Cuisine from Shawn Mendes

Chocolate Chip Muffins

Shawn Mendes
Cuisine from Shawn Mendes

Sunday roast

The Sunday roast is a traditional British main meal that is typically served on Sunday (hence the name), consisting of roasted meat, roast potato, mash potato and accompaniments such as Yorkshire pudding, stuffing, bread and mint sauce, vegetables and gravy. Other vegetables such as cauliflower often in the form of cauliflower cheese, roast parsnips, brussels sprouts (typically termed brussel sprouts), peas, carrots, runner beans, and broccoli, can be part of the dish. The Sunday roast is also popular in many parts of Ireland, especially in most of Ulster (chiefly in Northern Ireland and County Donegal). Its prominence in British culture is such that in a UK poll it was ranked second in a list of things people love about Britain. Other names for this meal are Sunday lunch, roast dinner, full roast, and Sunday joint (joint referring specifically to the joint of meat). The meal is often comparable to a less grand version of a traditional Christmas dinner. Besides being served in its original homelands, the tradition of a Sunday dinner has been a major influence on food cultures in the English-speaking world. Roast dinner is also a traditionally popular dish in the Republic of Ireland. An Irish Sunday roast normally comprises roast beef or chicken, potatoes (mashed and/or roast), carrots, green vegetables (such as peas, beans, or Brussels sprouts), and gravy. In South Africa it is also common to have rice with a Sunday roast.
Shawn Mendes
It's a very, very, very tough battle between curry and roast dinner, but if I had to choose one, I would simply choose roast dinner.
Cuisine from Shawn Mendes


A muffin is an individual-sized, baked product. It can refer to two distinct items, a part-raised flatbread that is baked and then cooked on a griddle (typically unsweetened) and a cupcake-like quickbread (often sweetened) that is chemically leavened and then baked in a mold. While quickbread muffins are often sweetened, there are savory varieties made with ingredients such as corn and cheese. The flatbread is of British or European derivation, and dates from at least the early 18th century, while the quickbread originated in North America during the 19th century. Both are common worldwide today.
Shawn Mendes
If it’s the evening I’ll go for a chocolate chip but if it’s morning I’ll 100% go for blueberry. I’m all over the place with muffins. Carrots are great. Banana, chocolate chip, they rock too. I love muffins, they’re my shit.
Cuisine from Shawn Mendes


Shawn Mendes
I would order the breakfast burrito, and the coffee, because the coffee there is like crack.
Cuisine from Shawn Mendes


Shawn Mendes
Edamame is my new favourite thing.