Books recommended by Liv Tyler

Liv Tyler's Favorite Books

Liv Tyler

Liv Tyler's favorite books - 5 recommendations
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Books from Liv Tyler

The Leftovers

"I've been working on the Leftovers TV show for HBO for the past three years which is based on Tom’s novel. I love this book. It is an incredible character study. There are so many complicated and emotionally rich characters here. He describes each one of them with so much detail and love. He takes you deep inside their inner workings and feelings. You see the way they are seen in the world and what is really going on with them inside. It’s incredible to have something like this to inspire and refer to while creating a character."
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Books from Liv Tyler

Modern Manners

"This is a book I wrote with my grandmother a couple years ago. But really, it is a book of all my grandmother’s secrets to success and elegance. She has been an etiquette expert for many years and has taught me so much. There are many great tips about how to conduct yourself in the world and workplace but more than that, it really gives great examples of how taking the time to treat people with kindness and thoughtfulness is so valuable and makes such a difference in how people in the world treat you and see you. It’s a great read, because you can just pick it up at anytime, open it to any page and learn something great."
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Books from Liv Tyler

Oh, the Places You'll Go!

"This is one of my favourite books of all time. It is technically a children’s book but it feels like it was written for all, big and small. It is about the ups and downs in life, the wonderful and horrible and how to navigate your way through it all with humour and grace. How to follow your heart, learn from your mistakes and always keep moving along. Every time I read this book to my children I am blown away by how much it speaks to me at every stage of my life and how grateful I am to Dr. Seuss for writing it."
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Books from Liv Tyler

Edith's Diary

"I'm reading this right now and am fascinated with the character. She is so deeply disappointed, angry and lonely in her life, marriage and family that she starts keeping a diary of a completely different life – a life filled with colour and fulfillment. It is wild to live both lives with her. Both the one she is imagining and writing about each day, and then the real life that she is enduring and living."
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Books from Liv Tyler

Ask the Dust

"I love this book. My best friend Victoria gave it to me when I was 18. I still have the same copy, I take it with me everywhere, on all my travels and it is very worn in. I love John Fante's style of writing, so simple, yet so profound all at once. I love the way Arturo Bandini sees the world, how he describes what he sees and truly feels. I just think it's brilliant. When I read it, I often find myself reading a sentence or thought and loving it so much I have to go back and read it again. I'm not sure exactly why or how but it truly touched me and continues to inspire me."
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