
1950 год, в дом богатой неаполитанской семьи прямиком из Версаля доставили шикарную карету-кровать для младенца, который вот-вот родится прямо в водах Тирренского моря. На свет появилась девочка, и ее назвали Партенопой в честь древнегреческой нимфы, чьим именем когда-то нарекли Неаполь. Идеальная во всем девушка жила на полную катушку: меняла любовников и увлечения, пробовала начать карьеру актрисы, училась на антрополога и танцевала до утра. Блестящую жизнь любимицы судьбы омрачило лишь одно событие — суицид брата Рафаэля, затухшего в лучах яркой Партенопы.

Boris Faktorovich
1950 год, в дом богатой неаполитанской семьи прямиком из Версаля доставили шикарную карету-кровать для младенца, который вот-вот родится прямо в водах Тирренского моря. На свет появилась девочка, и ее назвали Партенопой в честь древнегреческой нимфы, чьим именем когда-то нарекли Неаполь. Идеальная во всем девушка жила на полную катушку: меняла любовников и увлечения, пробовала начать карьеру актрисы, училась на антрополога и танцевала до утра. Блестящую жизнь любимицы судьбы омрачило лишь одно событие — суицид брата Рафаэля, затухшего в лучах яркой Партенопы.

Young Woman and the Sea
This is the extraordinary true story of Trudy Ederle, the first woman to successfully swim the English Channel. Through the steadfast support of her older sister and supportive trainers, she overcame adversity and the animosity of a patriarchal society to rise through the ranks of the Olympic swimming team and complete the 21-mile trek from France to England.

Boris Faktorovich
This is the extraordinary true story of Trudy Ederle, the first woman to successfully swim the English Channel. Through the steadfast support of her older sister and supportive trainers, she overcame adversity and the animosity of a patriarchal society to rise through the ranks of the Olympic swimming team and complete the 21-mile trek from France to England.

Federer: Twelve Final Days
Originally a home video never intended for public viewing, this film captures the final chapter in Roger Federer's legendary tennis career, featuring Roger, his family, and his three main rivals: Rafael Nadal, Novak Djokovic, and Andy Murray.

Boris Faktorovich
Originally a home video never intended for public viewing, this film captures the final chapter in Roger Federer's legendary tennis career, featuring Roger, his family, and his three main rivals: Rafael Nadal, Novak Djokovic, and Andy Murray.

El color de la granada
Biografía del trovador y poeta armenio del siglo XVIII Sayat Nova. En lugar de hacer una narración lineal, el director se encarga de realizar una serie de cuadros vivientes que representan episodios importantes de la vida del poeta en clave simbólica: su infancia, su juventud, su entrada a un monasterio, o su enfrentamiento con el ángel de la muerte. Estos capítulos están desarrollados a partir de fragmentos de sus obras, los cuales aparecen en intertítulos o se escuchan mediante una voz en off.

Boris Faktorovich
Biografía del trovador y poeta armenio del siglo XVIII Sayat Nova. En lugar de hacer una narración lineal, el director se encarga de realizar una serie de cuadros vivientes que representan episodios importantes de la vida del poeta en clave simbólica: su infancia, su juventud, su entrada a un monasterio, o su enfrentamiento con el ángel de la muerte. Estos capítulos están desarrollados a partir de fragmentos de sus obras, los cuales aparecen en intertítulos o se escuchan mediante una voz en off.

Mientras lucha por encontrar su lugar en la Universidad de Oxford, el estudiante Oliver Quick (Barry Keoghan) se ve arrastrado al mundo del encantador y aristocrático Felix Catton (Jacob Elordi), que le invita a Saltburn, la extensa finca de su excéntrica familia, para pasar un verano inolvidable.

Boris Faktorovich
Mientras lucha por encontrar su lugar en la Universidad de Oxford, el estudiante Oliver Quick (Barry Keoghan) se ve arrastrado al mundo del encantador y aristocrático Felix Catton (Jacob Elordi), que le invita a Saltburn, la extensa finca de su excéntrica familia, para pasar un verano inolvidable.

Dumb Money
Nos descubre el disparatado caso real de gente corriente que consiguió jugársela a Wall Street y se hizo rica convirtiendo GameStop (una popular tienda de videojuegos y electrónica) en la empresa más candente del mundo. En medio de todo este embrollo se encuentra Keith Gill (Paul Dano), un tipo cualquiera que invirtió los ahorros de su vida en acciones y empezó a publicar sobre ello en redes sociales. Gracias a sus consejos bursátiles, su popularidad estalló, al igual que lo hizo su vida y la de todos sus seguidores, que empezaron a enriquecerse de la noche a la mañana. No obstante, los multimillonarios no tardaron en contratacar, desencadenando una de las batallas financieras más feroces vividas en Wall Street.

Boris Faktorovich
Nos descubre el disparatado caso real de gente corriente que consiguió jugársela a Wall Street y se hizo rica convirtiendo GameStop (una popular tienda de videojuegos y electrónica) en la empresa más candente del mundo. En medio de todo este embrollo se encuentra Keith Gill (Paul Dano), un tipo cualquiera que invirtió los ahorros de su vida en acciones y empezó a publicar sobre ello en redes sociales. Gracias a sus consejos bursátiles, su popularidad estalló, al igual que lo hizo su vida y la de todos sus seguidores, que empezaron a enriquecerse de la noche a la mañana. No obstante, los multimillonarios no tardaron en contratacar, desencadenando una de las batallas financieras más feroces vividas en Wall Street.

A Million Miles Away
Narra la historia de José Hernández, el primer trabajador agrícola migrante en viajar al espacio. Una historia de perseverancia, comunidad y sacrificio para lograr un sueño imposible.

Boris Faktorovich
Narra la historia de José Hernández, el primer trabajador agrícola migrante en viajar al espacio. Una historia de perseverancia, comunidad y sacrificio para lograr un sueño imposible.

В ожидании Дали
Los hermanos Fernando y Alberto, cocineros del mejor restaurante francés de Barcelona, huyen a Cadaqués debido a las implicaciones políticas de uno de ellos. Una vez allí, quedan atrapados por el "ambiente mágico" del lugar, impregnado por la presencia del artista universal Salvador Dalí. Jules, el excéntrico propietario del restaurante El Surreal, los contrata como friegaplatos y les hará compartir su obsesión por Dalí. Mientras esperan ansiosos la llegada del artista, Fernando se enamora de Lola, la hija de Jules, quien le influirá para empezar una verdadera revolución en el mundo de la cocina.

Boris Faktorovich
Los hermanos Fernando y Alberto, cocineros del mejor restaurante francés de Barcelona, huyen a Cadaqués debido a las implicaciones políticas de uno de ellos. Una vez allí, quedan atrapados por el "ambiente mágico" del lugar, impregnado por la presencia del artista universal Salvador Dalí. Jules, el excéntrico propietario del restaurante El Surreal, los contrata como friegaplatos y les hará compartir su obsesión por Dalí. Mientras esperan ansiosos la llegada del artista, Fernando se enamora de Lola, la hija de Jules, quien le influirá para empezar una verdadera revolución en el mundo de la cocina.

Guy Ritchie's The Covenant
Sigue al sargento John Kinley, uno de los únicos sobrevivientes en su último periodo de servicio en Afganistán, y como decide regresar a zona de guerra para recuperar a su amigo Ahmed y su familia.

Boris Faktorovich
Sigue al sargento John Kinley, uno de los únicos sobrevivientes en su último periodo de servicio en Afganistán, y como decide regresar a zona de guerra para recuperar a su amigo Ahmed y su familia.

Душевные омуты. Возвращение к жизни после тяжелых потрясений
В книге «Душевные омуты» автор исследует те «топи» и «трясины», – вину, печаль, потери, предательство, депрессию и многое другое, – которые время от времени нас затягивают. Читатель, прочитав эту книгу, возможно, не только найдет в своих страданиях глубокий смысл, но и откроет для себя путь к личностному развитию и самоутверждению.Книга будет интересна специалистам, приверженцам юнгианской психологии, а также широкому кругу читателей.

Während des Zweiten Weltkriegs legt Japan mit Unterstützung von Nazi-Deutschland eine gigantische Goldreserve an. Die Alliierten werden zwar auf verschlüsselte Mitteilungen aufmerksam, aber selbst ihren besten Kryptographen gelingt es nicht, den Code zu knacken. Mehr als ein halbes Jahrhundert später stößt eine Gruppe junger amerikanischer Unternehmer im Wrack eines U-Boots auf die Anzeichen einer riesigen Verschwörung und auf das Rätsel um einen verborgenen Schatz.

Boris Faktorovich
Während des Zweiten Weltkriegs legt Japan mit Unterstützung von Nazi-Deutschland eine gigantische Goldreserve an. Die Alliierten werden zwar auf verschlüsselte Mitteilungen aufmerksam, aber selbst ihren besten Kryptographen gelingt es nicht, den Code zu knacken. Mehr als ein halbes Jahrhundert später stößt eine Gruppe junger amerikanischer Unternehmer im Wrack eines U-Boots auf die Anzeichen einer riesigen Verschwörung und auf das Rätsel um einen verborgenen Schatz.

The Meme Machine
What is a meme? First coined by Richard Dawkins in The Selfish Gene, a meme is any idea, behavior, or skill that can be transferred from one person to another by imitation: stories, fashions, inventions, recipes, songs, ways of plowing a field or throwing a baseball or making a sculpture. The meme is also one of the most important--and controversial--concepts to emerge since The Origin of the Species appeared nearly 150 years ago. In The Meme Machine Susan Blackmore boldly asserts: "Just as the design of our bodies can be understood only in terms of natural selection, so the design of our minds can be understood only in terms of memetic selection." Indeed, Blackmore shows that once our distant ancestors acquired the crucial ability to imitate, a second kind of natural selection began, a survival of the fittest amongst competing ideas and behaviors. Ideas and behaviors that proved most adaptive--making tools, for example, or using language--survived and flourished, replicating themselves in as many minds as possible. These memes then passed themselves on from generation to generation by helping to ensure that the genes of those who acquired them also survived and reproduced. Applying this theory to many aspects of human life, Blackmore offers brilliant explanations for why we live in cities, why we talk so much, why we can't stop thinking, why we behave altruistically, how we choose our mates, and much more. With controversial implications for our religious beliefs, our free will, our very sense of "self," The Meme Machine offers a provocative theory everyone will soon be talking about.

Boris Faktorovich
What is a meme? First coined by Richard Dawkins in The Selfish Gene, a meme is any idea, behavior, or skill that can be transferred from one person to another by imitation: stories, fashions, inventions, recipes, songs, ways of plowing a field or throwing a baseball or making a sculpture. The meme is also one of the most important--and controversial--concepts to emerge since The Origin of the Species appeared nearly 150 years ago. In The Meme Machine Susan Blackmore boldly asserts: "Just as the design of our bodies can be understood only in terms of natural selection, so the design of our minds can be understood only in terms of memetic selection." Indeed, Blackmore shows that once our distant ancestors acquired the crucial ability to imitate, a second kind of natural selection began, a survival of the fittest amongst competing ideas and behaviors. Ideas and behaviors that proved most adaptive--making tools, for example, or using language--survived and flourished, replicating themselves in as many minds as possible. These memes then passed themselves on from generation to generation by helping to ensure that the genes of those who acquired them also survived and reproduced. Applying this theory to many aspects of human life, Blackmore offers brilliant explanations for why we live in cities, why we talk so much, why we can't stop thinking, why we behave altruistically, how we choose our mates, and much more. With controversial implications for our religious beliefs, our free will, our very sense of "self," The Meme Machine offers a provocative theory everyone will soon be talking about.

*Los Angeles Times bestseller*“If hygge is the art of doing nothing, ikigai is the art of doing something—and doing it with supreme focus and joy.” —New York PostBring meaning and joy to all your days with this internationally bestselling guide to the Japanese concept of ikigai (pronounced ee-key-guy)—the happiness of always being busy—as revealed by the daily habits of the world’s longest-living people.What’s your ikigai?“Only staying active will make you want to live a hundred years.” —Japanese proverb According to the Japanese, everyone has an ikigai—a reason for living. And according to the residents of the Japanese village with the world’s longest-living people, finding it is the key to a happier and longer life. Having a strong sense of ikigai—the place where passion, mission, vocation, and profession intersect—means that each day is infused with meaning. It’s the reason we get up in the morning. It’s also the reason many Japanese never really retire (in fact there’s no word in Japanese that means retire in the sense it does in English): They remain active and work at what they enjoy, because they’ve found a real purpose in life—the happiness of always being busy. In researching this book, the authors interviewed the residents of the Japanese village with the highest percentage of 100-year-olds—one of the world’s Blue Zones. Ikigai reveals the secrets to their longevity and happiness: how they eat, how they move, how they work, how they foster collaboration and community, and—their best-kept secret—how they find the ikigai that brings satisfaction to their lives. And it provides practical tools to help you discover your own ikigai. Because who doesn’t want to find happiness in every day?

Boris Faktorovich
*Los Angeles Times bestseller*“If hygge is the art of doing nothing, ikigai is the art of doing something—and doing it with supreme focus and joy.” —New York PostBring meaning and joy to all your days with this internationally bestselling guide to the Japanese concept of ikigai (pronounced ee-key-guy)—the happiness of always being busy—as revealed by the daily habits of the world’s longest-living people.What’s your ikigai?“Only staying active will make you want to live a hundred years.” —Japanese proverb According to the Japanese, everyone has an ikigai—a reason for living. And according to the residents of the Japanese village with the world’s longest-living people, finding it is the key to a happier and longer life. Having a strong sense of ikigai—the place where passion, mission, vocation, and profession intersect—means that each day is infused with meaning. It’s the reason we get up in the morning. It’s also the reason many Japanese never really retire (in fact there’s no word in Japanese that means retire in the sense it does in English): They remain active and work at what they enjoy, because they’ve found a real purpose in life—the happiness of always being busy. In researching this book, the authors interviewed the residents of the Japanese village with the highest percentage of 100-year-olds—one of the world’s Blue Zones. Ikigai reveals the secrets to their longevity and happiness: how they eat, how they move, how they work, how they foster collaboration and community, and—their best-kept secret—how they find the ikigai that brings satisfaction to their lives. And it provides practical tools to help you discover your own ikigai. Because who doesn’t want to find happiness in every day?

The Innovator's Dilemma
Named one of 100 Leadership & Success Books to Read in a Lifetime by Amazon EditorsA Wall Street Journal and Businessweek bestseller. Named by Fast Company as one of the most influential leadership books in its Leadership Hall of Fame. An innovation classic. From Steve Jobs to Jeff Bezos, Clay Christensen’s work continues to underpin today’s most innovative leaders and organizations.The bestselling classic on disruptive innovation, by renowned author Clayton M. Christensen.His work is cited by the world’s best-known thought leaders, from Steve Jobs to Malcolm Gladwell. In this classic bestseller—one of the most influential business books of all time—innovation expert Clayton Christensen shows how even the most outstanding companies can do everything right—yet still lose market leadership.Christensen explains why most companies miss out on new waves of innovation. No matter the industry, he says, a successful company with established products will get pushed aside unless managers know how and when to abandon traditional business practices.Offering both successes and failures from leading companies as a guide, The Innovator’s Dilemma gives you a set of rules for capitalizing on the phenomenon of disruptive innovation.Sharp, cogent, and provocative—and consistently noted as one of the most valuable business ideas of all time—The Innovator’s Dilemma is the book no manager, leader, or entrepreneur should be without.

Boris Faktorovich
Named one of 100 Leadership & Success Books to Read in a Lifetime by Amazon EditorsA Wall Street Journal and Businessweek bestseller. Named by Fast Company as one of the most influential leadership books in its Leadership Hall of Fame. An innovation classic. From Steve Jobs to Jeff Bezos, Clay Christensen’s work continues to underpin today’s most innovative leaders and organizations.The bestselling classic on disruptive innovation, by renowned author Clayton M. Christensen.His work is cited by the world’s best-known thought leaders, from Steve Jobs to Malcolm Gladwell. In this classic bestseller—one of the most influential business books of all time—innovation expert Clayton Christensen shows how even the most outstanding companies can do everything right—yet still lose market leadership.Christensen explains why most companies miss out on new waves of innovation. No matter the industry, he says, a successful company with established products will get pushed aside unless managers know how and when to abandon traditional business practices.Offering both successes and failures from leading companies as a guide, The Innovator’s Dilemma gives you a set of rules for capitalizing on the phenomenon of disruptive innovation.Sharp, cogent, and provocative—and consistently noted as one of the most valuable business ideas of all time—The Innovator’s Dilemma is the book no manager, leader, or entrepreneur should be without.

With a new foreword by Tim Ferriss • “Vagabonding easily remains in my top-10 list of life-changing books. Why? Because one incredible trip, especially a long-term trip, can change your life forever. And Vagabonding teaches you how to travel (and think), not just for one trip, but for the rest of your life.”—Tim Ferriss, from the forewordThere’s nothing like vagabonding: taking time off from your normal life—from six weeks to four months to two years—to discover and experience the world on your own terms. In this one-of-a-kind handbook, veteran travel writer Rolf Potts explains how anyone armed with an independent spirit can achieve the dream of extended overseas travel. Now completely revised and updated, Vagabonding is an accessible and inspiring guide to • financing your travel time • determining your destination • adjusting to life on the road • working and volunteering overseas • handling travel adversity • re-assimilating back into ordinary life Praise for Vagabonding “A crucial reference for any budget wanderer.”—Time “The book is a meditation on the joys of hitting the road. . . . It’s also a primer for those with a case of pent-up wanderlust seeking to live the dream.”—USA Today “I couldn’t put this book down. It’s a whole different ethic of travel. . . . [Potts’s] practical advice might just convince you to enjoy that open-ended trip of a lifetime.”—Rick Steves “Potts wants us to wander, to explore, to embrace the unknown, and, finally, to take our own damn time about it. I think this is the most sensible book of travel-related advice ever written.”—Tim Cahill, founding editor of Outside

Boris Faktorovich
With a new foreword by Tim Ferriss • “Vagabonding easily remains in my top-10 list of life-changing books. Why? Because one incredible trip, especially a long-term trip, can change your life forever. And Vagabonding teaches you how to travel (and think), not just for one trip, but for the rest of your life.”—Tim Ferriss, from the forewordThere’s nothing like vagabonding: taking time off from your normal life—from six weeks to four months to two years—to discover and experience the world on your own terms. In this one-of-a-kind handbook, veteran travel writer Rolf Potts explains how anyone armed with an independent spirit can achieve the dream of extended overseas travel. Now completely revised and updated, Vagabonding is an accessible and inspiring guide to • financing your travel time • determining your destination • adjusting to life on the road • working and volunteering overseas • handling travel adversity • re-assimilating back into ordinary life Praise for Vagabonding “A crucial reference for any budget wanderer.”—Time “The book is a meditation on the joys of hitting the road. . . . It’s also a primer for those with a case of pent-up wanderlust seeking to live the dream.”—USA Today “I couldn’t put this book down. It’s a whole different ethic of travel. . . . [Potts’s] practical advice might just convince you to enjoy that open-ended trip of a lifetime.”—Rick Steves “Potts wants us to wander, to explore, to embrace the unknown, and, finally, to take our own damn time about it. I think this is the most sensible book of travel-related advice ever written.”—Tim Cahill, founding editor of Outside

The Kite Runner (new)
The Kite Runner, sebuah novel perdana Khaled Hosseini, telah mencatat berbagai prestasi: 1. Diterjemahkan ke dalam 42 bahasa. 2. Terjual lebih dari 8 juta kopi di seluruh dunia. 3. Lebih dari 2 tahun bertengger di daftar New York Times Bestseller. 4. Paramount Pictures telah membuat filmnya. Sinopsis Aku memiliki satu kesempatan terakhir untuk mengambil keputusan, untuk menentukan apa jadinya diriku. Aku bisa melangkah memasuki gang itu, membela Hassan dan menerima apa pun yang mungkin menimpaku. Atau, aku bisa melarikan diri. Akhirnya, aku melarikan diri. Amir telah mengkhianati Hassan, satu-satunya sahabatnya. Saudaranya. Rasa bersalah kini menghantuinya. Menyingkirkan Hassan dari kehidupannya adalah pilihan tersulit yang harus diambilnya. Namun setelah Hassan pergi, tak ada lagi yang tersisa dari masa kecilnya. Seperi layang-layang putus, sebagian dari dirinya terbang bersama angin. Tetapi, masa lalu yang telah terkubur dalam-dalam pun senantiasa menyeruak kembali. Hadir membawa luka-luka lama. Dan seperti rapuhnya layang-layang, tak kuasa menahan badai, Amir harus menghadapi kenangannya yang mewujud kembali. The Kite Runner adalah sebuah kisah penuh kekuatan tentang persaudaraan, kasih sayang, pengkhianatan, dan penderitaan. Khaled Hosseini dengan brilian menghadirkan sisi-sisi lain Afghanistan, negeri indah yang hingga kini masih menyimpan duka. Di tengah belantara puing di Kota Kabul, akankah amir menemukan kebagahiaan yang kelak menyapu kesedihannya? [Mizan, Qanita, Novel, Inspirasi, Motivasi, Indonesia]

Boris Faktorovich
The Kite Runner, sebuah novel perdana Khaled Hosseini, telah mencatat berbagai prestasi: 1. Diterjemahkan ke dalam 42 bahasa. 2. Terjual lebih dari 8 juta kopi di seluruh dunia. 3. Lebih dari 2 tahun bertengger di daftar New York Times Bestseller. 4. Paramount Pictures telah membuat filmnya. Sinopsis Aku memiliki satu kesempatan terakhir untuk mengambil keputusan, untuk menentukan apa jadinya diriku. Aku bisa melangkah memasuki gang itu, membela Hassan dan menerima apa pun yang mungkin menimpaku. Atau, aku bisa melarikan diri. Akhirnya, aku melarikan diri. Amir telah mengkhianati Hassan, satu-satunya sahabatnya. Saudaranya. Rasa bersalah kini menghantuinya. Menyingkirkan Hassan dari kehidupannya adalah pilihan tersulit yang harus diambilnya. Namun setelah Hassan pergi, tak ada lagi yang tersisa dari masa kecilnya. Seperi layang-layang putus, sebagian dari dirinya terbang bersama angin. Tetapi, masa lalu yang telah terkubur dalam-dalam pun senantiasa menyeruak kembali. Hadir membawa luka-luka lama. Dan seperti rapuhnya layang-layang, tak kuasa menahan badai, Amir harus menghadapi kenangannya yang mewujud kembali. The Kite Runner adalah sebuah kisah penuh kekuatan tentang persaudaraan, kasih sayang, pengkhianatan, dan penderitaan. Khaled Hosseini dengan brilian menghadirkan sisi-sisi lain Afghanistan, negeri indah yang hingga kini masih menyimpan duka. Di tengah belantara puing di Kota Kabul, akankah amir menemukan kebagahiaan yang kelak menyapu kesedihannya? [Mizan, Qanita, Novel, Inspirasi, Motivasi, Indonesia]

Man's Search for Meaning
A book for finding purpose and strength in times of great despair, the international best-seller is still just as relevant today as when it was first published.“This is a book I reread a lot . . . it gives me hope . . . it gives me a sense of strength.”—Anderson Cooper, Anderson Cooper 360/CNNThis seminal book, which has been called “one of the outstanding contributions to psychological thought” by Carl Rogers and “one of the great books of our time” by Harold Kushner, has been translated into more than fifty languages and sold over sixteen million copies. “An enduring work of survival literature,” according to the New York Times, Viktor Frankl’s riveting account of his time in the Nazi concentration camps, and his insightful exploration of the human will to find meaning in spite of the worst adversity, has offered solace and guidance to generations of readers since it was first published in 1946. At the heart of Frankl’s theory of logotherapy (from the Greek word for “meaning”) is a conviction that the primary human drive is not pleasure, as Freud maintained, but rather the discovery and pursuit of what the individual finds meaningful. Today, as new generations face new challenges and an ever more complex and uncertain world, Frankl’s classic work continues to inspire us all to find significance in the very act of living, in spite of all obstacles.This gift edition come with endpapers, supplementary photographs, and several of Frankl’s previously unpublished letters, speeches, and essays. This book was published with two different covers. Customers will be shipped one of the two at random.

Boris Faktorovich
A book for finding purpose and strength in times of great despair, the international best-seller is still just as relevant today as when it was first published.“This is a book I reread a lot . . . it gives me hope . . . it gives me a sense of strength.”—Anderson Cooper, Anderson Cooper 360/CNNThis seminal book, which has been called “one of the outstanding contributions to psychological thought” by Carl Rogers and “one of the great books of our time” by Harold Kushner, has been translated into more than fifty languages and sold over sixteen million copies. “An enduring work of survival literature,” according to the New York Times, Viktor Frankl’s riveting account of his time in the Nazi concentration camps, and his insightful exploration of the human will to find meaning in spite of the worst adversity, has offered solace and guidance to generations of readers since it was first published in 1946. At the heart of Frankl’s theory of logotherapy (from the Greek word for “meaning”) is a conviction that the primary human drive is not pleasure, as Freud maintained, but rather the discovery and pursuit of what the individual finds meaningful. Today, as new generations face new challenges and an ever more complex and uncertain world, Frankl’s classic work continues to inspire us all to find significance in the very act of living, in spite of all obstacles.This gift edition come with endpapers, supplementary photographs, and several of Frankl’s previously unpublished letters, speeches, and essays. This book was published with two different covers. Customers will be shipped one of the two at random.

The Body Keeps the Score
THE INTERNATIONAL BESTSELLER - OVER 3 MILLION COPIES SOLD'Dr. van der Kolk's masterpiece combines the boundless curiosity of the scientist, the erudition of the scholar, and the passion of the truth teller' Judith Herman, author of Trauma and RecoveryThe effects of trauma can be devastating for sufferers, their families and future generations. Here one of the world's experts on traumatic stress offers a bold new paradigm for treatment, moving away from standard talking and drug therapies and towards an alternative approach that heals mind, brain and body.'Fascinating, hard to put down, and filled with powerful case histories. . . . the most important series of breakthroughs in mental health in the last thirty years' Norman Doidge, author of The Brain that Changes Itself 'An astonishing and important book. The trauma Bible. I cannot recommend it enough for anyone struggling with...well...anything' Tara WestoverThe Body Keeps Score has sold over 3 million copies since publication [Circana BookScan, April 2024]Sunday Times (UK) and New York Times (USA) bestseller, March 2024

Boris Faktorovich
THE INTERNATIONAL BESTSELLER - OVER 3 MILLION COPIES SOLD'Dr. van der Kolk's masterpiece combines the boundless curiosity of the scientist, the erudition of the scholar, and the passion of the truth teller' Judith Herman, author of Trauma and RecoveryThe effects of trauma can be devastating for sufferers, their families and future generations. Here one of the world's experts on traumatic stress offers a bold new paradigm for treatment, moving away from standard talking and drug therapies and towards an alternative approach that heals mind, brain and body.'Fascinating, hard to put down, and filled with powerful case histories. . . . the most important series of breakthroughs in mental health in the last thirty years' Norman Doidge, author of The Brain that Changes Itself 'An astonishing and important book. The trauma Bible. I cannot recommend it enough for anyone struggling with...well...anything' Tara WestoverThe Body Keeps Score has sold over 3 million copies since publication [Circana BookScan, April 2024]Sunday Times (UK) and New York Times (USA) bestseller, March 2024

The Art of Learning
In his riveting new book, The Art of Learning, Waitzkin tells his remarkable story of personal achievement and shares the principles of learning and performance that have propelled him to the top—twice.Josh Waitzkin knows what it means to be at the top of his game. A public figure since winning his first National Chess Championship at the age of nine, Waitzkin was catapulted into a media whirlwind as a teenager when his father’s book Searching for Bobby Fischer was made into a major motion picture. After dominating the scholastic chess world for ten years, Waitzkin expanded his horizons, taking on the martial art Tai Chi Chuan and ultimately earning the title of World Champion. How was he able to reach the pinnacle of two disciplines that on the surface seem so different? “I’ve come to realize that what I am best at is not Tai Chi, and it is not chess,” he says. “What I am best at is the art of learning.” With a narrative that combines heart-stopping martial arts wars and tense chess face-offs with life lessons that speak to all of us, The Art of Learning takes readers through Waitzkin’s unique journey to excellence. He explains in clear detail how a well-thought-out, principled approach to learning is what separates success from failure. Waitzkin believes that achievement, even at the championship level, is a function of a lifestyle that fuels a creative, resilient growth process. Rather than focusing on climactic wins, Waitzkin reveals the inner workings of his everyday method, from systematically triggering intuitive breakthroughs, to honing techniques into states of remarkable potency, to mastering the art of performance psychology. Through his own example, Waitzkin explains how to embrace defeat and make mistakes work for you. Does your opponent make you angry? Waitzkin describes how to channel emotions into creative fuel. As he explains it, obstacles are not obstacles but challenges to overcome, to spur the growth process by turning weaknesses into strengths. He illustrates the exact routines that he has used in all of his competitions, whether mental or physical, so that you too can achieve your peak performance zone in any competitive or professional circumstance. In stories ranging from his early years taking on chess hustlers as a seven year old in New York City’s Washington Square Park, to dealing with the pressures of having a film made about his life, to International Chess Championships in India, Hungary, and Brazil, to gripping battles against powerhouse fighters in Taiwan in the Push Hands World Championships, The Art of Learning encapsulates an extraordinary competitor’s life lessons in a page-turning narrative.

Boris Faktorovich
In his riveting new book, The Art of Learning, Waitzkin tells his remarkable story of personal achievement and shares the principles of learning and performance that have propelled him to the top—twice.Josh Waitzkin knows what it means to be at the top of his game. A public figure since winning his first National Chess Championship at the age of nine, Waitzkin was catapulted into a media whirlwind as a teenager when his father’s book Searching for Bobby Fischer was made into a major motion picture. After dominating the scholastic chess world for ten years, Waitzkin expanded his horizons, taking on the martial art Tai Chi Chuan and ultimately earning the title of World Champion. How was he able to reach the pinnacle of two disciplines that on the surface seem so different? “I’ve come to realize that what I am best at is not Tai Chi, and it is not chess,” he says. “What I am best at is the art of learning.” With a narrative that combines heart-stopping martial arts wars and tense chess face-offs with life lessons that speak to all of us, The Art of Learning takes readers through Waitzkin’s unique journey to excellence. He explains in clear detail how a well-thought-out, principled approach to learning is what separates success from failure. Waitzkin believes that achievement, even at the championship level, is a function of a lifestyle that fuels a creative, resilient growth process. Rather than focusing on climactic wins, Waitzkin reveals the inner workings of his everyday method, from systematically triggering intuitive breakthroughs, to honing techniques into states of remarkable potency, to mastering the art of performance psychology. Through his own example, Waitzkin explains how to embrace defeat and make mistakes work for you. Does your opponent make you angry? Waitzkin describes how to channel emotions into creative fuel. As he explains it, obstacles are not obstacles but challenges to overcome, to spur the growth process by turning weaknesses into strengths. He illustrates the exact routines that he has used in all of his competitions, whether mental or physical, so that you too can achieve your peak performance zone in any competitive or professional circumstance. In stories ranging from his early years taking on chess hustlers as a seven year old in New York City’s Washington Square Park, to dealing with the pressures of having a film made about his life, to International Chess Championships in India, Hungary, and Brazil, to gripping battles against powerhouse fighters in Taiwan in the Push Hands World Championships, The Art of Learning encapsulates an extraordinary competitor’s life lessons in a page-turning narrative.

In Japan in the year 1600, at the dawn of a century-defining civil war, Lord Yoshii Toranaga is fighting for his life as his enemies on the Council of Regents unite against him, when a mysterious European ship is found marooned in a nearby fishing village.

Boris Faktorovich
In Japan in the year 1600, at the dawn of a century-defining civil war, Lord Yoshii Toranaga is fighting for his life as his enemies on the Council of Regents unite against him, when a mysterious European ship is found marooned in a nearby fishing village.

A grifter in 1960s New York is hired to convince a wealthy man's son to return home from Italy and begins a life of deceit, fraud and murder.

Boris Faktorovich
A grifter in 1960s New York is hired to convince a wealthy man's son to return home from Italy and begins a life of deceit, fraud and murder.

Halt and Catch Fire
1980, la década del boom de la informática. Un visionario, un ingeniero y una programadora prodigio cambiaron las cosas en Silicon Prairie, Texas. Joe MacMillan, pieza clave en el lanzamiento del nuevo PC de IBM, recluta al ingeniero de hardware, Gordon Clark, y a la estudiante, Cameron Howe, para alterar el diseño de un PC de IBM, arriesgando el futuro de la compañía de software para la que trabajan mientras compiten contra la mayor empresa de tecnología.

Marc Andreessen
Halt and Catch Fire: Best fictional portrayal of what a tech start is really like

Капли Бога
Mientras el mundo del vino llora la muerte de Alexandre Léger, su hija Camille, muy distanciada de él, descubre la extraordinaria colección que puede ser suya. Pero, para reclamar su herencia, Camille debe superar a Issei, el protegido de Alexandre, en una prueba para sus sentidos.

Boris Faktorovich
Mientras el mundo del vino llora la muerte de Alexandre Léger, su hija Camille, muy distanciada de él, descubre la extraordinaria colección que puede ser suya. Pero, para reclamar su herencia, Camille debe superar a Issei, el protegido de Alexandre, en una prueba para sus sentidos.

A coming-of-age supernatural mystery comedy focusing on Wednesday Addams and her years as a high school student at Nevermore Academy, where she attempts to master her psychic powers, stop a monstrous killing spree of the town citizens, and solve the supernatural mystery that affected her family 25 years ago — all while navigating her new relationships.

Boris Faktorovich
A coming-of-age supernatural mystery comedy focusing on Wednesday Addams and her years as a high school student at Nevermore Academy, where she attempts to master her psychic powers, stop a monstrous killing spree of the town citizens, and solve the supernatural mystery that affected her family 25 years ago — all while navigating her new relationships.

El sargento de la Marina Nicholas Brody (Damian Lewis) regresa a casa ocho años después de su desaparición en Irak, donde vivió encarcelado y sometido a tortura. Finalmente, un comando de las fuerzas especiales lo localiza durante una misión. La joven Carrie Mathison (Claire Danes), una impulsiva e intuitiva agente de la CIA, sospecha que Brody se ha pasado al enemigo durante su cautiverio, pues unos meses antes un terrorista condenado a muerte le habló de un soldado norteamericano que había cambiado de bando. Basada en la serie israelí "Prisoners of War", creada por Gideon Raff.

Boris Faktorovich
El sargento de la Marina Nicholas Brody (Damian Lewis) regresa a casa ocho años después de su desaparición en Irak, donde vivió encarcelado y sometido a tortura. Finalmente, un comando de las fuerzas especiales lo localiza durante una misión. La joven Carrie Mathison (Claire Danes), una impulsiva e intuitiva agente de la CIA, sospecha que Brody se ha pasado al enemigo durante su cautiverio, pues unos meses antes un terrorista condenado a muerte le habló de un soldado norteamericano que había cambiado de bando. Basada en la serie israelí "Prisoners of War", creada por Gideon Raff.

Не сработало
Miniserie basada en hechos reales con una historia de amor como núcleo de la trama. WeWork empezó siendo un sencillo espacio de coworking, y en menos de una década se convirtió en una marca internacional valorada en 47 000 millones de dólares. Pero entonces, en apenas un año, su valor cayó en 40 000 millones. ¿Qué pasó?

Boris Faktorovich
Miniserie basada en hechos reales con una historia de amor como núcleo de la trama. WeWork empezó siendo un sencillo espacio de coworking, y en menos de una década se convirtió en una marca internacional valorada en 47 000 millones de dólares. Pero entonces, en apenas un año, su valor cayó en 40 000 millones. ¿Qué pasó?

Добро пожаловать на Землю
Will Smith, cuya curiosidad y asombro es positivamente contagioso, es guiado por exploradores de National Geographic que viajan a diferentes rincones del mundo para conocer de cerca los espectáculos más extraños, inusuales, peligrosos y emocionantes del planeta.

Boris Faktorovich
Will Smith, cuya curiosidad y asombro es positivamente contagioso, es guiado por exploradores de National Geographic que viajan a diferentes rincones del mundo para conocer de cerca los espectáculos más extraños, inusuales, peligrosos y emocionantes del planeta.

Con las dispares ciudades de Piltover y Zaun como telón de fondo, dos hermanas luchan en bandos opuestos de una guerra entre tecnologías mágicas y creencias enfrentadas.

Boris Faktorovich
Con las dispares ciudades de Piltover y Zaun como telón de fondo, dos hermanas luchan en bandos opuestos de una guerra entre tecnologías mágicas y creencias enfrentadas.

La casa de papel
Un enigmático personaje llamado el Profesor planea algo grande: llevar a cabo el mayor atraco de la historia. Para ello recluta una banda de ocho personas que reúnen un único requisito, ninguno tiene nada que perder. Cinco meses de reclusión memorizando cada paso, cada detalle, cada probabilidad… y por fin, once días de encierro en la Fábrica Nacional de Moneda, rodeados de cuerpos de policía y con decenas de rehenes en su poder para saber si su apuesta suicida será todo o nada.

Boris Faktorovich
Un enigmático personaje llamado el Profesor planea algo grande: llevar a cabo el mayor atraco de la historia. Para ello recluta una banda de ocho personas que reúnen un único requisito, ninguno tiene nada que perder. Cinco meses de reclusión memorizando cada paso, cada detalle, cada probabilidad… y por fin, once días de encierro en la Fábrica Nacional de Moneda, rodeados de cuerpos de policía y con decenas de rehenes en su poder para saber si su apuesta suicida será todo o nada.

8 handpan albums you don’t want to miss from 2020 (Don't miss it)

Boris Faktorovich

Locked In The Silver Box, by Dickster Feat. Big Al

Boris Faktorovich

Black Angel

Boris Faktorovich

One More Playlist 2020 DJ SETS
еще одна сочная подборка миксов этого года

Boris Faktorovich
еще одна сочная подборка миксов этого года

Islandman - Kaybola (Full Album)

Boris Faktorovich
Нереально крутые чуваки из Турции Islandman выпустили новый альбом.
Мы были на их лайве на Бали, который устраивал Gardens of Babylon. Топчик.

Deep Theta 2.0: Brainwave Entrainment Music for Meditation and Healing

Boris Faktorovich

Johar Ali - Khan 432Hz- Celeste (Blueberry Movie Soundtrack)

Boris Faktorovich

Hoerboard – Pro Audio & DJ Furniture
The Customized DJ Table

Boris Faktorovich
The Customized DJ Table