Фильмы от Martin Scorsese
11 фильмов

Martin Scorsese's 11 Favorite Horror Films

Martin Scorsese revealed his favorite horror movies of all time during an interview. This list features mostly films from the 20th century and some movies are modern classics. Enjoy!
Martin Scorsese
Режиссер, Сценарист
Martin Scorsese revealed his favorite horror movies of all time during an interview. This list features mostly films from the 20th century and some movies are modern classics. Enjoy!
Фильмы от Martin Scorsese


Обычное корейское семейство жизнь не балует. Приходится жить в сыром грязном полуподвале, воровать интернет у соседей и перебиваться случайными подработками. Однажды друг сына семейства, уезжая на стажировку за границу, предлагает тому заменить его и поработать репетитором у старшеклассницы в богатой семье Пак. Подделав диплом о высшем образовании, парень отправляется в шикарный дизайнерский особняк и производит на хозяйку дома хорошее впечатление. Тут же ему в голову приходит необычный план по трудоустройству сестры.
Martin Scorsese
Режиссер, Сценарист
“This morning I got a letter from Martin Scorsese,” Bong told journalists. “I can’t tell you what the letter said because it’s something personal. But towards the end he wrote, ‘You’ve done well. Now rest. But don’t rest for too long.’ He continued by saying how he and other directors were waiting for my next movie.”
Фильмы от Martin Scorsese
6 фильмов

"Irishman" cinematic inspirations

Movies that influenced Scorsese to film "The Irishman."
Martin Scorsese
Режиссер, Сценарист
Movies that influenced Scorsese to film "The Irishman."
Фильмы от Martin Scorsese


История юного Педро, который растет в трущобах Мехико. Там мальчик каждый день сталкивается с криминальным миром, подвергающим испытанию его только формирующиеся жизненные ценности.
Martin Scorsese
Режиссер, Сценарист
“I’ve been obsessed with slow-motion since I first saw films. I guess for me, the slow-motion dreams in Los Olvidados are something that stayed with me for a long time,” Scorsese said.
Фильмы от Martin Scorsese
12 фильмов

Martin Scorsese lists his 12 favorite films of all time

Martin Scorsese
Режиссер, Сценарист
Фильмы от Martin Scorsese

The Flowers of St. Francis

Фильм состоит из отдельных эпизодов жизни святого Франциска Ассизского (1182-1226) и его первых последователей. Он начинается с их возвращения из Рима, когда Иннокентий III утвердил устав братства, и заканчивается моментом, когда братья покидают часовню Санта Мария дельи Анджели и отправляются проповедовать.
Martin Scorsese
Режиссер, Сценарист
This Rossellini movie and Europa ’51 are two of the best films about the part of being human that yearns for something beyond the material. Rossellini used real monks for this movie. It’s very simple and beautiful.
Фильмы от Martin Scorsese


Ричард и Мария женаты уже четырнадцать лет, но их брак переживает не лучшие времена. Устав друг от друга, они решают поискать забытую остроту ощущений на стороне. Однажды вечером Ричард оставляет жену, чтобы провести ночь с другой женщиной...
Martin Scorsese
Режиссер, Сценарист
[Director John] Cassavetes went to Hollywood to shoot films like A Child is Waiting and Too Late Blues, and after Too Late Blues he became disenchanted. Those of us in the New York scene, we kept asking, ‘What’s Cassavetes doing? What’s he up to?’ And he was shooting this film in his house in L.A. with his wife Gena Rowlands and his friends. And when Faces showed at the New York Film Festival, it absolutely trumped everything that was shown at the time. Cassavetes is the person who ultimately exemplifies independence in film.
Фильмы от Martin Scorsese

Europe '51

Жизнь богатой американки Ирэн, живущей в Риме, превращается в хаос после того, как ее сын совершает самоубийство. Женская скорбь приводит Ирэн к осознанию того, что она живет мелкой, пустой жизнью и заставляет ее изменить свой путь. Отныне, Ирэн посвящает свою жизнь духовным поискам, помогая жертвам социальной несправедливости — больной проститутке, незамужней матери шестерых детей. Но Ирэн мешает ее муж. Когда она помогла молодому преступнику скрыться от полиции, муж Ирэн счел ее психически неуравновешенной и отправил в психиатрическую лечебницу.
Martin Scorsese
Режиссер, Сценарист
After making The Flowers of St. Francis, Rossellini asked, what would a modern-day saint be like? I think they based it on Simone Weil, and Ingrid Bergman played the part. It really takes everything we’re dealing with today, whether it’s revolutions in other countries or people trying to change their lifestyles, and it’s all there in that film. The character tries everything, because she has a tragedy in her family that really changes her, so she tries politics and even working in a factory, and in the end it has a very moving resolution.
Фильмы от Martin Scorsese

Dial M for Murder

Тони Вендис, бывший плейбой и звезда большого тенниса, прожигающий деньги своей красавицы-жены Марго, решается на преступление, когда узнает, что может лишиться ее миллионов, так как Марго увлеклась американским писателем детективных романов Марком Холлидэем. Тони придумывает план идеального убийства, находит надежного исполнителя и организует себе безупречное алиби. Он предусматривает все, кроме необычного поведения Марго и аналитических способностей Марка…
Martin Scorsese
Режиссер, Сценарист
When discussing the creation of Hugo, Scorsese referred to this Hitchcock film as an example of other directors who have tangled with 3-D over the years. In its original release most theaters only showed it in 2-D; now the 3-D version pops up in theaters from time to time.
Фильмы от Martin Scorsese

Гражданин Кейн

Фильм об истории репортера, которому поручено выяснить подробности биографии недавно умершего газетного магната Кейна.
Martin Scorsese
Режиссер, Сценарист
Orson Welles was a force of nature, who just came in and wiped the slate clean. And Citizen Kane is the greatest risk-taking of all time in film. I don’t think anything had even seen anything quite like it. The photography was also unlike anything we’d seen. The odd coldness of the filmmaker towards the character reflects his own egomania and power, and yet a powerful empathy for all of them–it’s very interesting. It still holds up, and it’s still shocking. It takes storytelling and throws it up in the air.
Книги от Martin Scorsese

Journey to the End of the Night

Louis-Ferdinand Celine's revulsion and anger at what he considered the idiocy and hypocrisy of society explodes from nearly every page of this novel. Filled with slang and obscenities and written in raw, colloquial language, Journey to the End of the Night is a literary symphony of violence, cruelty and obscene nihilism. This book shocked most critics when it was first published in France in 1932, but quickly became a success with the reading public in Europe, and later in America where it was first published by New Directions in 1952. The story of the improbable yet convincingly described travels of the petit-bourgeois (and largely autobiographical) antihero, Bardamu, from the trenches of World War I, to the African jungle, to New York and Detroit, and finally to life as a failed doctor in Paris, takes the readers by the scruff and hurtles them toward the novel's inevitable, sad conclusion.
Martin Scorsese
Режиссер, Сценарист
Shifting away from cinema, Scorsese specifically called out Louis-Ferdinand Céline’s book Journey to the End of the Night and the feeling of experience and regret a life of crime leads to. “I always talk about there’s a quote towards the end where the main character gets killed, he’s talking with his girlfriend. She says, ‘What happened to you?’ He says, ‘What happened to me is a whole life has happened to me’ and she shoots him. It’s a tough book. It’s ugly. When he says that, it hit me, he’s right. A whole life. Something I can never explain to you. You had to live it with me. You had to be me. That’s what we were trying to go for in the film.”
Книги от Martin Scorsese

I Heard You Paint Houses

«Я слышал, ты красишь дома» – на языке мафии это выражение означает «Я слышал, ты умеешь убивать людей», а под «краской» подразумевается кровь. Это тот редкий случай, когда боссы мафии признали книгу о себе правдивой – штатный киллер одной из «семей» Фрэнк «Ирландец» Ширан рассказал о своей жизни перед самой смертью. Эти истории, затаив дыхание, слушали опытные прокуроры и агенты ФБР. Впервые преступник такого уровня нарушил омерту – закон молчания.
Martin Scorsese
Режиссер, Сценарист
Brandt’s book is great, but perhaps – given that he is a lawyer – it goes in all sorts of directions. It must have been hard to adapt? "There are so many wonderful things in the book, but I had to get it down to him [Frank Sheeran], to find my way with him, not Charles Brandt’s. "
Музыка от Martin Scorsese

Then He Kissed Me

Martin Scorsese
Режиссер, Сценарист
An all-time hall-of-fame tracking shot gets an all-time hall-of-fame musical accompaniment, and a peerless example of Scorsese’s ability to magnify an already great scene through use of carefully selected classic bubblegum pop
Музыка от Martin Scorsese

Jumping Jack Flash

Martin Scorsese
Режиссер, Сценарист
“Mean Streets” wasn’t just Robert De Niro‘s breakout, but was Scorsese’s, and great as Harvey Keitel is, it feels like this jangly moment, unpolished as it is in comparison with Scorcese’s later films, is the crucible in which both their individual careers and an indelible cinematic partnership were instantly forged.
Музыка от Martin Scorsese

Be My Baby

Martin Scorsese
Режиссер, Сценарист
By lacing the opening titles of his breakthrough picture with home movie-style footage and a nostalgic pop hit, Scorsese immediately establishes affection for his characters. The ecstatic early-1960s sound of The Ronettes’ ‘Be My Baby’ blares out as our small-time gangster hero Charlie (Harvey Keitel) – in grainy 8mm – goofs off with friends in bustling Little Italy
Музыка от Martin Scorsese
5 песен

Martin Scorsese picks his favourite vinyl records

Martin Scorsese
Режиссер, Сценарист