Фильмы от Michael Jordan

The Man in the Iron Mask

Во времена блеска и отчаяния измученной Франции король Людовик XIV вовсю наслаждается прелестями жизни, пока вся его страна голодает. Людовик, уверенный в абсолютности собственной власти, опасается лишь одного человека, способного положить конец его царствованию, — приговоренного им к пожизненному заключению и закованного в железную маску. Но когда королевский эгоизм заходит слишком далеко, бывшие мушкетеры Атос, Портос и Арамис отваживаются спасти таинственного узника, который может стать единственной надеждой Франции на возрождение. Остается лишь вопрос: поможет ли им верный друг, славный д`Артаньян, — или будет драться против?..
Michael Jordan
“I was watching, uh, Man in the Iron Face,” Jordan said, wrongly, as he came face-to-face with DiCaprio. “Iron Mask,” corrected the actor. Upon realizing DiCaprio was the same person he had just seen in the film, Jordan lit up: “He’s here!” the six-time finals MVP said to the crowd of people gathered around them, before addressing DiCaprio directly.
Фильмы от Michael Jordan

Цветы лиловые полей

Действие фильма происходит в начале XX века в небольшом городке в штате Джорджия, где еще сильны вековые традиции прежнего уклада южных штатов. В центре картины — жизнь героини Силии, чье стремление найти себя в мире, закрытом для нее, превращается в триумф жестокости, которую преодолела любовь, и боли, которую затмила радость. В первый раз мы встречаемся с Силией, когда ей 14 лет, и она беременна… от своего отца. Дальнейшее действие картины повествует о сложной судьбе героини, которая на своем жизненном пути познала много бед и лишений, прежде чем смогла обрести независимость.
Michael Jordan
What's your favorite movie of all time? Top 3? Pick 1, 2, 3? - Color Purple.
Фильмы от Michael Jordan

Malcolm X

Впечатляющая сага о чернокожем лидере Малкольме Иксе. Он начинал в Гарлеме как гангстер, погрязал в пороке, но попав в тюрьму, очистился от скверны под влиянием идей ислама. Очень детальный и достоверный показ всех перипетий жизни и борьбы Малкольма Икса с расизмом, коррупцией, беззаконием, предательством в стане единомышленников.
Michael Jordan
"Michael doesn't like to lose tiddlywinks!" Lee recounted to Simmons. So what was the director’s funding approach to the NBA star? Simple. He not only asked Jordan to contribute to his film, but he made sure to tell Jordan exactly how much Magic Johnson gave. "Johnson gave how much?" Lee remember Jordan yelling. Once he heard the amount his archrival contributed the star made sure to top it. Lee, and his film, was back in business. Thanks to the generosity – and the competitiveness - of Jordan and others, Lee was able to make the film the way he wanted.
Фильмы от Michael Jordan

Sugar Hill

Два брата- Ромело и Рэй -ведут преступный бизнес в Гарлеме, мстя обидчикам отца и отражая натиск конкурентов. Жестокая действительность — жестокие методы, но Ромело, сочетающий качества интеллектуала и супермена, пытается выйти из игры начать спокойную жизнь с красавицей Мелиссой…
Michael Jordan
For a man who had just lost his father, Jordan relayed how a Wesley Snipes movie where his character’s father also died led to the saddest day of his life.
Cериалы от Michael Jordan


Злоключения городского невротика, стэнд-ап комика Джерри Сайнфелда и его настолько же неврастенических нью-йоркских друзей.
Michael Jordan
Seinfeld remembers “teasing” Jordan about whose final season would be a bigger deal, Jordan and the 98 Bulls or Jerry and the Seinfeld finale that was also taking place that same year. He goes on to say the most starstruck he’s ever been in his life was when Keith Hernandez guest starred on Seinfeld in 1992, but by 1998 he wasn’t exactly fazed by talking with an athlete, even on the level of Michael Jordan.
Cериалы от Michael Jordan


Драматизация семейной истории автора Алекса Хейли, начиная от порабощения предка Кунты Кинте и вплоть до освобождения его потомков.
Michael Jordan
It was hundreds of years of pain that they put us through, and for the first time, I saw it from watching Roots. I was very ignorant about it initially, but I really opened my eyes about my ancestors and the things that they had to deal with.
Музыка от Michael Jordan

Days Like This — Kenny Lattimore

Michael Jordan
In 1998 I sent Michael Jordan an advanced copy of my “From the Soul of Man” album. Who knew “Days Like This” was his pre-game hype song though. 😆 #TheLastDance #RealR&B
Музыка от Michael Jordan

From The Soul Of Man

Michael Jordan
- What are you listening to? - Huh, It's Kenny Lattimore. It's brand new. It's Not even out yet. (The Last Dance Documentary, Episode X, 1 m 17 s)
Музыка от Michael Jordan
50 песен

"The Last Dance" Soundtrack Playlist - 50 Songs

"The Last Dance" is a 10-part documentary about Michael Jordan, and music is a major element of the emotional atmosphere of the documentary series. Recently, the full soundtrack has been revealed, so we compiled a list of 50 songs. Enjoy!
Michael Jordan
"The Last Dance" is a 10-part documentary about Michael Jordan, and music is a major element of the emotional atmosphere of the documentary series. Recently, the full soundtrack has been revealed, so we compiled a list of 50 songs. Enjoy!
Музыка от Michael Jordan

Say Ahh — Trae Tha Truth

Michael Jordan
Sources told us the fun night ended with a dance-off between Jordan and Pippen to the Trey Songz and Fabolous song, “Say Ahh.”
Музыка от Michael Jordan


Michael Jordan
"I'm more of a Drake fan."
Музыка от Michael Jordan


Michael Jordan
Jordan is a hater of hip hop. He only likes Hov (Jay-Z). That's it. It's Hov and that's it.
Музыка от Michael Jordan

Giving You the Best That I Got - Single Version — Anita Baker

Michael Jordan
There’s a song that plays and you said that was going to be your theme. What’s that song that you listen to?” To which Jordan replied: “Anita Baker, Giving You the Best That I Got. “Just go out and give it your all, and that’s what I did.” That’s right. Anita Baker
Вещи от Michael Jordan

1961 - Grand vin du Château Margaux

Located in the Médoc region, Château Margaux is a wine-growing estate with a unique terroir. Belonging to the Mentzelopoulos family since 1977, this Premier Grand Cru Classé, renowned for its excellent qualities, produces exceptional wines, including the Grand Vin, Pavillon Rouge, Pavillon Blanc and Margaux du Château.
Michael Jordan
I am a Grade C wine drinker or connoisseur. My wife is a B. She got me involved. Although she's not the only person who got me interested. When I signed with Bijan fragrances, Mr. Bijan took me out one day and we had dinner. He got me a bottle of 1961 Château Margaux. And I fell in love with Bordeaux.
Вещи от Michael Jordan
8 вещей

Michael Jordan Cigars - 8 Favorites

Michael Jordan knows how to work hard and how to relax as well. Here is the list of Michael Jordan's 8 favorite cigars, their types and brands.
Michael Jordan
Michael Jordan knows how to work hard and how to relax as well. Here is the list of Michael Jordan's 8 favorite cigars, their types and brands.
Люди от Michael Jordan

Kobe Bryant

Kobe Bryant
Michael Jordan
We were very close friends. Kobe's was my dear friend. He was like a little brother. Everyone always wanted to talk about the comparisons between he and I. I just wanted to talk about Kobe.
Люди от Michael Jordan
5 человек

Michael Jordan Dream Team

Players, he'd want to have in his dream team during different periods of time.
Michael Jordan
Players, he'd want to have in his dream team during different periods of time.