Фильмы от PewDiePie


Голливуд, 1927 год. Звезда немого кино Джордж Валентайн и слышать не хочет о микрофонах на съемочной площадке. А безнадежно влюбленная в Валентайна статистка Пеппи Миллер стремительно набирает популярность в новом звуковом кинематографе. Только любовь поможет героям обрести счастье. Смелый и безупречный оммаж Золотому веку Голливуда. Триумф позитива. Объяснение в любви зрительскому кино – безудержно веселое, трогательное и нежное одновременно. Отрада для глаз, уставших от компьютерных спецэффектов и 3D.
Pewdiepie shared a picture on his Instagram of watching "The Artist" with his wife Marzia.
Фильмы от PewDiePie


Готэм, начало 1980-х годов. Комик Артур Флек живёт с больной матерью, которая с детства учит его «ходить с улыбкой». Пытаясь нести в мир хорошее и дарить людям радость, Артур сталкивается с человеческой жестокостью и постепенно приходит к выводу, что этот мир получит от него не добрую улыбку, а ухмылку злодея Джокера.
I saw 'The Joker' yesterday. It was beautiful.
Фильмы от PewDiePie

Джон Уик

Джон Уик — бывший наемный убийца — ведет размеренную жизнь, когда преступник крадет его любимый Mustang 1969 года и попутно убивает собаку Дейзи, единственное живое напоминание об умершей жене. Жажда мести пробуждает в нем, казалось, утерянную хватку.
You have the John Wick films, which I'm not gonna show 'cause it'll get demonetized, but you see the talent of Keanu Reeves the actor, you see his movement and you see what he does. He doesn't need a thousand animators working on every single detail of the shot trying to make the person look cool. It's the... it's the actor himself.
Фильмы от PewDiePie

Тёмный рыцарь

Бэтмен поднимает ставки в войне с криминалом. С помощью лейтенанта Джима Гордона и прокурора Харви Дента он намерен очистить улицы от преступности, отравляющей город. Сотрудничество оказывается эффективным, но скоро они обнаружат себя посреди хаоса, развязанного восходящим криминальным гением, известным испуганным горожанам под именем Джокер.
Dark Knight for example, where you watch this scene and you're like "Whoa they actually did flip a giant truck in the middle of New York City. That's really cool. There's something interesting and admirable about that."
Фильмы от PewDiePie


У Джонни есть всё — отличная работа, квартира в Сан-Франциско, лучший друг Марк и невеста Лиза, и близится его день рождения. Но всё меняется, когда Марк и Лиза заводят роман…
The greatest movie of all time. I can watch this movie numerous times and I never get tired of it.
Фильмы от PewDiePie

Донни Дарко

К своим 16 годам старшеклассник Донни уже знает, что такое смерть. После несчастного случая, едва не стоившего ему жизни, Донни открывает в себе способности изменять время и судьбу. Перемены, случившиеся с ним, пугают всех, кто его окружает — родителей, сестёр, учителей, друзей, любимую девушку. Научившись путешествовать в другие вселенные, Донни пытается приспособиться к тому, что теперь любые, даже самые незначительные его поступки вызывают потрясения космических масштабов…
I used to say my favorite movie is Clockwork Orange, but now I think it is Donnie Darko. I keep thinking about it and I'm like ah, it's so good.
Фильмы от PewDiePie

Заводной апельсин

В фильме был произведен исчерпывающий анализ причин преступности среди молодежи, нетерпимости нового поколения к привычным моральным ценностям и жизненным устоям современного общества. Безжалостный лидер банды подростков, совершающей убийства и изнасилования, попадает в тюрьму и подвергается специальной обработке по подавлению подсознательного стремления к насилию. Но жизнь за воротами тюрьмы такова, что меры, принятые по «исправлению жестокости характера» не могут ничего изменить.
Favorite childhood movie? A Clockwork Orange.
Фильмы от PewDiePie


Семеро школьниц отправляются навестить тётю одной из них. Но они и не подозревают, что Дом — это демон, пожирающий девственниц.
Well the thing with Hausu is that it might seem like a really bad movie it's not it's a bad good movie but not it's so bad it's good it's just it's bad but it's still good.
Фильмы от PewDiePie

Double Down

An edgy action thriller set in Las Vegas during a terrorist attack. A genius computer loner takes control of the city and the attack as he fights with his fits of overwhelming depression and obsessions with love and death.
Фильмы от PewDiePie

Женщина в песках

Ники Джампей, углубленный в себя энтомолог, собирает насекомых на японском побережье. Его встречают несколько местных жителей и предлагают ему ночлег у женщины. Они приводят Ники к хижине, находящейся на дне песочной ямы, куда он должен спуститься по веревочной лестнице к женщине, Киоко. На следующее утро он замечает, что лестницу убрали…
And its an amazing film. I definitely recommend you guys should watch it.
Книги от PewDiePie

Sun and Steel

In this fascinating document, one of Japan's best known-and controversial-writers created what might be termed a new literary form. It is new because it combines elements of many existing types of writing, yet in the end fits into none of them.At one level, it may be read as an account of how a puny, bookish boy discovered the importance of his own physical being; the "sun and steel" of the title are themselves symbols respectively of the cult of the open air and the weights used in bodybuilding. At another level, it is a discussion by a major novelist of the relation between action and art, and his own highly polished art in particular. More personally, it is an account of one individual's search for identity and self-integration. Or again, the work could be seen as a demonstration of how an intensely individual preoccupation can be developed into a profound philosophy of life.All these elements are woven together by Mishima's complex yet polished and supple style. The confession and the self-analysis, the philosophy and the poetry combine in the end to create something that is in itself perfect and self-sufficient. It is a piece of literature that is as carefully fashioned as Mishima's novels, and at the same time provides an indispensable key to the understanding of them as art.The road Mishima took to salvation is a highly personal one. Yet here, ultimately, one detects the unmistakable tones of a self transcending the particular and attaining to a poetic vision of the universal. The book is therefore a moving document, and is highly significant as a pointer to the future development of one of the most interesting novelists of modern times.
"Super fascinated by [this author]." - PewDiePie
Книги от PewDiePie

The Dice Man

LET THE DICE DECIDE. The rules are down to you. The rules that stop you seducing your neighbour downstairs, that stop you hitting your boss, that stop you leaving your family and leaving the country. The rules that stop you living. The dice don’t do rules; the dice do life. Luke Rhinehart is a psychiatrist, a husband and a father, his life locked down by routine and order – until he picks up the dice. The dice govern his every decision and each throw takes him further into a world of risk, discovery and freedom. As the cult of the dice grows around him the old order fades: chance becomes his religion, the dice his god. If you haven’t lived the life of the dice, you haven’t lived at all. Let the dice decide. And roll with it.
"I really enjoyed the first half, but the second half was unnecessary." - PewDiePie
Книги от PewDiePie
3 книги

Pewdiepie Book List 2020 - UPDATED

We've already made an immense compilation of Pewdiepie's book recommendations. In 2020 he made few more reading recommendations and this list is continuously updated! Enjoy Pewdiepie's fresh favorite books!
We've already made an immense compilation of Pewdiepie's book recommendations. In 2020 he made few more reading recommendations and this list is continuously updated! Enjoy Pewdiepie's fresh favorite books!
Книги от PewDiePie

Colorless Tsukuru Tazaki and His Years of Pilgrimage

A mesmerising mystery story about friendship from the internationally bestselling author of Norwegian Wood and 1Q84Tsukuru Tazaki had four best friends at school. By chance all of their names contained a colour. The two boys were called Akamatsu, meaning ‘red pine’, and Oumi, ‘blue sea’, while the girls’ names were Shirane, ‘white root’, and Kurono, ‘black field’. Tazaki was the only last name with no colour in it.One day Tsukuru Tazaki’s friends announced that they didn't want to see him, or talk to him, ever again.Since that day Tsukuru has been floating through life, unable to form intimate connections with anyone. But then he meets Sara, who tells him that the time has come to find out what happened all those years ago.
Colorless Tsukuru Tazaki and His Years of Pilgrimage - I recommend now it's actually pretty good.
Книги от PewDiePie


A model of the kind of text one needs for lecture courses: the translation is extremely readable and made even more accessible by intelligent printing decisions (on dividing the text, spacing for clarification, etc.); the notes are kept to a minimum but appear when they are really needed for comprehension and are truly informative. And the introduction admirably presents both basic information and a sense of current scholarly opinion. --S. G. Nugent, Princeton University
I picked Plato's Symposium, because it was fairly short. I thought why not. I was very happily surprised it was very good it felt like looking through a window of time where you joined the dinner table of ancient Greek philosophers discussing through the night their thoughts on eros, their desires and it was very nice!
Книги от PewDiePie

The Republic

Often ranked as the greatest of Plato's many remarkable writings, this celebrated philosophical work of the fourth century B.C. contemplates the elements of an ideal state, serving as the forerunner for such other classics of political thought as Cicero's De Republica, St. Augustine's City of God, and Thomas More's Utopia.Written in the form of a dialog in which Socrates questions his students and fellow citizens, The Republic concerns itself chiefly with the question, "What is justice?" as well as Plato's theory of ideas and his conception of the philosopher's role in society. To explore the latter, he invents the allegory of the cave to illustrate his notion that ordinary men are like prisoners in a cave, observing only the shadows of things, while philosophers are those who venture outside the cave and see things as they really are, and whose task it is to return to the cave and tell the truth about what they have seen. This dynamic metaphor expresses at once the eternal conflict between the world of the senses (the cave) and the world of ideas (the world outside the cave), and the philosopher's role as mediator between the two.High school and college students, as well as lovers of classical literature and philosophy, will welcome this handsome and inexpensive edition of an immortal work. It appears here in the fine translation by the English classicist Benjamin Jowett.
The Republic which is arguably Plato's greatest work if not one of the greatest political western philosophies of all time.
Книги от PewDiePie

The Brothers Karamazov

Yeah, I read a lot of Dostoevski as well, The Brothers Karamazov was really good.
Книги от PewDiePie
15 книг

Pewdiepie favorite books : Part 2

Part 2 of Pewdiepie's literature club. He reviews the books and we collect them with his quotes.
Part 2 of Pewdiepie's literature club. He reviews the books and we collect them with his quotes.
Книги от PewDiePie
26 книг

Pewdiepie Literature Club: 26 Favorite Books

We collected 26 Favorite Pewdiepie books from his videos with quotes! He reads a lot and engages his audience into reading quality, classic and popular literature with him. Take a look at Pewdiepie's book recommendations!
We collected 26 Favorite Pewdiepie books from his videos with quotes! He reads a lot and engages his audience into reading quality, classic and popular literature with him. Take a look at Pewdiepie's book recommendations!
Cериалы от PewDiePie

Южный Парк

Cтранноватые истории из жизни нескольких третьеклашек из маленького городка Саус Парк в штате Колорадо. Это комедия с элементами гротеска, фарса, пародии, обильно сдобренная музыкой и той самой плохо определяемой словами чертовщиной…
In December 2014, PewDiePie appeared in two episodes of his favorite TV series, South Park.
Cериалы от PewDiePie

Тетрадь смерти

Старшекласснику Лайту Ягами в руки попадает тетрадь синигами Рюка. Каждый человек, чьё имя записать в эту тетрадку, умрёт, поэтому Лайт решает бороться со злом на земле.
Whenever someone asks me, who doesn't watch anime, "What anime to watch?" I always recommend them Death Note because it's such a classic, and it's so easy to get into so I always recommend that.
Музыка от PewDiePie

Yung Lean

Favorite music: Elliott Smith, and Swedish rap such as Yung Lean
Музыка от PewDiePie

Elliott Smith

Favorite music: Elliott Smith, and Swedish rap such as Yung Lean
Музыка от PewDiePie
25 песен

Pewdiepie's Playlist - "What I listened to in 2013"

Pewdiepie's 25 songs spotted on his live stream when he showed his favorite music from his past.
Pewdiepie's 25 songs spotted on his live stream when he showed his favorite music from his past.
Музыка от PewDiePie
11 песен

Pewdiepie Favorite Songs - 11 Tracks

Pewds personal playlist of the songs he was listening after playing the Age of Empire.
Pewds personal playlist of the songs he was listening after playing the Age of Empire.
Музыка от PewDiePie

Drain Gang

What type of music do you listen to? - I've been listening nonstop to Drain Gang. I feel like I'm going crazy, because it is all that I listen to.
Музыка от PewDiePie


My favorite band of all time is Radiohead.
Вещи от PewDiePie
4 вещи

Pewdiepie's Favorite Whisky - 4 Expensive Bottles

Pewdiepie has recently started getting taste of some good whisky and he shares his favorites. Take a look at 4 Felix's favorite whisky!
Pewdiepie has recently started getting taste of some good whisky and he shares his favorites. Take a look at 4 Felix's favorite whisky!
Вещи от PewDiePie
3 вещи

3 Pewdiepie Guitars

3 Guitars spotted in Pewdiepie's videos!
3 Guitars spotted in Pewdiepie's videos!
Вещи от PewDiePie

Knorr Spices In Can - Steak And Grill

I always put this on my sandwich, since kidergarden.
Вещи от PewDiePie
2 вещи

Pewdiepie's Gaming Chairs

Famous Pewdiepie's gaming chairs, perfect for long hours of playing video games, editing or creating stuff.
Famous Pewdiepie's gaming chairs, perfect for long hours of playing video games, editing or creating stuff.
Вещи от PewDiePie

Ahlgrens Bilar ORIGINAL Swedish Chewy Candy Sweets Bag 125g

Ahlgrens Bilar ORIGINAL Swedish Chewy Candy Sweets Bag 125g.
I'm eating this by the way, you should try this. Swedish Bilar.