Music recommended by Tom Brady
13 songs

Tom Brady's Workout Playlistt - 13 Recommendations

Here is Tom Brady's playlist of songs he listens to before games to "get in the zone," and it's an eclectic mix of rap and rock.
Tom Brady
Here is Tom Brady's playlist of songs he listens to before games to "get in the zone," and it's an eclectic mix of rap and rock.
Music from Tom Brady

Jack Johnson

Tom Brady
Favourite music
Music from Tom Brady

Public Service Announcement (Interlude) — JAY-Z

Tom Brady
When Brady takes the field for home games at Gillette Stadium, Jay-Z's "Public Service Announcement" is played.
Music recommended by Tom Brady
5 songs

Tom Brady Playlist - 5 Recommendations

The New England Patriots player Tom Brady said his playlist includes Coldplay, U2, Pearl Jam and Kendrick Lamar.
Tom Brady
The New England Patriots player Tom Brady said his playlist includes Coldplay, U2, Pearl Jam and Kendrick Lamar.