Beauty recommended by Joe Rogan

All Joe Rogan's Tattoos Revealed

Joe Rogan

Take a look at 3 tattoos Joe Rogan has on his body. One of them is constantly covered or intentionally hidden by Joe himself, but we've found its detailed picture.
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Beauty from Joe Rogan

#1 Hidden Joe Rogan Rage Face Tattoo at the Top of the Right Arm

Picture of Joe Rogan's usually hidden tattoo of some sort of clown face. Picture credit: Brian Reichle
Beauty from Joe Rogan

#2 Joe Rogan - Miyamoto Musashi Tiger Tattoo Sleeve on the Right Arm

I have this new tattoo that’s of this samurai Miyamoto Musashi fighting this tiger and it’s my whole right sleeve. One of the reasons I got it is… pretty much my whole life… I read this Miyamoto Musashi quote when I was young from THE BOOK OF THE FIVE RINGS and it’s that once you understand The Way broadly, you can see it in all things.
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Beauty from Joe Rogan

#3 Joe Rogan's Spiritual Tattoo On The Left Arm

Joe has a magnificent tattoo on his left arm which is engulfing his entire arm length. The tattoo appears spiritual as it seemingly has a godly figure on the top with its third eye open,with a snake from it going downwards to the entire length. It resembles Lord Shiva from Hindu mythology. Then we see a chemical structure of some chemical compound inscribed in between the figure. Joe explains this tattoo as some other dimension that we visit in our sleep under the influence of a drug called DMT that is secreted while we are in the deep sleep. He believes the figure to be the alien that communicated to him while he was in the other dimension.
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