Фильмы от Amy Winehouse

The Craft

Три молодых ведьмочки, которых никто не переносит в собственной школе, в один прекрасный день вдруг интуитивно почувствовали, что вот-вот к ним присоединится четвёртая. И действительно, в классе появляется новенькая, и теперь их четверо, как и сказано в заклинании, и они могут расквитаться со всеми обидчиками. Заклинания, змеи, крысы, пауки — колдовская четвёрка не даёт проходу половине города, и сами, судя по всему, получают от этого немалое удовольствие. Но игра зашла слишком далеко — они разбудили колдовские силы, которые теперь не в силах остановить, даже когда гибнут ни в чём не повинные люди.
Amy Winehouse
Other favorite shows and movies include Will & Grace, Jackass The Movie, MTV Yoga, Beaches, Dirty Dancing, Tootsie, Ghost World, The Craft, The Birdcage, and all the Audrey Hepburn movies.
Фильмы от Amy Winehouse

Ghost World

В то время, как все благовоспитанные выпускники средней школы отправились в колледж, наши героини Энид и Ребекка решили, что учиться дальше — это скука смертная и бесполезная трата времени. Гораздо лучше отдохнуть в свое удовольствие; поглядеть, что к чему; ну и, конечно, как следует «перемыть косточки» всем несовершенным представителям рода человеческого. А их, к счастью, повсюду превеликое множество! Но вот однажды, «пулестойкое» сердце нашей язвительной и саркастичной Энид дрогнуло. Это произошло после встречи со скромным и нерешительным холостяком-неудачником, торгующим старыми виниловыми пластинками. Девушку начинает необъяснимым образом тянуть к этому одинокому и застенчивому человеку…
Amy Winehouse
Other favorite shows and movies include Will & Grace, Jackass The Movie, MTV Yoga, Beaches, Dirty Dancing, Tootsie, Ghost World, The Craft, The Birdcage, and all the Audrey Hepburn movies.
Фильмы от Amy Winehouse


Актер Майкл Дорси из-за своего характера не может удержаться ни на одной работе. Тогда он переодевается в женское платье и вскоре понимает, что женщиной он больше нравится людям. Дороти-Майкл сразу получает работу. Однако у него возникают трудности с девушкой, которую любит.
Amy Winehouse
Other favorite shows and movies include Will & Grace, Jackass The Movie, MTV Yoga, Beaches, Dirty Dancing, Tootsie, Ghost World, The Craft, The Birdcage, and all the Audrey Hepburn movies.
Фильмы от Amy Winehouse

Dirty Dancing

Лето 1963 года. 17-летняя Фрэнсис по прозвищу Бэби, невинная избалованная девушка из обеспеченной семьи, проводит каникулы с родителями в курортном отеле. Она знакомится с Джонни, красивым профессиональным танцором, искушенным в вопросах жизни и любви.Словно околдованная сексуальными ритмами и ничем не сдерживаемыми движениями «грязных танцев» в стиле ритм-энд-блюз, Бэби становится ученицей-партнершей Джонни — и в танцах и в любви.
Amy Winehouse
Other favorite shows and movies include Will & Grace, Jackass The Movie, MTV Yoga, Beaches, Dirty Dancing, Tootsie, Ghost World, The Craft, The Birdcage, and all the Audrey Hepburn movies.
Фильмы от Amy Winehouse


История о трогательной дружбе двух девушек из разных социальных слоев, случайно познакомившихся на пляже в Калифорнии. Одна не очень обеспеченная, вульгарная Си Си Блум, мечтающая о карьере шоу — звезды, а вторая — благополучная богатая аристократка Хилари Уитни Эссекс. Но судьба оказывается жестокой к ним обеим: богатая и благополучная Хилари умирает от неизлечимой болезни, оставив маленькую дочь, а ее неудачливая, но верная подруга берет на себя все заботы о ребенке.
Amy Winehouse
Other favorite shows and movies include Will & Grace, Jackass The Movie, MTV Yoga, Beaches, Dirty Dancing, Tootsie, Ghost World, The Craft, The Birdcage, and all the Audrey Hepburn movies.
Фильмы от Amy Winehouse

Jackass: The Movie

Наши герои начисто лишены стыда и инстинкта самосохранения, совсем не обращают внимания на боль и с удовольствием будут мучить себя и других!
Amy Winehouse
Other favorite shows and movies include Will & Grace, Jackass The Movie.
Книги от Amy Winehouse

Barcelona Plates

A septuagenarian contract killer, a chronic hypochondriac, two zombie-creating comedians, a good Samaritan and a man called Barnaby whose holiday takes an unexpected turn. In these sleek and witty tales, described by Loaded as 'an excellent collection of dark, funny and bizarre short stories', Alexei Sayle's characters are vividly, wryly - and occasionally disturbingly - portrayed. Their voices, and the stories they have to tell will remain in the mind for a long, long time.
Amy Winehouse
I also bought Alexei Sayle's Barcelona Plates, which I'm looking forward to reading. I could spend a lot of time in bookshops just browsing.
Книги от Amy Winehouse

Carter Beats the Devil

Charles Carter, dubbed Carter the Great by Houdini himself, was born into privilege but became a magician out of need: only when dazzling an audience can he defeat his fear of loneliness. But in 1920s America the stakes are growing higher, as technology and the cinema challenge the allure of magic and Carter's stunts become increasingly audacious. Until the night President Harding takes part in Carter's act only to die two hours later, and Carter finds himself pursued not only by the Secret Service but by a host of others desperate for the terrible secret they believe Harding confided in him. Seamlessly blending reality and fiction, Gold lays before us a glittering and romantic panorama of our modern world at a point of irrevocable change.
Amy Winehouse
I read all sorts of stuff, but this week I bought an anthology of graphic fiction because I love graphic novels and cartoons, and another copy of Carter Beats the Devil by Glen David Gold - a great novel.
Книги от Amy Winehouse

Beyond Black

Beyond Black is a groundbreaking study of the dynamic meaning of racial identity for multiracial people in post-Civil Rights America. Kerry Ann Rockquemore and David Brunsma document the wide range of racial identities that individuals with one Black and one White parent develop, and they provide a incisive sociological explanation of the choices facing those who are multiracial. Stemming from the controversy of the 2000 Census and whether an additional 'multiracial' category should be added to the survey, this second edition of Beyond Black uses both survey data and interviews of multiracial young adults to explore the contemporary dynamics of racial identity formation. The authors raise even larger social and political questions posed by expanding racial categorization on the U.S. Census.
Amy Winehouse
What is your favourite book? Catch-22 or Pigtopia or Beyond Black.
Книги от Amy Winehouse


'Mam says that dad was pigflesh and pigmind, a huge mucky porker that nabbed her by force, then jogtrotted off beyond the farlands when he understood what had been hatched . . .' Jack is a 'freak' kept away from school in his youth and shunned by his local community in adulthood due to his terrible physical deformities. Holly is a young girl growing up alone with her mother, facing the pains and frustrations of a belated adolescence and of having to deal with the the threat she sees posed by her mum's new boyfriend. When these two lonely souls unexpectedly come together, and form a bond around the pigs that Jack rears in secret, they realise they must keep their friendship hidden from the prejudices and intolerance of those around them. But with Jack's abusive mother dying, and with Holly's supposed best-friend, Samantha, determined to cause trouble, how long can they keep their secret? Part-dark moral fable and part-domestic drama, Pigtopia is a tale of violence and foreboding. It is also though a story of compassion, escape and the faint hope of redemption. Narrated alternately by the beautifully rendered voices of Jack and Holly, it will be loved by anyone who has ever felt shunned or alone.
Amy Winehouse
What is your favourite book? Catch-22 or Pigtopia or Beyond Black.
Книги от Amy Winehouse


"Catch-22 is one of this century's greatest works of American literature. First published m 1961, Joseph Heller's profound and compelling novel has appeared on nearly every list of must read fiction. It is a classic in every sense of the word. Catch-22 took the war novel genre to a new level, shocking us with its clever and disturbing style. Set in a World War II American bomber squadron off the coast of Italy, Catch-22 is the story of John Yossarian, who is furious because thousands of people he has never met are trying to kill him. Yossarian is also trying to decode the meaning of Catch-22, a mysterious regulation that proves that insane people are really the sanest, while the supposedly sensible people are the true madmen. And this novel is full of madmen -- Colonel Cathcart, who keeps raising the number of missions the men must fly m order to finish their tour; Milo Minderbinder, a dedicated entrepreneur who bombs his own airfield when the Germans offer him an extra 6 percent; Major Major Major, whose tragedy in life is that he resembles Henry Fonda; and Major -- de Coverley, whose face is so forbidding no one has dared ask his name. No novel before or since has matched Catch-22's intensity and brilliance in depicting the brutal insanity of war. Heller satirizes military bureaucracy with bitter, stinging humor, all the while telling the darkly comic story of Yossarian, a bombardier who refuses to die. Nearly forty years later, Yossarian lives"--Cover.
Amy Winehouse
What is your favourite book? Catch-22
Книги от Amy Winehouse

1000 Pin-Up Girls

'Girls, Gags & Giggles""--this was publisher Robert Harrison's recipe for dishing up the American pin-up to the U.S. male. In the 1950s his girls magazines sold by the millions, before becoming icons of pulp and trash culture. These skillfully illustrated girls with their curvaceous forms and inviting lingerie soon overlook America's national dessert, in terms of popularity, and even developed considerable potential as a cultural export during the 1940s. ""Never show everything,"" was always the motto.
Amy Winehouse
the expensive Taschen publication 1,000 Pin-Up Girls. “She was just ripping them out and I thought it was the copy my sister had got me. I have a bit of a temper and so I said ‘Have you lost your mind?’ She talked me down from the ledge by telling me not to worry and that it was her copy.”
Cериалы от Amy Winehouse

Will & Grace

Уилл Трумэн и Грейс Адлер — лучшие друзья и соседи, которые идеально подходят друг другу: они обожают одни и те же вещи и отлично понимают друг друга, но никогда не смогут завязать романтические отношения, потому что Уилл — гей, а Грейс — гетеросексуалка. Уилл — преуспевающий юрист из Манхэттана, красивый, очаровательный и вызывающий симпатию. Он недавно расстался с другом, с которым долгое время был вместе. Грейс — тоже красивая девушка, имеющая собственный бизнес. Обоим нравится смотреть французские фильмы, проводить ночи за игрой в покер с друзьями… Они всегда были друзьями и оба хотят любви. Но они давным-давно договорились, что не будут заигрывать друг с другом. После очередной размолвки Грейс расстается со своим очередным парнем и переезжает жить к Уиллу. Сможет ли стопроцентный гей игнорировать очаровательную соседку?
Amy Winehouse
Other favorite shows and movies include Will & Grace.
Cериалы от Amy Winehouse

Sex and the City

В центре сексуального сериала — четыре закадычные подруги — Кэрри Брэдшоу, Миранда Хоббс, Шарлотта Йорк и Саманта Джонс — четыре ярких личности, четыре взгляда на жизнь и четыре способа преодоления возникающих проблем. Независимые жительницы Нью-Йорка, смело перешагнувшие тридцатилетний рубеж, уверенные в себе и откровенные в разговорах друг с другом. Искрометный юмор, яркие образы, «пикантные» темы — вот главные козыри «Секса в большом городе», сериала, который дает женщинам повод искренне сопереживать главным героиням, а мужчинам — проникнуть в таинственный мир женских проблем.
Amy Winehouse
Speaking of Ms. Bradshaw, Amy loved Sex and the City, if her DVD/VHS collection (seen in this close-up below) is any indication
Музыка от Amy Winehouse

So Far Away

Amy Winehouse
The service, which included prayers in English and Hebrew, ended with a rendition of So Far Away by Carole King, Winehouse's favourite song.
Музыка от Amy Winehouse
3 песни

3 Rappers Amy Winehouse Liked

Amy Winehouse
Музыка от Amy Winehouse

Thelonious Monk

Amy Winehouse
She pauses, then warms to a line of thought: "Thelonious Monk. Charlie Mingus. Miles Davis ... Thelonious Monk again."
Музыка от Amy Winehouse
3 песни

3 Bands Amy Wanted to Collaborate With

Artists Amy would like to work with.
Amy Winehouse
Artists Amy would like to work with.
Музыка от Amy Winehouse
3 песни

Amy's 3 Favorite Vocalists

Amy Winehouse
Музыка от Amy Winehouse
5 песен

Amy Winehouse Favorite Singers

Her music collection was wide-ranging. There are artists you would expect: Miles Davis, Ella Fitzgerald, Aretha Franklin, Ray Charles and Louis Armstrong.
Amy Winehouse
Her music collection was wide-ranging. There are artists you would expect: Miles Davis, Ella Fitzgerald, Aretha Franklin, Ray Charles and Louis Armstrong.
Музыка от Amy Winehouse

Amy Winehouse Mixtape: "Songs on my Chill-Out Tape", a playlist

Amy Winehouse
The most interesting part of the exhibit for me was the tracklist from Amy's "Songs on my Chill-Out Tape." Anyone who has made a mix for a crush knows how soul-revealing the medium can be. Seeing the school uniform she wore, the records she touched and her collection of designer shoes is all personal, but this artifact, written in her own bubbly handwriting really projects Amy's humanity and personal taste.
Музыка от Amy Winehouse

Tony Bennett

Amy Winehouse
What is your greatest fear? Dying old or never meeting Tony Bennett; if I never get to meet him, I might as well be dead.
Музыка от Amy Winehouse

Unchain My Heart

Amy Winehouse
I remember the first time I heard Ray Charles ever, it was Unchain my heart, I was walking through my brother's room. I had to knock, I was standing like.. who's that? Ray Charles, and then UI said Ray Charles, Ray Charles. After that I was listening to Ray Charles for three months.
Музыка от Amy Winehouse

'Round Midnight

Amy Winehouse
My brother started listening to jazz, when he was 18, and I was 14. I remember hearing Round Midnight through the wall. It was Monk, and I just remember thinking "WHAT IS THAT?" and I'll never forget that.
Вещи от Amy Winehouse

Cherry Tootsie Pops 60 Count

Cherry Tootsie Pops 60 pops
Amy Winehouse
Just ask me a silly question, like, ‘What’s my favorite flavor of Tootsie Pop?'” Okay, Amy. What’s your favorite flavor of Tootsie Pop? “Cherry,” she says, flashing a grin that’s perhaps seen one Tootsie Pop too many. “See? It’s easy!
Вещи от Amy Winehouse

Trident Layers Strawberry + Citrus Sugar Free Gum - 12 Packs (168 Pieces Total)

Get close-up confidence with Trident Layers Sugar Free gum, the easy way to freshen breath and help protect against tooth decay.. Trident Layers makes gum fun by swirling mouthwatering Wild Strawberry & Tangy Citrus flavors together, creating a unique gum chewing experience that deeply satisfies any set of taste buds.. With 50% fewer calories than sugared gum, Trident Layers has long lasting flavor, fights plaque, and restores your mouth's pH balance to maintain a healthy smile.. Four out of five dentists recommend chewing Trident after eating and drinking to clean and protect teeth.. This order includes 12 14-stick packs of Wild Strawberry & Tangy Citrus Trident Layers Sugar Free Gum.
Amy Winehouse
In America they've got this really good Trident gum that is sweet and sour. It's strawberry-flavour, sugar-free and comes 12 to a pack. Six sticks are sweet and six sour. I have an ongoing gum-off competition with one of the guys from my band over who can find the weirdest gum when we're on tour!