The art of war (Illustrated)
The art of war is a script , Sun Tzu Includes us every corner of the war , from what's happening between the leader and the minion through the duty of the leader towards cutizen during war to the nature of the land and the weather during...
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The prince
This movie has a special place to me , it's the desperate Efforts of Machiavelli to build up italy again from the scratch , From his exile he enlighten his leader with his political knowledge through a gift which is later the most famous...
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Prisoners of Geography
The Prisoners of geography are the countries that are tied up with their geographic location , and now they recognise that they have to deal with it , they need geo-politics more than anyone else , doesn't only looks to geography , it's a...
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The 48 Laws Of Power
Robert Green's proof that this book is a hundred percent guaranteed for its purpose with all the examples from different eras of history , takes Louis the XIV and Otto Von Bismarck as role models to this written vital .