Практика от Hailey Baldwin Bieber

Ice bath

In sports therapy, an ice bath, or sometimes cold-water immersion or cold therapy, is a training regimen usually following a period of intense exercise While it is becoming increasingly popular and accepted among athletes in a variety of sports, the method is controversial, with a risk of hypothermia, with the possibility of shock leading to sudden death. Many athletes have used cold water immersion after an intense exercise workout in the belief that it speeds up bodily recovery; however, the internal physical processes are not well understood and remain elusive. Generally research into the health effects of cold water immersion as part of an athletic training regimen is inconclusive, with some studies suggesting a mild benefit such as reducing muscle damage and discomfort and alleviating delayed onset muscle soreness, with other studies suggesting that cold water immersion may slow muscle growth and interfere with an overall training regimen.
Hailey Baldwin Bieber
My husband is much more into steam, sauna and cold plunges than I am. Guess which one of those three I really don’t like? The cold plunge hurts! But when you come out, you’re like, ‘woah!’ I feel re-born. It is tough to do though.
Практика от Hailey Baldwin Bieber


Медита́ция — ряд психических упражнений, используемых в составе духовно-религиозной или оздоровительной практики, или же особое психическое состояние, возникающее в результате этих упражнений. Медитативные методы основаны на управлении функциями психики с помощью концентрации внимания или воли.
Hailey Baldwin Bieber
"Do you have any hacks for getting deeper sleep? Meditating, melatonin, or CBD oil that’s for sleep. I think that helps a lot."