert…
Richard Dawkins
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Brilliant comparison. Please read it.
Статьи от Richard Dawkins

Opinion | When It Comes to Covid-19, Most of Us Have Risk Exactly Backward

We aren’t very good at discussing trade-offs, but we need to make some during this pandemic.
Richard Dawkins
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Risk-taking decisions not all-or-none. Add up. Safety measures add up. Every time you take calculated risk to socialise, balance it: refrain from another mixing opportunity. Child goes to school? Balance it by reducing encounters out of school.
Статьи от Richard Dawkins

How does coronavirus kill? Clinicians trace a ferocious rampage through the body, from brain to toes

The lungs are ground zero for COVID-19, but blood clots may play a surprisingly big role in severe illness
Richard Dawkins
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Doctor friend calls this “the best article I have seen on ... how this virus is different & more dangerous than the regular flu ... If people in the administration understood this or gave a damn about it, there would be better briefing of the public”
Статьи от Richard Dawkins

Rishi Sunak has given us wartime finance fit for wartime economic conditions | Will Hutton

Rishi Sunak’s coronavirus rescue package is crucial for a collapsing economy. Social partnership is back • See all our coronavirus coverage• Coronavirus latest updates
Richard Dawkins
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Interestingly radical and important article by Will Hutton.
Статьи от Richard Dawkins

Anglicans and atheists, unite against intolerance

We now know from Peter Clarke’s report, published today but leaked last week, that there was indeed “co-ordinated, deliberate and sustained action to introduce an intolerant and aggressive Islamist
Richard Dawkins
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I missed this very good article by Matt Ridley in 2014, or I would have tweeted it then.
Статьи от Richard Dawkins

CFI Thinks Outside the Pox

In the highly politicized vaccination wars raging in the United States right now, Ethan Lindenberger is a hero. In March, as a high school senior, the Ohio teen testified before Congress about how he defied his mother’s rabid anti-vaxxer views and started getting himself vaccinated. Lindenberger ...
Richard Dawkins
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Anti-vax movement: “A bizarre coming together of the religious Right and the Big Pharma conspiracy-theory Left” Excellent article by its CEO, Robyn Blumner, shows the kind of thing @Center4Inquiry stands for. One of many good reasons to support CFI
Статьи от Richard Dawkins

Free Speech and Identity Politics

"The paradox of identity liberalism is that it paralyzes the capacity to think and act in a way that would actually accomplish the things it professes to want."
Richard Dawkins
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I only just spotted this article today when going back through Robyn Blumner’s excellent Editorials in CFI’s Free Inquiry magazine. What a superb writer she is. Her passionate commitment to freedom of speech persists from her days at ACLU.
Статьи от Richard Dawkins

Image of the Day: White Stripes

Black-and-white painted skin can help protect from insect bites.
Richard Dawkins
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The Darwinian survival value of zebra stripes has long been a puzzle. Hungarian research (referenced in the linked article) supports the theory that stripes are unattractive to dangerous biting insects. Now new research applies the theory to humans.
Статьи от Richard Dawkins

Self-Censorship on Campus Is Bad for Science

Amid heightened tensions on college campuses, well-established scientific ideas are suddenly meeting with stiff political resistance.
Richard Dawkins
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This is a sensible article. It’s depressing that she even needed to write it. Politically motivated opposition to scientific truth about individual differences is pernicious. And actually harmful to the very people it is supposed to protect.
Статьи от Richard Dawkins

Where now for Mark Zuckerberg after his – and our – loss of innocence? | Martin Moore

A year on from the Observer exposé, what has really changed for Facebook and its users?
Richard Dawkins
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Facebook: A “digital gangster” whose business model was based on gathering personal data for profit. Personal data was, for Facebook, equivalent to a currency. Excellent article on the subversive influence of Facebook by Martin Moore in today’s Observer.