Libros de Beyoncé

Letter To My Daughter

Dedicated to the daughter she never had but sees all around her, Letter to my Daughter reveals Maya Angelou's path to living well and living a life with meaning. Told in her own inimitable style, this book transcends genres and categories: it's part guidebook, part memoir, part poetry - and pure delight.Here in short essays are glimpses of the tumultuous life that led Angelou to an exalted place in American letters and taught her lessons about compassion and fortitude. Whether she is recalling lost friends, extolling honesty or simply singing the praises of a meal of red rice, Maya Angelou writes from the heart to millions of women.Like the rest of her remarkable work, Letter to My Daughter entertains and teaches. It is a book to cherish, savour, reread and share.
Estoy convencida de que la mayoría de la gente no crece. Buscamos plazas para aparcar y honramos nuestras tarjetas de crédito. Nos casamos y nos atrevemos a tener hijos y a eso lo llamamos crecer. Creo que lo que hacemos es sobre todo envejecer. Llevamos la acumulación de los años en nuestros cuerpos y en nuestros rostros, pero generalmente nuestro verdadero yo, los niños que llevamos dentro, siguen siendo inocentes y tímidos como las magnolias. Podemos actuar de forma sofisticada y mundana, pero creo que nos sentimos más seguros cuando entramos en nuestro interior y encontramos nuestro hogar, un lugar al que pertenecemos y quizá es el único en realidad.
Libros de Beyoncé

The 22-Day Revolution

THE NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER FROM THE AUTHOR OF THE GREENPRINT AND CREATOR OF 22 DAYS NUTRITION—WITH A FOREWORD BY BEYONCÉ. A groundbreaking plant based, vegan program designed to transform your mental, emotional, and physical health in just 22 days—includes an Introduction by Dr. Dean Ornish. Founded on the principle that it takes 21 days to make or break a habit, The 22-Day Revolution is a plant based diet designed to create lifelong habits that will empower you to live a healthier lifestyle, to lose weight, or to reverse serious health concerns. The benefits of a vegan diet cannot be overstated, as it has been proven to help prevent cancer, lower cholesterol levels, reduce the risk of heart disease, decrease blood pressure, and even reverse diabetes. As one of today’s most sought-after health experts, exercise physiologist Marco Borges has spent years helping his exclusive list of high-profile clients permanently change their lives and bodies through his innovative methods. Celebrities from Beyoncé, Jay-Z, Jennifer Lopez, and Pharrell Williams, to Gloria Estefan and Shakira have all turned to him for his expertise. Beyoncé is such an avid supporter that she's partnered with Borges to launch 22 Days Nutrition, his plant-based home delivery meal service. Now, for the first time, Borges unveils his coveted and revolutionary manifesto, featuring the comprehensive fundamentals of starting a plant-based diet. Inside, you’ll find motivating strategies, benefits and tips for staying the course, delicious recipes, and a detailed 22-day meal plan. With this program, you will lead a healthier, more energetic, and more productive life—helping you to live the life you want, not just the one you have.
Marco, felicidades por entrar en la lista de los libros más vendidos de New York Times y por el hecho de que #The22DayRevolution se ha convertido en el libro de dietas número uno del país.
Libros de Beyoncé

Teaching My Mother how to Give Birth

What elevates 'teaching my mother how to give birth', what gives the poems their disturbing brilliance, is Warsan Shire's ability to give simple, beautiful eloquence to the veiled world where sensuality lives in the dominant narrative of Islam; reclaiming the more nuanced truths of earlier times - as in Tayeb Salih's work - and translating to the realm of lyric the work of the likes of Nawal El Saadawi. As Rumi said, "Love will find its way through all languages on its own"; in 'teaching my mother how to give birth', Warsan's début pamphlet, we witness the unearthing of a poet who finds her way through all preconceptions to strike the heart directly. Warsan Shire is a Kenyan-born Somali poet and writer who is based in London. Born in 1988, she is an artist and activist who uses her work to document narratives of journey and trauma. Warsan has read her work internationally, including recent readings in South Africa, Italy and Germany, and her poetry has been translated into Italian, Spanish and Portuguese.
"No sé cuándo el amor se volvió elusivo. Lo que sé es que nadie que conozca lo tiene", dice Beyoncé en una voz en off en la película, y luego líneas derivadas del poema publicado anteriormente por la Sra. Shire "el peso insoportable de quedarse - (es el fin de la relación)". Ella continúa: "Los brazos de mi padre alrededor del cuello de mi madre, fruta demasiado madura para comer. Yo comparo a los amantes con los árboles... creciendo el uno hacia el otro y desde el otro. Buscando la misma luz". Puede que "Lemonade", que atribuye a la Sra. Shire la "adaptación cinematográfica y la poesía", la lanzará a un nuevo nivel de fama en la cultura pop, pero muchos ya la conocen como una voz convincente sobre la mujer negra y la diáspora africana, una voz especialmente resonante en la era digital.
Libros de Beyoncé

What Will It Take to Make A Woman President?

“I would love for my younger fans to read What Will It Take to Make a Woman President? by Marianne Schnall. It’s a collection of interviews and essays by great women, including Maya Angelou, Gloria Steinem, and Melissa Etheridge. They will inspire you to become a better leader.” —Beyoncé Prompted by a question from her eight-year-old daughter during the 2008 election of Barack Obama—“Why haven’t we ever had a woman president?”—Marianne Schnall set out on a journey to find the answer. A widely published writer, author, and interviewer, and the Executive Director of, Schnall began looking at the issues from various angles and perspectives, gathering viewpoints from influential people from all sectors. What Will It Take to Make A Woman President? features interviews with politicians, public officials, thought leaders, writers, artists, and activists in an attempt to discover the obstacles that have held women back and what needs to change in order to elect a woman into the White House. With insights and personal anecdotes from Sheryl Sandberg, Maya Angelou, Gloria Steinem, Nancy Pelosi, Nicholas Kristof, Melissa Etheridge, and many more, this book addresses timely, provocative issues involving women, politics, and power. With a broader goal of encouraging women and girls to be leaders in their lives, their communities, and the larger world, Schnall and her interviewees explore the changing paradigms occurring in politics and in our culture with the hope of moving toward meaningful and effective solutions—and a world where a woman can be president.
"Me encantaría que mis fans más jóvenes leyeran el libro "What Will It Take to Make a Woman President?" de Marianne Schnall".