Movies recommended by Kit Harington

12 Movies Kit Harington Recommends

Kit Harington

Want to know what are the favorite movies of Kit Harington? Here is the full list!
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Movies from Kit Harington

Mulholland Dr.

I love "Mulholland Dr.," but even that kind of got to me at times.
Movies from Kit Harington

The Ring

I love "The Ring."
Movies from Kit Harington

Inland Empire

I love [David] Lynch as well. I could not get through "Inland Empire." I tried to watch that movie three or four times. I can't get through it. It's too scary. Starts freaking me out and then when it goes black and white … too much, too...
Movies from Kit Harington

The Wicker Man

I love "The Wicker Man." The whole idea of a town with a strange group of people who haven't really moved on beyond a certain time period — I think it's what kind of appealed to me about it.
Movies from Kit Harington

The Shining

I love "The Shining."
Movies from Kit Harington


What movie never fails to make you cry? KH: Titanic.
Movies from Kit Harington

They Shall Not Grow Old

I also watched They Shall Never Grow Old, which is a very haunting First World War documentary.
Movies from Kit Harington

Red Dragon

I watched Red Dragon again recently.
Movies from Kit Harington

25th Hour

There was a film called 25th hour wich I love.
Movies from Kit Harington

Romeo + Juliet

Which film or TV program has most influenced you? Film: Romeo and Juliet, probably.
Movies from Kit Harington

Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone

I always wanted to be in a Potter movie. I always wanted to be Harry Potter.
Movies from Kit Harington

Eye in the Sky

I was watching the movie Eye in the Sky with Helen Mirren. Alan Rickman had died, and I saw him in this movie—and that made me very upset. That was a while ago. I need a cry.