TV Shows from Russell Crowe


Estranged foster-brothers Stephen and Andrew vie to take over the family business following the death of their father.
Russell Crowe
Actor, Director
You may recall I was a big fan of the tv show Back. I’ve now just finished watching Series 2. Acerbic, punishing, truculent and yet... charming... In its own perverse way. Love it. Great performances and writing. Looking forward to series 3.
TV Shows from Russell Crowe

Mr Inbetween

Ray Shoesmith is a father, ex-husband, boyfriend and best friend: tough roles to juggle in the modern age. Even harder when you’re a criminal for hire.
Russell Crowe
Actor, Director
Finding myself binge watching Mr Inbetween... again. Great show. Scott Ryan, Brook Satchwell, Nicolas Cassim (amazing),Justin Rosniak, Damon Herriman ... what a cast.
TV Shows from Russell Crowe

Mirror Mirror: Love and Hate

Mirror Mirror: Love and Hate
Russell Crowe
Actor, Director
Watching @toddsampsonOz MirrorMirror. Unsettling.
TV Shows from Russell Crowe


When family outcast Lucky Flynn learns that his mother is dying, he decides to drive to the other side of Australia to see her, packing nothing but an upright piano for the journey. But his plans are soon turned upside down when he meets the runaway teenager Meg, who’s dealing with some family demons of her own.
Russell Crowe
Actor, Director
Next week in the US look out for Tim Minchins’ series UPRIGHT. Witty, sharp, affecting. Watch it and tell your friends.
TV Shows from Russell Crowe

Anh's Brush with Fame

Comedian Anh Do loves to paint portraits and loves getting to know people, this new series combines the two.
Russell Crowe
Actor, Director
I’m watching Anh Do’s “ Brush with fame “ , it’s just consistently excellent and intriguing . His humanity and his heart and his brilliance. I’m grateful for the ABC .