Cериалы от Deadpool

Adventure Time

Мальчик Финн и собака Джейк живут в доме на дереве. В детстве Финн поклялся помогать каждому, кто попал в беду, и теперь он вместе с Джейком то и дело устремляется навстречу приключениям, спасая обитателей окрестных земель.
In the very first scene in Deadpool, we see the Merc with a Mouth sitting on the edge of a highway, waiting for the bad guys to drive past so that he can drop down into their car and ask after Francis. He checks the time and we see that his watch is Adventure Time merch. The oddball Cartoon Network series about the adventures of a talking dog and a human boy in a fantasy world is exactly the kind of quirky, brilliant, hysterical show that Wade Wilson would be a fan of. So, not only is his Adventure Time watch a great pop culture reference; it’s in character, too.