Кулинария от Chris Pratt


A meatball is ground meat rolled into a ball, sometimes along with other ingredients, such as bread crumbs, minced onion, eggs, butter, and seasoning. Meatballs are cooked by frying, baking, steaming, or braising in sauce. There are many types of meatballs using different types of meats and spices.
Chris Pratt
But what is his favorite snack of all time? “Meat,” he said matter-of-factly on “Good Morning America.” “Meatballs. Meat shapes. I’d do a meat star, meat rectangles. Yeah, I like a meat snack. That’s if I can actually eat. Now it’s like kale chips and crap like that.”
Кулинария от Chris Pratt

Indian cuisine

Indian cuisine
Chris Pratt
Speaking during the Cricket Live at the Star Sports Studio Chris said, “I love Indian food. That’s my favorite kind of food. I love the flavor and the spices. The problem is I eat too much of it.
Кулинария от Chris Pratt


Chris Pratt
Do you have a secret to beating jetlag? Working out and lots of coffee!
Кулинария от Chris Pratt

Tequila on the rocks with lime

Tequila on the rocks with lime
Chris Pratt
What’s your favorite in-flight drink? Tequila on the rocks with lime.
Кулинария от Chris Pratt


Итальянское национальное блюдо в виде круглой открытой дрожжевой лепёшки, покрытой в классическом варианте томатным соусом и расплавленным сыром.
Chris Pratt
Finally, your favorite pizza toppings? I like meat on pizza and cheese. and sauce? I pretty much like all pizza. anchovies too.