Фильмы от Dana Perino

Сыт по горло

Фильм "Сыт по горло" приоткрывает всю правду о том, что мы все думали, что знаем о еде и похудении, выявляя 30-летнюю кампанию в пищевой промышленности, с помощью правительства США по введению в заблуждение и запутыванию американской общественности, приведшую к одной из крупнейших эпидемий здоровья в истории.
Dana Perino
I watched Fed Up on the way here. Yeesh. Then I got a Diet Coke anyway.
Фильмы от Dana Perino

Вторая жизнь Уве

Кто же он такой, этот самый Уве? Пожилой въедливый ворчун, достающий соседей вечными придирками. Он впадает в ярость при виде брошенного не туда мусора или неправильно припаркованной машины. И кроет на чем свет стоит легкомысленную семейку новоселов, в которой папаша и гвоздя вбить не способен. Зато Уве умеет все: виртуозно втиснуть свой «сааб» между крыльцом и почтовым ящиком, починить батарею, выколотить скидку у самого прижимистого торговца. В доме и в гараже у него всегда идеальный порядок. Как и в мыслях. Вот только зачем ему пистолет или крюк в потолке, или пригоршня снотворных? Возможно, ответ знает приблудный котище. Его не склонный к сантиментам Уве гнал-гнал, да так и не прогнал…
Dana Perino
Just watched A Man Called Ove - 👍
Фильмы от Dana Perino

До встречи с тобой

Лу Кларк знает, сколько шагов от автобусной остановки до ее дома. Она знает, что ей очень нравится работа в кафе и что, скорее всего, она не любит своего бойфренда Патрика. Но Лу не знает, что вот-вот потеряет свою работу и что в ближайшем будущем ей понадобятся все силы, чтобы преодолеть свалившиеся на нее проблемы. Уилл Трейнор знает, что сбивший его мотоциклист отнял у него желание жить. И он точно знает, что надо сделать, чтобы положить конец всему этому. Но он не знает, что Лу скоро ворвется в его мир буйством красок. И они оба не знают, что навсегда изменят жизнь друг друга.
Dana Perino
Just watched this. Read it when the book came out. Wish we could all talk about us! Me Before You 🎥
Фильмы от Dana Perino

Собачья жизнь

Собаки бывают разных пород, мастей и размеров. Они — наши самые верные и преданные друзья, а мы учим их хорошим манерам. Собаки всегда думают о нас, правда, иногда и о беконе. Все они каждый день провожают и встречают нас у порога в уверенности, что пока им есть, кого облизывать и любить, в их жизни есть смысл.
Dana Perino
Watched A Dog's Purpose with no tissues on the plane...wow I was a mess. Happy ending! Of course I cried at that, too. 🐶
Фильмы от Dana Perino

Лошадь мечты

Устав от обыденной жизни, Джен решает ее изменить. Не имея ни опыта, ни средств, она убеждает своих соседей вложить сбережения в лошадь по кличке «Мечта».
Dana Perino
Must watch! Family friendly film. Oh I loved it.
Фильмы от Dana Perino


Сюжет фильма строится вокруг молодой вдовы из маленького городка в штате Мэн, которая влюбляется в нью-йоркского писателя, приехавшего расследовать смерть её мужа, известного фолк-музыканта.
Dana Perino
Ok ladies - next time you have a night alone, great movie - Tumbledown. Beautiful and sweet.
Фильмы от Dana Perino


Фильм посвящен движению суфражисток (борьба за предоставление женщинам избирательных прав), зародившемуся в Великобритании в конце XIX века.
Dana Perino
Hit me with a movie recommendation. Suffragette was great but could use something a little different.
Фильмы от Dana Perino


В главной роли основанного на реальных событиях фильма «Сильнее» Джейк Джилленхол, играющий Джеффа Баумана, рабочего из Бостона, который участвовал в марафоне 2013 во время взрыва и трагически потерял обе ноги. Придя в сознание, Джефф смог помочь правоохранителям идентифицировать одного из террористов, но его собственная битва только началась. Джефф пробует на прочность семейные связи и становится гордостью общественности, преодолев враждебность и превратившись в живое воплощение силы Бостона.
Dana Perino
Jake Gyllenhaal Stronger: Must-See Movie 2017
Фильмы от Dana Perino

Hell or High Water

Два брата-лузера решают наведаться в хранилища пары-тройки банков, которые много лет безбожно обкрадывают своих должников. Расследование дерзких ограблений с грубым почерком увенчает карьеру шерифа Маркуса. Но куда выведет это нехитрое дело?
Dana Perino
Watched Hell or Highwater. Very good film. Wowser.
Фильмы от Dana Perino

Шеф Адам Джонс

В центре сюжета — история некогда знаменитого шеф-повара, который из-за своего пагубного пристрастия теряет собственный ресторан в Париже, пониженный в рейтинге до унизительных двух звезд. Решив не сдаваться, он вновь собирает свою команду, перестраивает лондонский ресторан и надеется получить три звезды.
Dana Perino
Having to tell my husband you can't come into a movie an hour & fifteen minutes late and ask to be brought up to speed. #Burnt good movie
Книги от Dana Perino

The Hopefuls

A blazingly honest portrait of ambition and marriage, and a brilliantly funny send-up of young D.C., from the bestselling author of Girls in White Dresses. “Hilarious.... A pleasure to read.”—The Washington PostA New York newlywed, Beth was supportive when her husband, Matt, decided to follow his political dreams all the way to Washington. Yet soon after they move to D.C., Beth realizes that she hates everything about it: the traffic circles, the ubiquitous Ann Taylor suits, the humidity that descends each summer, and, most of all, the lonely dinner parties where anyone who doesn’t work in politics is politely ignored. Things start to change when the couple meets a charismatic White House staffer named Jimmy and his wife, Ashleigh. The four become inseparable, coordinating brunches, birthdays, and long weekends away. But as Jimmy’s star rises higher and higher, the couples’ friendship—and Beth’s relationship with Matt—is threatened by jealousy, competition, and rumors.
Dana Perino
finished this novel this morning - really good
Книги от Dana Perino

The Golden Hour

NATIONAL BESTSELLER“A novel that makes your heart race . . . a thriller that weaves diplomacy and national security together with espionage, terrorism and Washington infighting.”—Washington PostAn extraordinary thriller debut of twenty-first-century espionage, by a former deputy assistant secretary of state who “knows where all the bodies are buried—literally” (W. E. B. Griffin). The Golden Hour: In international politics, the hundred hours following a coup, when there is still a chance that diplomacy, a secret back channel, military action—something—might reverse the chain of events.As the top American diplomat for West Africa, Todd Moss saw a great deal about how diplomacy and politics actually work. But as he shows us, the results aren’t always pretty.When Judd Ryker is appointed director of the new State Department Crisis Reaction Unit, he figures he has a mandate to help the United States respond more quickly to foreign crises, but he hasn’t reckoned with the intense State, Defense, Pentagon, White House, and CIA infighting and turf battles he would face. Then comes the coup in Mali. It is his chance to prove that his theory of the Golden Hour actually works—but in the real world, those hours move very, very quickly indeed, and include things he’d never even imagined.As Ryker races from Washington across Europe to the Sahara Desert, he finds that personalities, loyalties, everything he thought he knew, begin to shift and change beneath his feet—and that friends and enemies come in many forms.
Dana Perino
Finished a very good new novel last night "The Golden Hour" by Todd Moss. Political thriller with a national security theme. Recommend!
Книги от Dana Perino

Ghosts of Manhattan

This instant New York Times bestseller offers a withering view of life on Wall Street from the perspective of an unhappy insider who is too hooked on the money to find a way out, even as his career is ruining his marriage and corroding his soul.It’s 2005. Nick Farmer is a thirty-five-year-old bond trader with Bear Stearns clearing seven figures a year. The novelty of a work-related nightlife centering on liquor, hookers, and cocaine has long since worn thin, though Nick remains keenly addicted to his annual bonus. But the lifestyle is taking a toll on his marriage—and on him. When a nerdy analyst approaches him with apocalyptic prognostications of where Bear’s high-flying mortgage-backed securities trading may lead, Nick is presented with the kind of ethical dilemma he’s spent a lifetime avoiding. Throw in a hot financial journalist who seems to be more interested in him than in the percolating financial Armageddon and the prospect that his own wife may have found a new romantic interest of her own, and you have the recipe for Nick’s personal and professional implosion. By turns hilarious and harrowing, Ghosts of Manhattan follows a winning but flawed protagonist as he struggles to find the right path in a complicated urban heart of darkness
Dana Perino
Great political timeout. Finished Ghosts of Manhattan, new novel by Doug Brunt, husband extraordinaire to @megynkelly
Книги от Dana Perino

The Giver of Stars

#1 NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER | A REESE'S BOOK CLUB PICK “A great narrative about personal strength and really captures how books bring communities together.” —Reese Witherspoon From the author of the forthcoming Someone Else’s Shoes, a breathtaking story of five extraordinary women and their remarkable journey through the mountains of Kentucky and beyond in Depression-era America Alice Wright marries handsome American Bennett Van Cleve, hoping to escape her stifling life in England. But small-town Kentucky quickly proves equally claustrophobic, especially living alongside her overbearing father-in-law. So when a call goes out for a team of women to deliver books as part of Eleanor Roosevelt’s new traveling library, Alice signs on enthusiastically.The leader, and soon Alice's greatest ally, is Margery, a smart-talking, self-sufficient woman who's never asked a man's permission for anything. They will be joined by three other singular women who become known as the Packhorse Librarians of Kentucky. What happens to them--and to the men they love--becomes an unforgettable drama of loyalty, justice, humanity, and passion. These heroic women refuse to be cowed by men or by convention. And though they face all kinds of dangers in a landscape that is at times breathtakingly beautiful, at others brutal, they’re committed to their job: bringing books to people who have never had any, arming them with facts that will change their lives.Based on a true story rooted in America’s past, The Giver of Stars is unparalleled in its scope and epic in its storytelling. Funny, heartbreaking, enthralling, it is destined to become a modern classic--a richly rewarding novel of women’s friendship, of true love, and of what happens when we reach beyond our grasp for the great beyond.
Dana Perino
I just finished The Giver of Stars by JoJo Moyes and really loved it. I learned about the WPA packhorse library - what a great story. Inspiring characters. Recommend!
Книги от Dana Perino

The Conservative Heart

Arthur C. Brooks, one of the country’s leading policy experts and the president of the American Enterprise Institute, offers a bold new vision for conservatism as a movement for happiness, unity, and social justice—a movement of the head and heart that boldly challenges the liberal monopoly on “fairness” and “compassion.”Drawing on years of research, Brooks presents a social justice agenda for a New Right—an inclusive, optimistic movement with a positive agenda to fight poverty, promote equal opportunity, extol spiritual enlightenment, and help everyone lead happier and more fulfilling lives. Firmly grounded in the four “institutions of meaning”—family, faith, community, and meaningful work—it is a call for a government safety net that actually lifts people up and offers a vision of true hope through earned success. Clear, well-reasoned, accessible, and free of vituperative politics, The Conservative Heart is a welcome strategy for conservatives looking for fresh, actionable ideas—and for politically independent citizens who believe that neither side is adequately addressing their needs or concerns.
Dana Perino
Finished @arthurbrooks new book "The Conservative Heart" - I highly recommend it
Книги от Dana Perino

Green Eggs and Ham

When Sam-I-am persits in pestering a grumpy grouch to eat a plate of green eggs and ham, perseverance wins the day, teaching us all that we cannot know what we like until we have tried it! The original Dr. Seuss classic that inspired the Netflix series. The classic story from the one and only Dr. Seuss, that inspired the hit Netflix series! When Sam-I-am persists in pestering a grumpy grouch to eat a plate of green eggs and ham, perseverance wins the day, teaching us all that we cannot know what we like until we have tried it! The perfect book for early readers, the new style brings an old favourite to a whole new generation. As part of a major rebrand programme, HarperCollins is relaunching 17 of Dr. Seuss's best-selling books, including such perennial favourites as The Cat in the Hat, Green Eggs and Ham and Fox in Socks. In response to consumer demand, the bright new cover designs incorporate much needed guidance on reading levels, with the standard paperbacks divided into three reading strands - Blue Back Books for parents to share with young children, Green Back Books for budding readers to tackle on their own, and Yellow Back Books for older, more fluent readers to enjoy. Green Eggs and Ham belongs to the Green Back Book range.
Dana Perino
During today’s storytime session, I read a classic, Dr. Seuss’s Green Eggs and Ham. Jasper joins me for this one!
Книги от Dana Perino

Through Your Eyes

An instant #1 New York Times bestseller! From Ainsley Earhardt, the #1 New York Times bestselling author of Take Heart, My Child; The Light Within Me; and I’m So Glad You Were Born and “FOX & Friends” journalist, comes a book celebrating everyday wonders and miracles.Ainsley Earhardt reflects on her experiences as a mother and viewing wonders of the world through a child’s eyes in this stunning follow up to Take Heart, My Child. So often as we race through life, we need the wisdom and perspective of a child to remind us what is important and what should be celebrated and remembered: the everyday joys and miracles and simple pleasures of life. Our children teach us and awaken our own inner child.
Dana Perino
I read The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle and a book by my dear friend and FOX News colleague, Ainsley Earhardt, Through Your Eyes: My Child’s Gift to Me.
Книги от Dana Perino

The Very Hungry Caterpillar

The all-time classic picture book, from generation to generation, sold somewhere in the world every 30 seconds! Have you shared it with a child or grandchild in your life?For the first time, Eric Carle’s The Very Hungry Caterpillar is now available in e-book format, perfect for storytime anywhere. As an added bonus, it includes read-aloud audio of Eric Carle reading his classic story. This fine audio production pairs perfectly with the classic story, and it makes for a fantastic new way to encounter this famous, famished caterpillar.
Dana Perino
It’s World Book Day today! In honor of the holiday, I read The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle.
Книги от Dana Perino


**NOW INCLUDING THE FIRST CHAPTER OF DEMON COPPERHEAD** WINNER OF THE PULITZER PRIZE FOR FICTION TWICE WINNER OF THE WOMEN'S PRIZE FOR FICTION THE MULTI-MILLION COPY BESTSELLING AUTHOR 'Magnificent.' The Times, 'Books of the Year' 'Gripping.' Grazia 'Peerless.' Daily Mail 'Wise.' Sunday Times Meet Willa Knox, a woman who stands braced against a world which seems to hold little mercy for her and her family - or their old, crumbling house, falling down around them. Willa's two grown-up children, a new-born grandchild, and her ailing father-in-law have all moved in at a time when life seems at its most precarious. But when Willa discovers that a pioneering female scientist lived on the same street in the 1800s, could this historical connection be enough to save their home from ruin? And can Willa, despite the odds, keep her family together?
Dana Perino
This week I’m reading Unsheltered by Barbara Kingsolver, which happens to take place in south Jersey.
Книги от Dana Perino

Me and the Sky

The groundbreaking female pilot featured in the hit Broadway musical Come from Away tells her story in this high-flying and inspiring picture-book autobiography!When Beverley Bass was a young girl in the late 1950s, she told her parents she wanted to fly planes--and they told her that girls couldn't be pilots. Still, they encouraged her, and brought her to a nearby airport to watch the planes take off and land.After decades of refusing to take no for an answer, in 1986 Beverley became the first female pilot promoted to captain by American Airlines and led the first all-female crewed flight shortly thereafter. Her revolutionary career became even more newsworthy when she was forced to land in the remote town of Gander, Newfoundland, on September 11, 2001, due to US airspace closures. After several days there, she flew her crew and passengers safely home.Beverley's incredible life is now immortalized in the hit Broadway musical Come from Away. Here, discover how she went from an ambitious young girl gazing up at the sky to a groundbreaking pilot smiling down from the cockpit."Inspiring and up, up, and away all the way."--Kirkus"An inspiring biography about one woman's determination to forge a new path."--Booklist
Dana Perino
Today we are reading Me and The Sky, an inspirational book about the life of airline pilot, Beverley Bass.
Cериалы от Dana Perino

Государственный секретарь

История о государственном секретаре. После нескольких лет жизни вдали от ЦРУ ей вновь приходится вернуться на политическую арену, где у неё получается решать вопросы даже в тех случаях, когда ради этого необходимо играть не по правилам.
Dana Perino
Flying to FL tomorrow night for Jasper book tour - finished Madam Secretary. Need a new show to download. Hit me with your best shot!
Cериалы от Dana Perino

Чёрное зеркало

За последние десять лет технологии всесторонне изменили нашу жизнь, прежде чем мы успели опомниться и усомниться в них. В каждом доме, на каждом столе, на каждой ладони — плазменный телевизор, монитор компьютера, дисплей смартфона — чёрное зеркало нашего существования в двадцать первом веке. Наша связь с реальностью меняется. Мы возложили на алтарь «Google» и «Apple» и поклоняемся им. Алгоритмы «Facebook» знают о нас больше, чем наши собственные родители. У нас есть доступ ко всей информации в мире, но в голове хватает места лишь для того, чтобы воспринять 140 символов из сообщения в твиттере. В «Чёрном зеркале» отображается всеобщее беспокойство за наш современный мир.
Dana Perino
On @greggutfeld recommendation we watched the first ever episode of Black Mirror. 😳😩😱😣
Cериалы от Dana Perino

Шиттс Крик

Сериал рассказывает о семействе Роузов: Джонни Роуз — миллиардер, сделавший состояние на сети видеосалонов, его жена — актриса мыльных опер и двое детей — хипстер Дэвид и светская львица Алексис. После того, как бизнес Джонни терпит крах, все семейство вынуждено переехать жить в небольшую сельскую общину Шиттс Крик, которую они приобрели несколько лет назад развлечения ради.
Dana Perino
Our Alexa woke up while we watched the first episode of Schitt's Creek 😂
Музыка от Dana Perino

Rules for Boys — Kyle Jennings

Dana Perino
New song - recommend it! Rules for Boys By Kyle Jennings
Музыка от Dana Perino

Humble & Kind — Lori McKenna

Dana Perino
Lori McKenna - well deserved! Download her version of Humble & Kind - nothing like hearing the songwriter sing one of your favorite songs
Музыка от Dana Perino

The Mountain

Dana Perino
I absolutely love the new @DierksBentley album “The Mountain” - has made the weekend so memorable, can’t decide on a favorite song.
Вещи от Dana Perino

Bulletproof Chocolate Chip Bars

Bulletproof Chocolate Chip Bars
Dana Perino
I also have a Bulletproof chocolate chip bar for some extra energy.