Фильмы от Henry Cavill

Звёздные войны: Эпизод 4 - Новая надежда

Татуин. Планета-пустыня. Уже постаревший рыцарь Джедай Оби Ван Кеноби спасает молодого Люка Скайуокера, когда тот пытается отыскать пропавшего дроида. С этого момента Люк осознает свое истинное назначение: он один из рыцарей Джедай. В то время как гражданская война охватила галактику, а войска повстанцев ведут бои против сил злого Императора, к Люку и Оби Вану присоединяется отчаянный пилот-наемник Хан Соло, и в сопровождении двух дроидов, R2D2 и C-3PO, этот необычный отряд отправляется на поиски предводителя повстанцев — принцессы Леи.
Henry Cavill
May the Force be with you. #starwars
Фильмы от Henry Cavill


Перед тем как стать Чудо-Женщиной, она была Дианой — принцессой амазонок, обученной быть непобедимой воительницей. И когда на берегах огражденного ото внешнего мира райского острова, который служил ей родиной, терпит крушение американский пилот и рассказывает о серьезном конфликте, бушующем во внешнем мире, Диана покидает свой дом, чтобы справиться с этой угрозой. И там, сражаясь бок о бок с человеком в войне за мир, Диана обнаружит всю полноту своей власти… и свое истинное предназначение.
Henry Cavill
Soooo this just came out . I've just got mine, did you get yours? #WonderWoman #YouGoGal
Фильмы от Henry Cavill


Действие фильма разворачивается в необъятном и захватывающем подводном мире семи морей, а сюжет знакомит зрителей с историей происхождения получеловека-полуатланта Артура Карри и ключевыми событиями его жизни — теми, что заставят его не только столкнуться с самим собой, но и выяснить, достоин ли он быть тем, кем ему суждено... царём!
Henry Cavill
I just finally got the chance to watch Aquaman here in Hungary. Jason, James and everyone involved in that movie, smashes it out of the (water)park. If you haven't seen it yet, go check it out.
Фильмы от Henry Cavill


В великой Римской империи не было военачальника, равного генералу Максимусу. Непобедимые легионы, которыми командовал этот благородный воин, боготворили его и могли последовать за ним даже в ад. Но случилось так, что отважный Максимус, готовый сразиться с любым противником в честном бою, оказался бессилен против вероломных придворных интриг. Генерала предали и приговорили к смерти. Чудом избежав гибели, Максимус становится гладиатором. Быстро снискав себе славу в кровавых поединках, он оказывается в знаменитом римском Колизее, на арене которого он встретится в смертельной схватке со своим заклятым врагом...
Henry Cavill
His favorite movie is Gladiator.
Книги от Henry Cavill

The Complete Wheel of Time

This complete ebook collection contains all fifteen books in the Wheel of Time series: one the most influential and popular fantasy epics ever published.NOW A MAJOR TV SERIES ON PRIME VIDEOWhen their village is attacked by terrifying creatures, Rand al'Thor and his friends are forced to flee for their lives. An ancient evil is stirring, and its servants are scouring the land for the Dragon Reborn - the prophesised hero who can deliver the world from darkness. In this Age of myth and legend, the Wheel of Time turns. What was, what may be, and what is, may yet fall under the Shadow.This complete Wheel of Time ebook collection includes:Book 1: The Eye of the WorldBook 2: The Great HuntBook 3: The Dragon RebornBook 4: The Shadow RisingBook 5: The Fires of HeavenBook 6: Lord of ChaosBook 7: A Crown of SwordsBook 8: The Path of DaggersBook 9: Winter's HeartBook 10: Crossroads of TwilightBook 11: Knife of DreamsBook 12: The Gathering StormBook 13: Towers of MidnightBook 14: A Memory of LightPrequel: New Spring'EPIC IN EVERY SENSE' Sunday Times'WITH THE WHEEL OF TIME, JORDAN HAS COME TO DOMINATE THE WORLD THAT TOLKIEN BEGAN TO REVEAL' New York Times'[THE] AMBITIOUS WHEEL OF TIME SERIES HELPED REDEFINE THE GENRE' George R. R. Martin'A FANTASY PHENOMENON' SFXLook out for the companion book: The World of Robert Jordan's The Wheel of Time
Henry Cavill
The Witcher star revealed, “Anything by Raymond E. Feist, anything by David Gemmel, anything by Brandon Sanderson, and obviously Robert Jordan‘s Wheel of Time.”
Книги от Henry Cavill

Beyond the Bear

A 25-year-old backcountry wanderer, a man happiest exploring wild places with his dog, Dan Bigley woke up one midsummer morning to a day full of promise. Before it was over, after a stellar day of salmon fishing along Alaska’s Kenai and Russian rivers, a grizzly came tearing around a corner in the trail. Dan barely had time for “bear charging” to register before it had him on the ground, altering his life forever. “Upper nose, eyes, forehead anatomy unrecognizable,” as the medevac report put it. Until then, one thing after another had fallen into place in Dan’s life. He had a job he loved taking troubled kids on outdoor excursions. He had just bought a cabin high in the Chugach Mountains with a view that went on forever. He was newly in love. After a year of being intrigued by a woman named Amber, they had just spent their first night together. All of this was shattered by the mauling that nearly killed him, that left him blind and disfigured. Facing paralyzing pain and inconceivable loss, Dan was in no shape to be in a relationship. He and Amber let each other go. Five surgeries later, partway into his long healing journey, they found their way back to each other. The couple’s unforgettable story is one of courage, tenacious will, and the power of love to lead the way out of darkness. Dan Bigley’s triumph over tragedy is a testament to the ability of the human spirit to overcome physical and emotional devastation, to choose not just to live, but to live fully. Visit Dan Bigley's site or Beyond the Bear.
Henry Cavill
Well, if something really did happen, then you feel empathy for the person. For example, I read a book recently called Beyond the Bear by a chap called Dan Bigley [co-written with Debra McKinney], which is a wonderful story—a true story—about how this guy was a superman in a sense. [The book is about Bigley’s recovery after surviving an attack by a grizzly bear that nearly killed him.] I was reading it on a plane, and I had to put the book down and pull myself together every now and then. So I’d rather feel empathy for a character that’s fictional, so it doesn’t quite tie into personal experience as much.
Книги от Henry Cavill

The Way of Kings

From #1 New York Times bestselling author Brandon Sanderson, The Way of Kings, Book One of the Stormlight Archive begins an incredible new saga of epic proportion.Roshar is a world of stone and storms. Uncanny tempests of incredible power sweep across the rocky terrain so frequently that they have shaped ecology and civilization alike. Animals hide in shells, trees pull in branches, and grass retracts into the soilless ground. Cities are built only where the topography offers shelter.It has been centuries since the fall of the ten consecrated orders known as the Knights Radiant, but their Shardblades and Shardplate remain: mystical swords and suits of armor that transform ordinary men into near-invincible warriors. Men trade kingdoms for Shardblades. Wars were fought for them, and won by them.One such war rages on a ruined landscape called the Shattered Plains. There, Kaladin, who traded his medical apprenticeship for a spear to protect his little brother, has been reduced to slavery. In a war that makes no sense, where ten armies fight separately against a single foe, he struggles to save his men and to fathom the leaders who consider them expendable.Brightlord Dalinar Kholin commands one of those other armies. Like his brother, the late king, he is fascinated by an ancient text called The Way of Kings. Troubled by over-powering visions of ancient times and the Knights Radiant, he has begun to doubt his own sanity.Across the ocean, an untried young woman named Shallan seeks to train under an eminent scholar and notorious heretic, Dalinar's niece, Jasnah. Though she genuinely loves learning, Shallan's motives are less than pure. As she plans a daring theft, her research for Jasnah hints at secrets of the Knights Radiant and the true cause of the war.The result of over ten years of planning, writing, and world-building, The Way of Kings is but the opening movement of the Stormlight Archive, a bold masterpiece in the making.Speak again the ancient oaths:Life before death.Strength before weakness.Journey before Destination.and return to men the Shards they once bore.The Knights Radiant must stand again.Other Tor books by Brandon SandersonThe CosmereThe Stormlight ArchiveThe Way of KingsWords of RadianceEdgedancer (Novella)Oathbringer The Mistborn trilogyMistborn: The Final EmpireThe Well of AscensionThe Hero of AgesMistborn: The Wax and Wayne seriesAlloy of LawShadows of SelfBands of MourningCollectionArcanum UnboundedOther Cosmere novelsElantrisWarbreakerThe Alcatraz vs. the Evil Librarians seriesAlcatraz vs. the Evil LibrariansThe Scrivener's BonesThe Knights of CrystalliaThe Shattered LensThe Dark TalentThe Rithmatist seriesThe RithmatistOther books by Brandon SandersonThe ReckonersSteelheartFirefightCalamityAt the Publisher's request, this title is being sold without Digital Rights Management Software (DRM) applied.
Henry Cavill
Sometimes I like to escape from thinking about work, and all the goings on of life. Reading books is one of the ways that I achieve this! This is what I'm on right now after just finishing the first book in the series "The Way of Kings". It's a really good series! If you're into sci-fi / fantasy stuff like moi then this is a must read. If you're not then believe me it's a great escape from the travails of daily life, a great way to wind down in bed and actually contains some solid life lessons! Win, win....win.
Cериалы от Henry Cavill


История разворачивается в утопическом краю Пилтовере и жестоком подземном мире Зауне и рассказывает о становлении двух легендарных чемпионов Лиги и о той силе, что разведёт их по разные стороны баррикад.
Henry Cavill
Henry Cavill, the star of Netflix's The Witcher and Superman, is apparently an ardent fan of the League of Legends TV show Arcane.
Cериалы от Henry Cavill

Звездный путь: Следующее поколение

В мире Star Trek прошло 80 лет. Сменился экипаж, усовершенствовались технологии, сменился даже Энтерпрайз. Остались только знакомое и полюбившиеся нам имя корабля и не изменились цели его команды — Смело идти туда, где не ступала нога человека! На мостике — Следующее Поколение…
Henry Cavill
Я вырос, смотря "Звездный путь: Следующее поколение" со своим отцом.
Cериалы от Henry Cavill

Игра престолов

К концу подходит время благоденствия, и лето, длившееся почти десятилетие, угасает. Вокруг средоточия власти Семи Королевств, Железного трона, зреет заговор, и в это непростое время король решает искать поддержки у друга юности Эддарда Старка. В мире, где все — от короля до наёмника — рвутся к власти, плетут интриги и готовы вонзить нож в спину, есть место и благородству, состраданию и любви. Между тем, никто не замечает пробуждение тьмы из легенд далеко на Севере — и лишь Стена защищает живых к югу от неё.
Henry Cavill
I loved Game of Thrones, and everyone there did a fantastic job.
Cериалы от Henry Cavill
3 сериала

Top 3 TV Shows

Henry Cavill
Музыка от Henry Cavill
10 песен

TOP 10 Henry Cavill’s Favorite Songs

Here is a list of Henry Cavill’s favorite songs. Enjoy the list!
Henry Cavill
Here is a list of Henry Cavill’s favorite songs. Enjoy the list!
Музыка от Henry Cavill
4 песни

Henry Cavill PC Setup Playlist - 4 Epic Songs

We bet you enjoyed not only Henry Cavill's gaming PC setup video, but also his playlist while building his epic gaming PC. Enjoy this brief, but seductive playlist!
Henry Cavill
We bet you enjoyed not only Henry Cavill's gaming PC setup video, but also his playlist while building his epic gaming PC. Enjoy this brief, but seductive playlist!
Музыка от Henry Cavill

The Greatest Video Game Music

Henry Cavill
What's your desert island film, book and album? The album is going to be a strange one: The Greatest Video Game Music by the London Philharmonic. It's really cool.
Музыка от Henry Cavill

George Turner

Henry Cavill
I'm thinking on what I've been listening to a lot recently... I've been listening to a lot of Chris Young and George Turner.
Музыка от Henry Cavill

Chris Young

Henry Cavill
I'm thinking on what I've been listening to a lot recently... I've been listening to a lot of Chris Young and George Turner.
Вещи от Henry Cavill

Custodian Wardens Vexilus Praetor

Henry Cavill
Considering we are, both, going through the Easter period, and going through The Lockdown, I figured it a good time to put a silver lining onto the cloud that is some of the darker moments during this time. So I've decided to polish some old skills and try my hand at some new ones! It is a time of rebirth after all. So, as you can see here, the obvious might look a little bit like a tiny helmet...which it is. One of my almost life long hobbies, that I've been following but not actively doing, is this. A company called Games Workshop...or plastic crack as "we" call it. Genuinely can't get enough of the lore they have built over the decades. They have been some of my most enthused reads! If you were in denial about me being a geek before, you can't hide from it now
Вещи от Henry Cavill

Ducati Superbike Panigal

Ducati's technology excellence, innovative engineering solutions, new Desmosedici Stradale engine combined with advanced electronic controls. Pure adrenaline!
Henry Cavill
Ughhhhh. I love this bike!! The folks at Ducati let me borrow it to try it out and it has definitely placed as my new #1! Thank you Ducati.