Movies recommended by you  fucking


15 Mar 2021

you fucking

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Movies from you  fucking

5. Незнакомец на берегу моря

На острове у берегов Окинавы двое молодых людей встречаются на пляже. Сюн Хасимото - гей и хочет стать писателем. Мио Тибана – угрюмый старшеклассник. С каждым днем они становятся все ближе, но затем Мио внезапно покидает остров. Три года спустя Мио возвращается к Сюну и говорит, что тот ему нравится. Однако, столкнувшись с перспективой интимной близости, Сюн не может на это решится.
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Movies from you  fucking

4. В лес, где мерцают светлячки

One hot summer day a little girl gets lost in an enchanted forest of the mountain god where spirits reside. A young boy appears before her, but she cannot touch him for fear of making him disappear. And so a wondrous adventure awaits...
Movies from you  fucking

3. Унесённые призраками

A young girl, Chihiro, becomes trapped in a strange new world of spirits. When her parents undergo a mysterious transformation, she must call upon the courage she never knew she had to free her family.
Movies from you  fucking

2. Мой сосед Тоторо

Two sisters move to the country with their father in order to be closer to their hospitalized mother, and discover the surrounding trees are inhabited by Totoros, magical spirits of the forest. When the youngest runs away from home, the older sister seeks help from the spirits to find her.
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Movies from you  fucking

Big Fish & Begonia

Beyond the human realm, there is a magical race of beings who control the tides and the changing of the seasons. One of these beings, a young girl named Chun, seeks something more—she wants to experience the human world! At sixteen, she finally gets her chance and transforms into a dolphin in order to explore the world that has her fascinated. But she soon discovers that it’s a dangerous place and nearly gets killed in a vortex. Luckily, her life is spared when a young boy sacrifices himself to save her. Moved by his kindness and courage, she uses magic to bring him back to life only to learn that this power comes at a serious price. On a new adventure, she’ll have to make her own sacrifices in order to protect his soul until it is ready to return to the human world.
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